Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Madison Knitters Guild (+ a new winner!)

Hi Knitters,
First off, I had to randomly select a new winner for the Color by Kristin book. The new winner left this comment:

Blogger ~yolanda said...

What a lovely book! I love color. It is indeed the spice of life!

ravelry id-yolandamarie :)
January 03, 2010
Yay, Yolanda!! Please email me (or send through Ravelry) your mailing address. I will pass on your address to Kristin's publisher so they can send you your book. Congrats!

Okay, now on to some more business. On Monday, January 11th, I am the speaker for the Madison Knitters Guild meeting. For all information about the guild and meeting please hop on over here. The doors open at 6pm and I will be there to sign and sell books at that time. At 7pm the meeting starts and I will be talking about Itty-Bitty knitting things and sharing book trunk shows and answering questions about knitting, blogging, my books, how I got started, etc... I am hoping for an interactive meeting!

To make the meeting even more fun and exciting my kind employer and fabulous yarn company gave me some prizes to raffle off at the Monday night MKG meeting:

Raffle prize #1 - (see photo above) My brand new polar bear pattern yet to be released called, Three Brrrr Bears, and enough Spud & Chloë Fine yarn to make the smallest bear. This will come in a Spud & Chloë pattern box and will include the Spud & Chloë zipper pouch!
Raffle prize #2 - My Flap Happy Hat pattern and the Spud & Chloë Sweater yarn to make the hat! This prize will come in the Spud & Chloë pattern box and will include Spud & Chloë zipper pouch!
These are the Spud & Chloë zipper pouches.
This is the beautiful Spud & Chloë pattern box.
Raffle prize #3 - The next raffle prize includes the Blue Sky Alpacas Polka Dot Hat Set Pattern, 3 skeins of the dreamy Suri Merino, enough to knit up the set, and a Pretty Cheep Project Bag!!
Raffle prize #4 - This prize includes the Two Button Hat Set pattern, 2 skeins of the Worsted Hand Dyes, enough to complete the project and a Pretty Cheep Project Bag!

Can you believe the generosity of Blue Sky/Spud & Chloë? I am telling you this company does so much behind the scenes goodness. They are constantly donating to charity projects and helping and providing constant customer service. They do all of this quietly and discreetly which makes me love them even more.

All information about the yarn and patterns and products can be found on the following links:

I will have some other things to raffle off as well. Maybe I'll throw in a couple of books or something like that. I'll see what I have.

Anyhoo, I hope you can come to the meeting. I am very excited about the meeting and have been looking forward to it for a long time.

See you there!
I just had to throw this project into the post because I am so happy about it. I finished this new hat design up this morning. I am calling it, Heart on a String. It is going to be a new free pattern on my other blog, Spud says! As soon as I write up the pattern I will make it available.
Isn't it sweet?
I always see drawings of heart balloons on string and I love them. I decided to make a knitted heart on a string as an homage to the heart balloons often found in children's literature illustrations and elsewhere.

I love Valentine's Day, the colors, the sweethearts and cards and candy. It is a fun time of year. Hopefully this little free hat pattern will make it a fun season for knitting along with showing our love for each other.

I'll let you know as soon as the pattern is available.
best, susie


  1. Yarn and patterns and bags, oh my! I can't wait to see you Monday night! And I love that new little heart on a string rock!

  2. Love that new hat pattern. I can just see my younger grand-daughters in that hat for Valentine's Day. Thanks for all the great ideas you keep sending our way!

  3. Those bags are such a great idea for gifts! They look so cute :)
    I love the hat, it would be a perfect gift for a friends little girls (twins)!

  4. Wow! All of those goodies are fabulous! I LOVE the new hat! I'll be waiting for the pattern. I'm trying to think of what colors I can do to make it boyish! My little guy needs a Valentine hat!

    (AshnBill on Ravelry)

  5. Wow! What fabulous prizes! I wish I could come to the Madison Knitters Guild and meet you. I live too far though :(
    That's such a cute hat! I have an extra skein of outer in Soapstone and have been wondering what to knit with it. Now I'm glad I saved it, because it would be perfect for this hat! Can't wait for the pattern!


  6. Oh I can't wait for the meeting! Love the heart hat...will make it for my great niece Caitlyn. So sweet and just in time for valentine's day! Kim

  7. Wow . . . Wish I could attend, but I don't live anywhere near you. Well, in MI, but it's still not close! Even if I did live close I still couldn't go. Am currently on total bedrest. I went into preterm labor with my second daughter earlier this week and am now completely confined. I guess it frees up knitting time!

    Have fun Monday night!

    Oh, and love the new hat. So cute!

  8. I live way to far to go to this Madison Knitters Guild meeting (tear), but I would do about anything to win any of those! WOW!! What lucky people to win! I LOVE the polar bears too! That is our mascot, the Jackson Polar Bears!! Too stinkin cute! Thanks for the smile today!

  9. My gosh, I sure wish I lived in Madison. Those great prizes are worth flying there for!!

  10. I wish so much Arizona was not so far away...would love to be there Monday night! In the past year all my knitting has been with your patterns and with Blue Sky and Spud and Chloe yarns...and I am hooked! Thanks for sharing and giving us so many ideas!

  11. living in the UK, just a bit too far, but wow what a wonderful collection and just love the litle hearts, you are a true inspiration.

  12. I wonder how long it will take me to drive from Kentucky to Madison so I can Monday night :0) !!!!
    I Love, Love .... Love the new hat pattern !!!! The sweetheart washcloth is still one of my favorites :0)

  13. christine m. east of torontoJanuary 09, 2010

    ack! you're killing me! i had to look away from all the great loot knowing that madison is a might too far from my part of canada to make it to the meeting on monday! grrr. hmmm, any thoughts on doing it as a live pod cast? then maybe your listening audience could also participate in the fun? :) ;)

  14. love that hat..must make for each child for v-day! seriously!

  15. My little girl just asked me for a hat today, and the Heart on a String hat is perfect! I'll be excited to start on that one.

    Thanks for sharing,

  16. Oh my goodness what an awesome post! I love the hat!!! Congratulations YolandaMarie! I love that one of our Rav group won!! :) And those prizes!!! So generous!!! I wish I could go to your event! :)

  17. How I wish to be able to go to the meeting! But I'm half a globe away...

  18. Love the new pattern! Always excited to see the new designs you make. May I put a bug in your ear - a hat for little boys? i just had my 2nd boy and have made all the 'boy' hats in your book and am looking for new 'masculine' hats to make them! just a thought!! keep up the great designs.

  19. Susan, so wish we lived closer to you to meet you at the Guild meeting and have a chance to win those great prizes. The great Canadian north is a bit of a road trip for a Monday night outing. So glad I found your blog, I have all your books!

  20. I love the new hat pattern ... can't wait till you post it. I'll definitely be making a couple for my younger girls.

  21. just saw the heart hat over at spud says and can hardly wait to knit up a few for my girls! What a perfect valentine's day treat! thank you!

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Wowza, those are some gorgeous and generous prizes. I will miss your talk, but wish you luck! And that hat, omg, darling! Thanks in advance for sharing.

  24. What a great giveaway. I love the new heart hat pattern...can't wait to get started.

    Aimee from CA

  25. So not fair! Why can't I live in Madison so I can join to raffle??!

  26. Hola Susan, paso a saludarte y espero que hayas pasado un lindo año junto a tus seres querido, que este año sea mejor y dios te bendiga

  27. That hat is just the cutest, and those bags are so perfect for gifts. Love your site.
    Thanks for sharing!
