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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Whistle While You Work

Hi Knitters,
I posted this on my other blog Spud says! and I think it is so fun that I am going to post it here as well. My son helped me set up a video shoot while I worked on stitching the Dream Catcher Baby Blanket together (the free blanket pattern will be pulled together in a couple of days so please be patient:).

In the different scenes, shot over several days, I am talking to various people hanging out in the kitchen with me, chewing gum in a couple of shots (unfortunately), signing TC's permission slips and sipping on coffee and water. The video is so fast, about 3 minutes, that you have to look hard to see anything other than my hands flying.

The one thing my kids were laughing about is how crazy fast my working hands look. I said this on Spud says! too, but my wish would be to have hands that worked that fast. Could you imagine the productivity? If only...

The song is Jack Johnson, my son's favorite artist, singing You and Your Heart, if you are interested. It is my new favorite song on my ipod and I requested he use it for the video.

best, susie


  1. What a fun video! I especially like the part at the end when you're finished with the blanket and you give yourself a quick little clap :)

  2. Wicked funny!! I wish we really could seam that quickly - I hate seaming!

  3. Still laughing!!! Too bad it doesn't go quite that fast.

  4. Ha ha ha! I loved watching this. Very true - if only our hands really could move that fast!!!

  5. OK, so I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this video! How very cool!! And I just have to say that you are so darn cute!!! :)

  6. That was AWESOME! Great video.

    Where did you get that sheep shirt you were wearing? I saw that some where and I wanted to get one but I couldn't remember where I saw it!

  7. That was AWESOME! It was very funny!!

    I was wondering where you got that sheep shirt? I had seen it somewhere before and I wanted to get it but I couldn't remember where I saw it!

  8. You make it look fun. I wish I enjoyed sewing knitted items together.

  9. I Love Jack Johnson! He has such an angelic voice, I love it! I haven't heard this song until now, and I really like it, I think I will download it to my Zune mp3 player as well :) I wish my hands worked that fast too! I would get soooo many projects done AND some more! haha And yes, I did notice you drinking a cup of coffee, a bottle of water (I think), chewing gum, walking away.. it's ok though! It makes it more fun. I love seeing the different outfits you were wearing each day! You're so stylish!

  10. Just like the first commenter, Andrea; I like the little quick clap you make at the end :)

    And it makes me happy, just started my day, the song and the work are nice to look at/listen to!

    Thanks (also to your son :)

  11. Yes, your hands do look pretty funny in fast motion.

  12. The blanket is beautiful. Love Jack Johnson too.

    Your my inspiration to keep at the knitting. Still doing baby hats and dishcloths, scared to move on.

    Joined a knitting group with more experienced ladies so hoping to learn from them.

    So far it's been you book that has been my teacher.

    Take care.

  13. How fun! What a great idea for a video!

  14. That is the cutest video! The blanket is awesome!

  15. that's great... and what a beautiful blanket!

  16. That is hilarious! Kudos to you and your son!

  17. Kathie BrownleeApril 26, 2010

    I love the way your head moves bak and forth with your hands moving.

  18. christine m. east of torontoApril 26, 2010

    i love the music he chose! i love how it looks like you only get up long enough for a "fashion change" (just like a runway show!) and how it would seem you can't decide if you are hot or cold....T-shirt, no! hoodie, no! T-shirt, no! sweater! HAHAHA! very entertaining... and the blanket looks awesome too! so colourful and cheery!

  19. this was so fun to watch! you seaming this blanket inspired me to seam up a blanket of different squares i knit for my new niece. i agree with others on how fun it was to see your different outfits each day. this was a great idea!

  20. Awesome video! I probably should have watched your tutorials about stitching squares together BEFORE I stitched up my Great American Afghan! I just finished up my GAA last night and was tickled to use your pattern for Jelly Bean Baby Socks for a special block for my son. The adorable socks look great on my afghan; it's one of my favorite blocks! If you'd like, you can check it out on
    Love your blog... thanks for all the inspiration!

  21. Sew sweet :)
    Thanks for keeping us in stitches! --Ramona

  22. Love it! So funny and fun!

  23. Hi Susan! You probably already know this, but your episode of Knit and Crochet Now will be airing tomorrow on the Create channel (4 times!). Looking forward to it!

  24. Hi Cindy,
    I did not know that and I wish I got that channel so I could see it! I hope I do okay:)

  25. Susan,
    If you look up you will see a plug for your latest book, Itty Bitty Toys. I also made the snake for my youngest granddaughter (18 mo) but unfortunately did not take a picture!
    Hope that giving you the plug was okay.
    Kathy (

  26. So I totally faked my kids out. "Look guys, a lady that can knit faster than mommy"...(they have no idea what you are doing in the video other than yarn, needle and knit parts)

    The 4 year olds comment: "Wow mom, she can change her clothes fast too!"


    Clapping for you lady Susan. Job well done!

  27. Hi Susan! Loved the video! It was so fun to watch your hands flying. It's inspiration for us to finish those big projects!

  28. The blanket is beautiful and my favorite part of your video is the little hand claps at the end. The "Woo! Seaming is OVER" moment.

  29. I love this! :-) I smiled all the way through, and oh what a beautiful blanket!

  30. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon. By the way, pretty good design you have here, but how about changing it from time to time?

  31. Amazing, this is a great video
