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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A is for Apple Farm

Hi Knitters,
In the midst of all the knitting deadlines and knitting obligations I've had lately, we did find the time to sneak away to our favorite local apple farm last weekend. It was humid and over 80 degrees so it was an unusual fall day for us in our part of the country. My sister and her son and the fabulous knitter, Miss Molly, all joined us. I was happy to have all of our kids together with us.

I hope you enjoy this wordless view of our day. Our apple picking day ended later that night with an enormous pan of warm apple crisp served with vanilla bean ice cream on top.

I hope you are having a glorious fall. I have more fall-related posts in the works.

best, susie


  1. I always love your "visit to the apple farm" posts! Gorgeous! And the warm apple crisp with ice cream... ambrosia!

  2. Such a sweet ohana tradition! Love the teamwork in that third pic.

  3. i love reading all your posts about your family :] your kids sounds great you are an awesome mom i can tell

  4. Thank you for sharing your family visit to the apple orchard - those apples are gorgeous! And...I am practically drooling thinking of warm apple crisp and vanilla bean ice cream. YUM!

  5. Thank you for all the great pictures - and it just sounds wonderful to.

    Creative Tail

  6. You got some lovely photos. It is great that you can still do things as a family even though your kids are getting older.
