Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Knits of the Week

Hi, Knitters,
I'm popping in with the winners of the giveaway for two kits from Never Not Knitting for my designs, Little Owl and Squirrel and Acorns.

The winners are..... laurasimo and simbaswing (both rav usernames)!! Congratulations.

Both winners have been contacted via Ravelry. Thanks for entering and for the kind comments, I really appreciate it. I will host another giveaway very soon.

The perfect seasonal quote in my notebook says:
"The grass grew green again and the woods were full of wildflowers." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

Now for the socks. I finished the second sock early this morning. The yarn is the only sock yarn I have knit twice. I gave the first pair away and vowed to find the yarn to knit another pair to keep. 

I found the yarn again and have had it for a couple of years. The other day I saw it sitting on a shelf and decided to finally cast on. I wasn't disappointed! The color lived up to my memory and beyond. I love these socks. 

Yarn: Opal Schafpate III color #5096 (Unfortunately, I don't know where to purchase this yarn at this point.)
Pattern: How I Make My Socks - my free pattern
Sock Blockers: from

This week I also revived an old project that was cast on at least a couple of years ago. The hat pattern is Sheep Heid by Kate Davies. I am using Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift in the same colors as the pattern uses, the naturals. It is beautiful and fun. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

I have so much work to do and I am sure you are all busy, too, so I won't keep you long today.

I also hope to get outside to enjoy the warming weather this pretty spring week and of course, to visit the wildflowers in the woods near my house. I hope you get to do the same.
xo ~ susan 


  1. I too knit Sheep Heid with the yarn called for in the pattern and the hat turned out beautifully, however I cannot wear it as it itches my head terribly! I am going to have to sew a liner inside the ribbing with arctic fleece to make it wearable. I am not at all 'allergic' to wool but just find this particular had itchy. Let km know why you find...

  2. This hat is on my to do list yours is looking really good please show a picture of it when your finished

  3. How cool you have woods near your home when you live in an urban area. Have a lovely jaunt outside.

  4. Happy spring socks, thank you posting a picture. I had a lovely walk this morning with my daughter and two of my grandchildren along the mighty Columbia River here in Washington State.

  5. Those socks are totally worth the re-knit!

  6. Your post is the first I've red today.
    What a terrific way to start the day.

    CONGRATS to the winning gals ! ! !

    L.O.V.E your sox ! ! !

    Taking your advice and going to enjoy Mother Nature's handiwork just as soon as I raise our window shades.
    Hope I won't need a knit hat today!

    hugs 'n tranquility,

  7. Beautiful reminder to smile and enjoy the colors of nature.
    To enjoy the satisfaction of completed UFOs.

    Where do you purchase your neat project bags?

  8. Cindy,
    Most project bags are purchased on Etsy. The one in the photo is from Some of my favorite bags are from Knit Spin Farm, loughleigh, little skein, the fat squirrel, and lowland originals. If you google those the shops will pop right up.
    xo, susan

  9. I love your new socks, their so pretty and cheerful! I signed up for your Craftys sock class. Can't wait to get started. Enjoy your day. Hugs, Sandi

  10. The socks are delicious!!!! Love the yarn, I have a vague feeling I have a ball of Opal in my stash, will have to dig through some boxes.

    As for the hat, you are s brave. I have always wanted to try that style of knitting, but something always holds me back. Cannot wait to see the completed hat.

  11. I have been sending your opal sock pictures to a friend who just asked me about that yarn. We are both smitten with that pair.

  12. Okay, I love the socks, but where did you get your mug? So cute!

  13. June - The mug is from Jennie the Potter on Etsy. It's one of my favorites.

  14. I adore that sock yarn! It's so much fun!

  15. Oh, Susan, I have knitted 3 of those hats from Kate Davies. You will loe wearing it!

  16. Looking forward to knitting the sheep when you release the pattern.
    Enjoy your travels.

    SindyV on Ravelry

  17. Thanks for the spring sale on your great patterns. !! Rav id: jabella

  18. Can never have too many bags.

  19. I want to make everything you make and more! LOL! thank you for the drawing and I have been watching your podcasts too. I am really into podcasts now. My Ravelry id is saminar. I started knitting because of you about 3 years ago and I have to say I have "come a long way, baby"! LOL! Thank you for your inspiration and guidance! And your classes and patterns too!

  20. Love your new Sheep pattern. My favorite pattern to make of all time is Lost Banner Hat in happy to find your blog and YouTube ...thank you for chance to win.

  21. Your little sheep are gorgeous! I really enjoy your podcasts. My rav name is juker. Cheers :-)

  22. Just watched my first of your podcasts and it won't be my last. Thank you so much!

  23. Linda StroufApril 29, 2016

    Love your podcasts! Can't wait to get the new sheep patterns!

  24. Sheri (LoopSanity on Rav)June 09, 2016

    I recently found your podcast and love your patterns (the sheep pattern is beyond adorable)! Thank you!
