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Thursday, October 06, 2011

A week in the life....

Hi Knitters,
A week in the life includes....

...a birthday for a wonderful son turning 18 years old, bittersweet in the best way possible...
... a pair of fun new clogs that I've had for awhile but just wore for the first time last week....
...and the arrival of long awaited and almost impossible to get watermelon striping yarn that even includes seeds.
I can't wait to knit this hank up. I'm thinking about another hat or maybe mittens or maybe a cowl, not sure yet. I'll show you what I end up making with this hank when it's done.

I have been drowning in knitting deadlines lately, barely coming up for air and trying to push through. I'll have lots to share soon.

These are some busy family times and work times. What does your week include?
best, susie


  1. Wow, you look so young to have an 18 year old son! My heart already aches at the thought of my 11 year old boy becoming a man. There truly is no better word than bittersweet when you think of your babies growing up. He looks like a wonderful young person.

  2. Always the busiest time of year around here - I think every child in both boys' classes was born in September or October (including both of my boys!). We're going to be on birthday cake burnout pretty soon - which I didn't even know was possible!
    Knitting like crazy getting some shop samples ready for an upcoming show.

  3. Woot! Shout out for Ontario yarn!

  4. Woot! Shout our for Ontario yarn!

  5. I love those clogs!

    My week: getting ready for a visit from my parents, trying to clean the house after being away camping, knitting legwarmers, watching The Tudors and reading State of Wonder by Ann Patchett.

    Oh, plus work and being a mom!

  6. Well, since you ask, my week already includes an Itty Bitty Lamb and several reversible chick/bird combos which are going to be just irresistable! Thanks!

  7. What brand of clogs I am so looking for a pair like those!

  8. I want those clogs! <3

  9. Susan, your 18 year old son is very handsome, and I think he looks quite like you. Do other people say that?

    Your watermelon yarn is so cute, and with seeds? Whoa! Can't wait to see what it becomes.

    My week has been busy, too. It's starting to get a little cool here, too (but only a few cool days then very warm again). So I'm knitting a new vest for Alan. There're many things I want to knit, for Alan, the new baby and myself. And on top of that, I've started an online art course, and I'm doing my 2nd charcoal portrait now. I wish I have more time for myself, but with Christmas approaching, Bryan's business is getting busier and needs my help. So I have to work pretty much full-time in his office, too.

    If I'm like you, and can get up at 4am, I'd be able to get so much done. But how many hours sleep do you get a day?

  10. Watching grand-baby 4 days this week and thinking about fixing a sock that accidentally got pulled off the needle and stitches got "lost" ^-^....and enjoying this wonderful late summer weather!!

  11. Where did you get those awesome shoes?!


  12. I am coveting those clogs! What brand are they? My feet need some too! LOL!

  13. You don't look old enough to have four kids! My friend and I want to know how you keep your skin so beautiful! I love how you're such a Mama to your babies and how you like being in the hub of things. What you said in our interview waaay back always stuck w/me how ohana is first.
    Love, love that yarn's colorway. Was looking for some watermelon colored like yarn at the marketplace. No luck but good to know where you got yours.
    Sorry you're buried deep in deadlines. Do take a break now and then to get some fresh air.
    Found out my sil's cousin-in-law bought a house in Edgerton, WI and he's a chef at the Marriot. Might be the Marriot in Madison.

  14. Your son is a total cutie!! Congratulations on his 18th b'day!
    Love the 'watermelon' yarn and can't wait to see what you do with it. for those clogs - LOVE THEM!! Will you tell us all the details about them, please?

  15. our week includes... a son's autumn birthday, lots of food and lots of guests since it is alsp Thanksgiving this weekend in Canada.

  16. I am eager to see what you create with that watermelon yarn...
