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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Itty-Bitty Hats Corrections

Hi Knitters!

I have been looking for my camera all day today, and guess what? I can't find it. That's what happens when you have four kids, things mysteriously disappear and no one knows anything about it. I have some fun hats that I am knitting for Christmas gifts that I want to share as soon as I find that camera!

Ok, about those book corrections or errata if you prefer, I can't tell you how much it pains me to have any corrections to my book at all. It hurts, it really hurts. I apologize. I have written them down to the best of my knowledge, and they are posted on my online store address at I will get a permanent link up here soon, but not tonight. Anyway, there aren't many errors and they will be fixed in the next printing of Itty-Bitty. Check it out if you are knitting from the book to make sure you have the updates.

On to happier news, my next book is on the way to the technical editor! The photographs are in and they are beautiful. I am so excited about this new book!!! I can't wait. I'll get it back in a couple of weeks, and then I will be back to work. In the mean time, it is Christmas prep overload for me. My manuscript is due back in New York on December 20th, just in time for Christmas. That means I have to be organized this year. I usually work on getting ready for Christmas right up until the last minute. Oh well, it may be fun to try to get ready early for once. We'll see if I can actually pull it off.

best, susie


  1. AnonymousMay 23, 2009

    I love your book but although I have knit everything possible for years, I am having a problem with the first hat in the book. I am using Bernat natural cotton and everytime I get going it not only curls up, it twists on me, and by the time I am ready for the four double pointed needles it is a twisted mess. I tried using pins to keep it straight, but that didn't work. Is there something I am doing wrong? Thank you. Bunny Webb

  2. Hi Bunny,
    I don't know for sure but it sounds like you are twisting the stitches when you are joining to knit in the round. If the stitches are twisted at the moment of joining they cannot be untwisted and you have to start over.

    Are you near a yarn shop where someone could take a look at it? That would be my best suggestion.

    Good luck,

  3. Hi Susan,

    I just bought Itty Bitty Toys and I already finished the hippo, which I love. I am currently working on the giraffe and I'm confused about rounds 16 and 17 on the body--after round 16 I was left with 48 stitches. Should I reduce again for round 17? Or just knit? Thanks!

  4. Nicole,
    rnd 16 is decrease
    rnd 17 is just knit

    I am posting the corrections very soon.

  5. Lisa WalterMarch 08, 2011

    I am trying to find the ribbon you used for the Squares & Rectangles Baby Set. I tried the company you listed in the back of the book, Fleurishes, but they seem to only have wedding items. Any suggestions, I'm finding it very difficult to find silk ribbon.

    Thank you, Lisa W.
