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Monday, June 30, 2014

News of the Big Kind

Hi, Knitters,
The winners of the two prizes, a copy of the book Up Down All Around, and the steamer (thank you very much!) filled with Infinite Twist mini-cakes of yarn, are..... 

Grannyslove (rav id) ~ won the book!

WordLily (rav id) ~ won the yarn!

Congratulations to both of you. I have contacted the winners via Ravelry. I have stacks of books and other things to review and giveaway so there will be more and soon. 

Well, the last few weeks have been some of the fullest of my life. There has been lots of big news around here, some life-changing. In between graduation for Peachy, college road-trips, graduation party hosting, party attending, TC's birthday, swim meets, loads of yarn, knitting, deadlines, new ventures, and some fireworks, we had some even bigger news. This is the kind of news that tops everything.

Our oldest son got engaged to our Miss Molly!

We are thrilled and blessed by this good news. We love Miss Molly! I might have to change her name to Mrs. Molly after the wedding. I'm sure there will be more to come and share on these two beautiful young people as they start their new life together as an engaged and eventually a young married couple. What a fun and exciting time ahead for all of us.

The other bit of big news is that tomorrow I am celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary with my beloved husband. It seems hard to believe. To look back at our lives and all that's happened and changed and then to see, thank goodness, that so much has stayed the same is all pretty amazing and a bit overwhelming at the same time. It's been a lot of living packed into the last 25 years. The saying that life works in mysterious ways is definitely true. Time works in mysterious ways, sometimes it flies by, sometimes it is like slow-motion. To look around and see all of our children, now young adults, surrounding my husband and me seems nothing short of a miracle. 

There have been many milestones this year for the Anderson family and it all seems to have been crammed into a couple of short months. Isn't that how life goes sometimes? I have said this so many times but I'll say it again. When your kids are little you think things will be so much calmer and easier when they get older. The exact opposite happens. When your kids get older it is busier, bigger, more out of your control, more fun, more difficult, happier, sadder, more serious, more uncertain, more exciting, more emotional.... just more and more of everything. I love all of it and I wouldn't change a thing. Okay, well, maybe I'd change a couple of things, but for the most part I wouldn't change a thing.

Have a lovely week ahead. We have Peachy's birthday this week, the day after the Fourth of July, and she's 18 years old people! When did that happen? This falls into the time flying by category. Why stop now with all of the action around here? 

If it were quiet and calm we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves.  

Here's to some exciting times ahead! I hope you'll join me.

best, susie


  1. Congrats! Wonderful news. She sounds like a great person and will be a fantastic addition to your family (and your son to hers I'm sure). Enjoy all of the celebrations!

  2. Big news indeed! Congrats, and happy anniversary, too!

  3. Many congratulations on all the good news!

  4. Aw, many congratulations to you all! :)

  5. Such wonderful news!! So happy for your family! Congrats on your wedding anniversary as well.

  6. That is great news! What an exciting time! And happy anniversary to you and your dh! :)

  7. That is very happy news. Congratulations to the young couple and a very happy anniversary to you too! (My husband and I celebrated our 25th a few weeks ago. The summer of '89 was a good one.)

  8. Congrats to your son and fiance and all of you! And so well said about time flying and things changing! It's all good! Best to your sweet family!!

  9. Wonderful news Susan! Congratulations to the newly engaged couple and to you and your husband on your 25th anniversary. Many, many happy times are ahead! Happy birthday to Peachy too!

  10. Congratulations to you and your family on all your milestones!

  11. Congrats Susan! What a big week in your life!

  12. Congrats and happy anniversar!!

  13. AnonymousJune 30, 2014

    Wow! Congratulations all around! It's so important, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of our lives, to appreciate the love of and from our family.

  14. Congratulations on both your 25th anniversary and the engagement of your son to Ms. Molly! So much wonderful news.

  15. Woo-hoo! I was wondering when Miss Molly would officially become part of the family :)

  16. Congratulations! How exciting! I totally agree with your description of how life gets "more" as kids get older, and even as they leave home. Happy Anniversary, Happy 4th and Happy Birthday to Peachy!

  17. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and your anniversary! Rejoicing with you!

    Carol in Michigan

  18. Recjoice! Congratulations on all the joyful news. I'm so happy for you all.

  19. Congratulations to you both on your 25th! We share the anniversary date except tomorrow will be our 53rd! (Wait 'til you have to admit your oldest son is in his 50's!)

  20. Ho'omaka'i to you and the ohana during this time of precious blessings.

  21. AnonymousJune 30, 2014

    Congratulations to your family Susan! How wonderful! And yes, time goes incredibly fast, we must all enjoy the journey each and every day!
    Lee (mamagiff on ravelry)

  22. Congratulations on your milestone anniversary, your son'ts engagement, your daughter's big birthday and on all the other blessings you're enjoying. Our oldest son is getting married in a few months and it's so fulfilling to see your kids embarking on this loving yet challenging journey. Wishing all of you every happiness and good health.

  23. Congratulation on so many fantastic milestones! Good work Mrs. Susie!

  24. Congratulations and best wishes to the whole Anderson clan.
    -- Grannyslove

  25. Congratulations to everyone! Ain't life grand?!?!? And now you get to look forward to the grandchildren about a full life then!! ;-)

  26. Congratulations on your big news and big anniversary! What an exciting time for your family!

  27. A post full of congratulations and best wishes!

  28. Congrats on your son's engagement and your 25th anniversary! Happy news! Best wishes to your family!
    :) Julia

  29. Congratulations awesome news all around!

    M Lopez

  30. AnonymousJuly 01, 2014

    Congratulations on the engagement and your 25th anniversary as well!

  31. What a lovely post... You are always so full of joy... It's contagious! Thanks for sharing your joy & congratulations!

  32. Your news made me smile, thank you and congratulations to everyone in your family!

  33. Congratulations on all your exciting big news Susan, I could totally relate to your post, hubster and I have been married 25 years, we had a DD marry this year as well and all the big milestone birthdays we have had an 18th, a 16th, a 13th(This counts as big as he is a teen now!) a 21st next week just a big year.
    Hugs and best wishes to all your family, Mel x x

  34. CONGRATULATIONS!! happy 25th! and welcome to the family miss molly! lots of wonderful news, and i do feel the same as you re little people vs big and problems and joys. ah life!

  35. Hi Susie, Congratulations on all your wonderful news. Your posts are always uplifting and bring a smile to my face. Will you be KNITTING Miss Molly's wedding dress (or at least the groom's socks)? You and your beautiful family have so much to look forward to. Enjoy!

  36. Congratulations to the winners but most of all congratulations to you and your family! That IS BIG news! I remember those days and I had 4 children (3 boys and 1 girl)...all married and families except the youngest son. In fact, my grandson Sam turns 7 on July 5th and I have another grandson that turns 6 on July 6th and there are 2 more birthdays in July! It's a busy month here too....mostly knitting those giraffes! LOL! Have a nice 4th of July and happy birthday to Peaches!

  37. Hi Susan; Congrats on your big news. It is a real joy to welcome someone else to the family as our child's spouse. Thanks for sharing all your fun news. Happy Anniversary! I appreciate your loving focus on your family:). It is a crazy ride but so worth it.
    Pam K

  38. Congratulations on a very busy summer with so many milestones. And such fun in the future! Take lots of pictures because it flies by in a whirlwind! Two of my kids are now married (with one engaged) and all of a sudden there were four grandbabies! Such fun and such a blessing!
    Hang on for the ride of your life!

  39. Congratulations on all your exciting news! With 3 little kids I loved hearing your perspective!

  40. Congrats on both your son getting engaged and your 25th Wedding anniversay. Time does fly by, sometimes too quickly. GOD Bless!

  41. Best wishes to the happy couple! Can't wait to see the wedding planning.

    Also, happy anniversary! Time certainly does sneak up on us...

  42. Congratulations all around! I completely agree with you about things getting much crazier as your children get older. It's funny how that happens and how you sometimes wish they were babies again.
    Enjoy your summer and I look forward to new patterns and blog posts!

  43. AnonymousJuly 02, 2014

    Happy Anniversary and congratulations, best wishes to the happy couple.


  44. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! So much happy news and so many wonderful milestones and people to celebrate!

  45. Wow! This is fantastic news! Congratulations!

  46. Congrats for all the good news!

  47. Congratulations on all of your milestones and blessings! Your posts always make me happy and are always a bright spot in my day! So glad you're around!!! :)

  48. Congrats on so many good things happening and especially Happy 25th Anniv to you & your husband!

  49. What wonderful news, Susan! The first marriage in a family is certainly a HUGE milestone. Best wishes to you and your husband on your 25 years together. Your family is gorgeous and I so enjoy reading and hearing about your activities. I don't know how you do all you do, and always with a smile!

  50. Congratulations! I feel that I could echo all of your sweet sentiments exactly. Sometimes it is difficult to get your head around how you reached this point in life but you realize you have been blessed! You have just experienced some wonderful events with more to come! Congratulations to your whole family!
