Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Thursday, January 07, 2010

A Little Better Now

Hi Knitters,
These photos are a little better of my new hat pattern, Slip. Look how long T.C.'s hair is getting. Those are some long braids. She wants to get her hair cut off for Locks of Love again this spring. That is fine but I miss the long hair when it isn't there.

I haven't heard from Courtney yet for the giveaway. Courtney? Are you out there? You won Color by Kristin! Email me your mailing address. You have until tomorrow, Friday, Jan. 8th.

Speaking of Kristin, did you see this hat she designed? Awesome!!!
The Collector was so excited when I let her wear the hat to school today. She likes to wear the hat low on her head, like hanging down over her eyes a bit. I made her push it up a little for the photos.

My friend Rachel posted some great links today. She is a fun one to watch. Her knitting is incredible and she has her finger on the pulse of the knitting world. I love her blog.
I posted this hat on my other blog today. It is called Serendipity and is designed by Brandy Fortune. It is made in Spud & Chloƫ Outer. Check out this hat and more over on Spud says! I also recently posted a Leaf scarf and bookmark pattern and the pattern for some delicious pears. Both patterns are free!
Another friend of mine, Sylvia, has started a very sweet blog called, Fresh Maked. I may have mentioned it one other time. She knits (very well), designs, bakes and sews. Her new sewing pattern is free and is ready for download. It is for these fantastic fabric letters. I might have to give this pattern a go. I think I need lots of words on my blank walls. Words like: knit, hop to it, write your patterns, get your work done, stay focused, deadlines... yeah, words like that:)

The photo below is from Patty (aka jimberlys). If you look behind The Collector, above, you can see my yarn storage cubbies. Patty looked up my cubbies from the Sundance catalog and her handy and talented husband made her some of her own. She was sweet enough to send me a photo. I love your Ribbit, Rabbit and your Hoot Hat on top of your cubbies. Thanks for sharing.

One more quick thing! I am the speaker for the Madison Knitters Guild meeting on Monday, January 11th. I have some really fun things lined up including 4 fantastic giveaway raffle prizes straight from Spud & Chloƫ and Blue Sky Alpacas! I have some things up my sleeve to give away, as well. It should be a fun night with my super-sized trunk show that will include items from all three Itty-Bitty books. I'll have more on this on the next post!

Okay, I'm supposed to be knitting right now. Gotta go!
best, susie


  1. "I'm supposed to be knitting right now." That cracked me up! If only I could legitimately say that.

  2. I love the hat! The colors are so vibrant, and I like the way that sits on her head. Perfect

  3. I like how you have those bins for your yarn! Cool idea. Where do you find those, simple, little hat stands?

  4. Ok, I want my knitting stash to look like yours. (as opposed to being stuffed into an overflowing storage ottoman)
