Friday, July 11, 2008

Come and Get It (a humongous giveaway!)

Hi Knitters,
I am doing a major clean out of my studio. I have too much stuff and not enough space. So here it goes, I am having a major, humongous, giant giveaway for some lucky reader. My house is pet-free and smoke-free for anyone concerned.

To start things off I am giving up my Mousie, Mousie which is a Lucinda Guy design that I knitted in Yarntini's Vintage colorway, which is hard to get. It is adorable in every way. I love this mouse but I have too many knitted toys right now. She needs a new home.
Next up I am throwing in three fabulous books. Why would I part with these favorites? I have double copies of all three. The Collection II, Simple and Elegant is one of my all-time favorite cookbooks, I use it to death. This copy has never been used because I received two copies for Christmas and I only use the other one. The recipes are written by Madison residents and they are all good and easy. You'll love it.

The Book of Yarn is another fantastic book by Clara Parkes. I had already bought a copy and then I met Clara at TNNA and she signed a book for me so of course I had to take it. This copy was gently read by me at home and I only dog-eared one page (I just checked). I love to dog-ear and I know I shouldn't do it. This book is a treasure-filled exploration of yarn and has 40 wonderful patterns to boot.

Easy Knits for Little Kids by Catherine Tough, who is a designer for Rowan, is a great little book with kid-friendly patterns. See those tiger booties on the cover? Those are folded square style booties like the page 81 booties (free pattern on my sidebar) in Itty-Bitty Hats. There are super cute patterns throughout the book. I have no idea why or how I got two copies of this one.
Okay, I am throwing in tons of yarn for the lucky winner. This bunch includes Knit Picks Memories in, right to left, Redwood Forest, Smores and Hawaii, two skeins of each and it is sock yarn. The sock yarn on the far left is called Simple Stripes by Knit Picks, two balls. All beautiful, all in pristine condition just waiting to be knit by you, hopefully.
I am including two Amy Butler pattern cards for sewing. Going down the right side is a sheep tape measure from Simply Knitting, a tin of hot cinnamon tea (never been opened) and some knitter's hand balm from the Potter Craft booth at TNNA (never been opened).
Here is a bit more yarn for you. Knit Picks sock yarn called Parade, and Knit Picks Simple Stripes, two skeins of each of those. The center yarn is Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn and it looks like berries. All never been used and in perfect condition.
Shi Bui yarn is really making a splash lately. I got this free ball of Shi Bui Sock at TNNA. It is a full ball and it is a glorious rainbow...and I'm throwing it in.
Here is something really great I want to give to you. I am sending off 16 balls of Classic Elite's Zelda in the banana colorway, which is muted and luscious. It is a soft, thick and thin yarn of 70% wool/30% linen, 75 yards per ball. It is knitted at 3 1/2 - 4 1/2 stitches per inch on US 7-9 needles. It is a sweater's worth of yarn for sure and it is in perfect condition.
I am including this Classic Elite pattern booklet for Zelda that contains patterns for all four of the sweaters on the cover. They are all classic styles and quite lovely. I was going to knit the bottom right hand sweater. It has a beautiful cable running up the front and an A-line shape. I just never have gotten around to it.
Last but not least, I am sending off this brand-new Jordana Paige messenger bag. It has never been used, not once. I bought it one to two years ago and it just isn't right for me. It is a great bag with tons of pockets inside designed for knitters, zipper enclosures and pattern a slot and much more. It holds a ton of stuff, it's like it expands as you fill it.
All of Jordana's bags are a treat with great attention to detail.
I am stuffing it full and sending it off to one lucky winner. If you don't want something I have included just pass it along to someone else or donate it to a local charity. I was going to donate a bunch of this stuff but then I thought I would share the love with you first, dear Knitters.

Okay, so here are the rules:
1. Make a comment to this post. I prefer comments instead of emails please, that got a little too crazy to keep track of last time. You can just say hi but be sure to leave your name or your blogger name or something identifying. Please don't leave anonymous comments and please don't comment more than once (I know sometimes that is an accident).

2. Due to the size and weight of the giveaway the shipping costs are going to be quite high. Therefore I am limiting the entries to mailing addresses in the United States and Canada. Sorry worldwide friends but I need groceries around here:)

3. Leave your comment by Tuesday, July 15th, 12:00am, midnight, to be eligible to win.

4. I will select a winner using a random number generator and will post the winning comment on Wednesday, July 16th. The winner will then need to contact me by the end of the week (Friday, July 18th) to send me their mailing address. If the winner hasn't contacted me by Friday, I will select a new winner.

I think that should do it.

Good luck, Knitters. I am so excited to see who wins this one.

If you don't win I have more and very different stuff to giveaway soon.
best, susie


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Unknown said...

Wow! That is a serious giveaway! I am so thrilled I am a new knitter and have just picked up one of your books. I just found your blog. Great book! Thanks for the knitting inspiration.

Leslie said...

What an amazing giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Your books were the reason for my decision to beg my sister-in-law to teach me to knit. I had been thinking about it for years, but those little hats did me in. Thanks!

Liz Rein

Becky said...

I am feeling lucky! Pick me! Pick me!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win!!!
- Chattanooga, TN

Sarah said...

Wow! You could open a shop with all that great stuff!! How sweet of you to give it all away! Just Mousie alone would make a great treat :)

Anonymous said...

Please count me in.

the girl said...

Hello, I found your blog through SockPixie's. I love your blog!

Katri said...

Wow! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

You are giving away such awesome stuff! I hope that I win! Thanks for such a great blog and wonderful patterns! You've even inspired me to do granny squares!

rachel said...

How exciting! Everything looks wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Please, please let it be me!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in! ALl the goodies are sure to inpire me to make lots of new treasures for my brand new niece! 7 weeks old today!

Anonymous said...

I love a good contest. Thanks!

Lovemook said...

Hi! count me in, would love to win!

Jeannie D said...

This makes me feel warm and fuzzy...kinda like all that yarn you're givin' away! Count me in!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! To be so lucky.... Thank you for the chance to win! :)

Anonymous said...

It makes my head spin-Christmas in July. I enjoy making your patterns.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness this is soo exciting!

Amy said...

How nice of you! Count me in please!

adpjodi said...

How generous! I love your blog and I would love to win!

laurie said...

Cool give a way!!! thanks so much.

savvy-stitch said...

This is amazing! You are amazing!

aruni said...

wow! i was stopping by to look for the elefante pattern and noticed your amazingly generous contest. please sign me up! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks to my incredible knitting grandmothers, I was knitting at a young age and haven't stopped for more years than I want to admit. This is a fabulous giveaway - what a fabulous treat!

Jess said...

Awesome giveaway! I couldn't resist commenting, even though there is already over 400! It is hard to get knitting supplies where I live, unless you count walmart (blah). I would welcome any of these supplies with open arms and ready needles!

Maggie said...

Love it, love it, love it!

Knitterella said...


I'd say whoever the lucky knitter is that gets drawn sure will hit the jackpot!!! :D

Anonymous said...

I'd love your goodies. I just cleaned out my own craft room and donated lots of yarn to a senior's a good feeling to de-stash!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I read your blog everyday.count me in too.

Unknown said...

Wow! What a very generous giveaway! I can't believe how much wonderful knitting stuff you are putting in the prize package.

Tomorrow is my b-day - what a fantastic b-day surprise that would be if I won :)

countrychicken said...

You are so generous. Count me in. I love reading your blog, so inspiring.

ecometrochic said...

How could I not leave a comment with such a give away!? I am glad I found your blog. I just bought your itty-bitty hats book and am organizing the ladies in my church to knit hats for our new babies!!

Anonymous said...

What a great thing to see on a Rainy MONDAY morning. I love your blog and enjoy reading daily. thanks! Jennie Gift

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a fantistic list of giveaway items!

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful give away. You are so generous. Love reading your blog. Jackie in Ohio

PAK said...

What an absolute treasure trove for the lucky person. Count me in! I'm always inspired to do more after reading your blog.

Debbie said...

This sounds very exciting...I should be so lucky! Thank you.

Unknown said...

An avid reader tries her luck at winning:) What generosity, Susan!

JenQuilts2 said...

What an amazing package that will be! I would LOVE to win. Count me in.

Anonymous said...

OK - Just back from vacation and catching up on my e-mails - spent my budget on yarn while on vacation so I'd be thrilled to win these goodies - it really is too generous of you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great giveaway. Pick me! Pick me!

Circleville, Ohio

trico cafe et amis said...

wow! what amazing gift , like your blog source of inspiration
not word to say merci from Montreal Eugenie .

trico cafe et amis said...

what amazing gift , like your blog source of inspiration for me in my knity life
Eugenie from Montreal Au Revoir

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable! All of those wonderful things in one prize. I would have settled for just 1 of these many gifts. You are toooo kind:)

Anonymous said...

I love your Itty Bitty Hats book!

Anonymous said...

ALL of these????? to one person???? I bet they'll pee their pants when they win. Good luck all.

Karen said...

Oh my goodness what a generous prize. Please count me in. The mouse is just too cute. Thank you for the opportunity to win this fabulous prize.

KCina said...

Double WOW...Add me to the list of 448 entries! Lucky person that wins and THANKS for all your continued blog entries and tutorials!

~ Kathy C.
Hillsboro, Oregon

Rhonda Horton said...

Yay - fun contest!
I love, Love, LOVE your blog - and your books!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an amazing prize package! My heart rate went up just looking at all the fun stuff someone will win!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you, Susie, my favorite blogger! I made another Candy Cane hat this weekend - so adorable.

Sherry L. said...

I check your blog everyday, (guess that makes me one dedicated stalker) and actively seek babies who need something using one of your patterns! What a great package - thank you for sharing your life and talent!

Anonymous said...

I wish you were in my knit/crochet

Frieda said...

What a great give away. Whoever wins will be having a gread time with all the fun things.

Anonymous said... it all!

Audrey and Kyle said...

I've been meaning to post a comment at your blog. I am knitting Elefante as part of a baby shower gift and it is turning out super duper cute! My children have each requested one (and one for the dog too)!

Michelle said...

What a nice giveaway! I love reading your blog and knitting your patterns!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

What a great opportunity for more people to read your lovely blog. I check in regularly and was so happy to see the contest. Best to you.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing giveaway! Anyone would truly be a very lucky winner.

Tif said...

I would love, love, love to win this awesome huge package!!!

cagio said...

Humongous indeed - such a generous gift! I will be sure to share with some knitting friends - such generosity must be continued! Course, the mouse would surely have to stay with me. My little guy would give it such love.

Love your books - itty bitty nursery is my favorite knitting book by far. My knitted toys would not be the same if it were not for your spider fill embroidery instructions - it is perfect for embroidering eyes!

Thanks again for such a fine offer!

kim k said...

I hope I'm the winner!

Eileen said...

I'd love to get any of this stuff especially the Book of Yarn which I've been lusting after. Fingers crossed!

jenbrook96 said...

Holy cow! What a generous giveaway! I hope I'm lucky! Jennifer H. from California! :)

Anonymous said...

Happened upon your blog and would love to win the items!! My baby girl just turned 24 on the 12th of July with her two brothers being born after her. I can't knit really well, but have crocheted for years.
Linda @

Dappled Green said...

I will throw my hat in the ring also. Thanks so much for the opportunity Susan--I do enjoy reading your blog when it pops up on my Reader.

Ana Maria said...

What a great giveaway! I would be thrilled to win.

Ana Maria said...

It looks like my previous post didn't go. I would love to enter.
Thanks for your generosity!
Ana Maria

Anonymous said...

I want it all!!!! WOWWWWW! Praying to the saints and angels to deliver all your great stash stuff!

Mariblue said...

What an awesome opportunity you are providing! Thanks so much for doing this! I hope I get picked :)

Rhonda Martin said...

I live in Maine and the winters here are terribly cold and with my RA my feet are always froze. That is until my mother knit me a pair of socks. It seemed so nice to have warm feet after so many years of cold feet. My problem is she is limited on supplies and a fixed income since she is retired and yarn isn't cheap so I only get 1 pair a year and I really need 5 pair a year and maybe just maybe if I win and give her all these wonderful supplies in return I'll get another pair of home made socks~! I know it would make her and myself real happy so Thank You for a chance to win such a wonderful giveaway~!

Anonymous said...

This is very generous of you!! You definitly deserve some good knittin' karma for this!!

Somer said...

What an amazing giveaway!!! Love your Itty Bitty books!

Susan said...

Wow - that's some clearout! What a great collection.

Many thanks!
Susan W

alovelyday said...

Look at all that yarn goodness!! Oh pick me, pick me!!


T-Ra said...

Please count me in. What a great assortment of stuff!

kellylynn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jen said...

I'm in, what a fun giveaway!

kellylynn said...

What a great giveaway, Thanks for the chance to win!!!

KnoxGirl said...

This is fabulous, THANK YOU!!!

melanie said...

Wow! I would gladly help you clean up your space, though I don't have the room either! So nice of you!

Anonymous said...

Geez - comment number four hundred and eighty something....! ;-)

I'd love to win all of your goodies - count me in! Jean (MOMOFALEX on Ravelry, and proud knitter of a pretty darned cute Elefante).

Anonymous said...

amazing amount of stuff! thanks for being so generous. hope my number is picked!

Knit My Grits said...

Well, considering I am a yarn pig, I thought I'd get in on this one. There's nothing more I love than a fellow knitter in the generous mood.

Anonymous said...

I love your itty bitty hat book. Everyone who has a baby gets your hat and a babyout to match. Thanks for making so many cute items to knit

Anonymous said...

Would love to be the lucky winner.


Melissa said...

That is the BEST. GIVEAWAY. EVER. If I won, it would make my life. But even if I don't: thank you for all the wonderful patterns from your books. I've been making itty bitty hats for all my (adult) friends, and they're a huge hit ... and my friends with babies love them too. So thank you for meeting all my gift giving needs!

PS. I am currently knitting the cupcake hat/scarf set for my college roommate for Christmas!

Susan B. Anderson said...

I would put all of your giveaway goodies to very good use!!!

Praying to the patron saints and guardian angels that I win!!

Thank you. Debbie

Susan B. Anderson said...

hello Miss Susan
just to say sorry about all the trouble to put my coment for the give away I m not very good with the computers stuf sorry to take you time with this
have a nice sumer

Susan B. Anderson said...

Hi Susan,

I know you asked for people to leave a comment about the giveaway rather than email you. I am so technologically unsavvy, though, and couldn't figure out how to sign up with Google which I guess you need to do before writing a comment.

I'll keep trying to write a comment in the comment box. But I just wanted to let you know that I think you are very generous and I hope that the wool finds its way to a person who really needs it.



Susan B. Anderson said...

Love your blog I share it with my knitting friends. I feel lucky...hope I can win

Susan B. Anderson said...


I’m sure that I’m just lame, but I looked and looked and couldn’t find a way to send a post to you on your blog, so I’m emailing to enter which will probably not qualify, but I’m giving it a try anyway. Just think…if I win, your shipping costs will be $ 0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Loyal reader and admirer,

Anne Cory

Susan B. Anderson said...

I love your blog! It is the highlight of my day to see what you have created or are working on. As the mother of four busy children too, time to knit is precious. I love it and it really is a great stress reliever for me. You greatly inspire me! Keep up the great work!

Mary Lewis Tims

Susan B. Anderson said...

You make me smile every time I read your blog. Keep encouraging your little ones creativity--such beautiful work they do and such a fresh positive site! Thank you for sharing your busy life with us including all your studio extras--I hope my girls and I win!--Beth Denman

PS--We do believe in fairies!

Susan B. Anderson said...

I know I'm ancient but how do you leave a comment on your blog. I keep getting rejected (wrong ID, password, etc.). I'm lost!
Thanks for any help.

Susan B. Anderson said...

Hi, Susie,

I had some trouble posting my comment and I think it went twice. So sorry!

I read your blog all the time and really enjoy it. Thanks for putting the
work into it!

Carol Perecman

Susan B. Anderson said...

Hi, Susie,

I had some trouble posting my comment and I think it went twice. So sorry!

I read your blog all the time and really enjoy it. Thanks for putting the
work into it!

Carol Perecman

Lori said...

Wow what a great prize! I just purchased both of your books to make some wonderful presents for my new niece of nephew...and to make some great things for the ones I already have. I can't wait to start!

Susan B. Anderson said...

Love your emails..and books...Liz Paccione

Susan B. Anderson said...

Susan, you really rock! Thanks for having this contest, and there are no essays involved!
Best to you

Missy said...

Holy cow - that is a huge giveaway! Please add me!

Anonymous said...

What a generous person you are! I just recently discovered your books. A lady was sitting at my local knitting shop making your flower pacifier holder and I fell in love with it. She showed me your book and I came home and looked up your site. Thanks for such a thoughtful giveaway.

Unknown said...

Wowza! That's a load of goodies!

Anonymous said...

I am a new knitter and would love to win!

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful stash - anyone would be thrilled to have it. I didn't realize there was such a thing as "too much yarn stuff."

Jordana said...

I love reading about all the crafty adventures of yours (and sometimes your children!), and I adore my copy of Itty-Bitty Hats!

Cathy said...

That's a very generous prize giveaway! I'd love a chance to win it.

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Wow! What an awesome giveaway!! I love reading your blog and seeing all the cute things you're making :)

Joanna said...

Wow, what a lot of cool stuff!!!

Thien-Kim aka Kim said...

Your blog was recommend to me by Google Reader. Looks like I discovered you just in time for the giveaway. What a great stash. I'm more of a crocheter but I've been trying to teach myself to knit for ages now.

Jane said...

What a generous giveaway! I love your blog and tune in every day.

Anonymous said...

Hi there. I met you at Knitting for Noggins last year in Little Rock. Love your books and blog. You are funny.

Unknown said...

I'm feeling lucky, so count me in, too. I would love to donate some of your goodies to my knitting guild for our monthly prize drawings (after I selected the best things to keep, of course!)

JFibers said...

You are amazingly giving. With your books, your online video tutorials with the occasional "guest", and now you're giving away this treasure chest! You give me inspiration. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful surprise. Love your books and your blog. Count me in!

Anonymous said...


Pick me! Pick me!

Diane (

Janettems said...

I love your blog and patterns. This very generous contest is the icing on the cake - please count me in.

Anonymous said...

Wow! It's so generous of you to give so much to one lucky person.

Anonymous said...

I might as well try, you never know!

LizKnits said...

Humongous is definitely the right word ... thanks for being willing to share your bounty with someone else!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!!! This is so super generous. That is the cutest mouse ever.

Anonymous said...

I am a new knitter and I love it! Pick me :)

Anonymous said...

You know how to throw a party, lady!

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,
So glad I checked in! I am making all of the items for The Pure and Sweet Layette. I'll be a first time Grandma in about 3 weeks. The last item I'm working on is the cardigan. Thanks for your generosity!!

annie3 said...

I love your books-especially with a grandbaby on the way! I found "Itty Bitty Hats" several years ago, and I've been knitting baby hats since, but now it's for one of my own!!

Anonymous said...

WOW, I hope I win :) BTW love your hat patterns!

lisa said...

Oh my! How lovely... please pick me!

Tina said...

Oh. my. goodness. Can I be your new best friend? Here's hoping I get picked :-)

Shelly G said...

Wow... if this is what you have sorted out to giveaway... I would love to see what you kept... Everything you do is wonderful:)

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a fabulous win this would be!! Add my name and thanks bunches!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm joining the fray! I am a loyal reader even though I don't have any itty bitty young'uns to knit for. But I think your work is fabulous. This giveaway was too much fun to pass up. Count me in! Thank you, Susan!

Anonymous said...

Susan, my daughter has been begging me to knit that very mouse! And the yarn and bag are wonderful! I would love to win this giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!


BeckyH said...


This sounds like great fun! I am on my first pair of socks right now! No knitting sotres near my home in Northern Virginia, I hope I win!

auntnina said...

Holy Moly! This is great! Count me in!

Rebecca said...

I would love any of these items, and would be happy to pass along to friends and family what I could not use!

auntnina said...

Holy Moly! This is really great! Thank you for the chance to win all these great knitting items. Count me in!

Anonymous said...

HI! Add me to the many in the crowd that would love to win!

Kim in WI

Anonymous said...

Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Pick me! Pick me!

KnitterswithoutSitters said...

Wht a generous person you are! I hope you will consider me for the prize. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks Susan!

Kathleen said...

ME, ME, ME!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this wonderful contest! What a generous lady you are.

Please include me!!!


Unknown said...

Whow how generous!

Thanks for sharing!

kori said...

Am I too late? Great stuff!

Anonymous said...

Me! Me! Pick Me! (waving hand wildly in the air).

Susan B. Anderson said...

So generous. I'm feeling lucky
Sherry V.

Susan B. Anderson said...

Susan, What a neat giveaway idea! Most of my time is spent quilting and have enjoyed giving away fabrics from my stash. Its always exciting to see what others do the fabrics I bought with another project in mind.

My knitting is generally relegated to evening hours while watching TV with my husband. Just sent off 56 preemie hats to "Stitches From the Heart". However, have found an increased joy in knitting for children of the grandchild kind. Two of the girls have learned to knit and have made several scarves, purses and one is now working on a vest. They both particularly like to felt " 'cause it gets rid of all my mistakes - sort of."

Enjoy your UTube lessons. Thanks for promoting knitting. Kay Bennett

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this generous act!

JennyLynn said...

I'm 16 and I've been knitting since I was 10. My Freshman year in high school I was in a knitting club called "Knitting for the Needy". Lately I have been making all sorts of fun hats. I saw your baby hat patterns and fell in love with them. How can I adapt them to make the hats in adult sizes too?

Shelley said...

Awesome! What a great giveaway. Hope I win.

ctexas said...

Double WOW!!!
Sure hope I win.

Ctexas Madison Wisconsin

Anonymous said...

I'm throwing my name into this wonderful "give away" pot...I'd be crazy not to! (O:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a lot of stuff! Count me in!

Your New Home Awaits said...

Oh man. Me to.
Put my name in the hat!

Anonymous said...

What a fun and generous way to clean out your studio! Please count me in the draw. (Long time lurker, first time commentor!)


Diane said...

Please enter my comment in this generous giveaway!! I'm a fairly new knitter and this would be so wonderful to win!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your generosity! What an awesome package!! I love reading your's hoping my # is the lucky one!

Anonymous said...

Love your Itty Bitty Hats book. Why do you want to give all this great stuff away?

Berry Gal said...

Count me in... knitting olive you hat

Rosemary said...

What a very generous give away! I read your blog all the time. You are a very sharing, giving person.

Anonymous said...

I love your patterns and hats especially!

Xenophilia said...

Sounds good. :-) Count me in too. :-)

Nadia said...

You are incredibly generous! Someone's going to be very lucky.

Best wishes,

Unknown said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I love your designs, I just bought the itty-bitty nursery book and can't wait to start. Of course I have the itty-bitty hats too. You are too generous!

Karen :)

Anonymous said...

I hope I didn't do this twice, I have never signed up for anything like this! What a jackpot!.Hope I am a lucky girl.

Beeeethy said...

I love all your designs. I have been working on a lot of your hats lately. I hope I am not too late to be entered in your contest. I am just beginning to learn how to knit socks, what a great stash enhancer the giveaway package would be.


Anonymous said...

What a great deal-please count me in also...You had given me the desire to keep knitting & trying new st.'s..debi

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe all the wonderful gifts you are giving away !! Please count me in and I will be keeping my fingers crossed. I would love to add you beautiful gifts to my small but prideful collection.
Sue :-)

JenniferB said...

I know I'm too late, but you wouldn't have any postage at all to give to me. I'm local. :) Great blog!

Hunny said...

I almost missed out. I am on vacation and haven't been keeping up on blogs! I am just making it for the deadline!!

(blog address just in case )

Laura T said...

Wow, what a wonderful give-away! Please count me in. I love your blog:)

Anonymous said...

pick me. i would love to get me hands on those lovely things.

Anonymous said...

Thinking lucky winner thoughts ...

Anonymous said...

You have a big heart Susan, to share such a humongous lot of gorgeous yarn and messenger bag! Bless you,

Anonymous said...

I am so very inspired. I have always loved knitting and have taught my daughter the basics, she also picked up very quickly to my surprise. I am excited and I so happy I came across your Blog. Thank you for being so inspirational. I hope I can do the giveaway justice. Thank you again for being so generous to all of your readers. Fantastic is all I can say from sunny Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada. Ciao.

catknitz said...

Keeping my fingers, toes and the rest of my body parts crossed!!

amy said...

please count me in. i barely made the deadline...

thanks for the opportunity.

ND Life said...

What a wonderful giveaway although I think I am 4 minutes too late. Shucks.

Dena said...

You are unbelievable!!! I can't believe someone would do this for complete strangers. People like you are far and few in between. if we only had more people that were giving and kind this world would be a better place! Keep up the kind acts. KNITTERS ROCK!!!

Dena said...

You are unbelievable!!! i can't believe someone would do this for complete strangers. People like you are far and few inbetween. if we only had more people that were giving and kind this world would be a better place! Keep up the kind acts. KNITTERS ROCK!!!

Just Nancy said...

Just Wow. I know I'm late, I just found the blog and created an account. I wanted to comment about your generosity.

Sign me Just Nancy, Just late. ;)

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