Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Table of Hats & Some Knitting News

Hi Knitters!

Well, I have been busy knitting, as always. I am selling my wares, or hats in this case, at an upcoming show. The art gallery show is called, Colored Threads, and it is a wearable art show. I have done this show a couple of times before, and it is a lot of fun.

The Colored Threads showing is from November 22nd through January 8th, at:

Katie Gingrass Gallery
241 North Broadway
Milwaukee, WI 53202

I am selling 25 of my original hat designs, knitted by me! Also, I have autographed copies of Itty-Bitty Hats to offer. I don't know the other artists who are in the show, but in the past there were handbags, jewelry (loads of), woven shawls, handmade clothing, etc. It has been great before, so hopefully it will be this year, too!

If you are wondering about my crazy coffee table, I will post about that soon!

I have discovered 2 new podcasts that may be worth a listen, Sleepy Eyes Knits and Sticks and String. The latter is a man in Australia who is rather interesting. Sleepy Eyes Knits is a 33 year-old mother who has a cute voice, and a fun take on knitting! Try these out and see if you like them. I am definitely tuning in again. You can find out about these on itunes.

Also, did you see Julia Roberts is set to star in and produce The Friday Night Knitting Club? This is a novel about a knitting group that is set to be released in January 2007. I love it that Julia knits, and in fact I knitted a sweater she helped design many years ago that was on the cover of a non-knitting magazine, like Redbook or something. It turned out really cute! I should find that and take a picture.

Anyway, the more knitting that is out there, the better! Julia even worked her knitting into a scene of the Broadway play she was in recently. Gotta love that.

Happy knitting!
best, susie


  1. Hi Susie,

    I read your comment on Faith's Knitting Cook podcast and thought I'd come say hi! The hats are wonderful and I really like your daughter's sweater. I can't wait to tell my husband that there will soon be a "knitting" movie out - he'll be shaking his head in disbelief!

  2. Oh my goodness, I just found your book! How adorable! It's screaming for me to buy it. How could I not, with Tiny on the way? Tiny totally needs some of those hats. As soon as I purchase it, I will definitely do a review for the show. =)

    Thanks for the heads up about the knitting movie! Can't wait for it's release (although it will take a while for it to hit Germany) =/
