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Thursday, July 30, 2009

How It Is

Hi Knitters,
This is the back of my son's head and in case you can't quite make it out it's the Madison skyline. Every year he celebrates the end of the summer swim team season with a fun hair cut to wear to the enormous All-City Swim Meet. This meet, which hosts thousands of swimmers, is currently going on today and over the next couple of days. It is quite an event and my kids look forward to it every year.

Today it poured rain and it was in the upper 60's. The kids still had fun.

That's how it is in Madison weather-wise this summer.This is how it is in my kitchen right now.
best, susie


  1. Super cool hair cut! WOW, only 60's?? We've had 100's most of the week in Portland, OR (too stinkin' hot)...WOW, can't wait to see the AFTER on your kitchen!

    Have a great time watching all the swimming!!
    ~ Kathy (Hillsboro, OR)

  2. Very brave son you have there. How fun! How long is the kitchen project suppose to take? You are a brave woman also! :)


  3. AnonymousJuly 30, 2009

    Just had to say that we just finished a complete kitchen remodel including a removed wall and even with the trying times it was so worth it. Best of luck to you. I'm looking forward to seeing your end result.

  4. Who is the artist who cut his hair?... that is fantastic!

  5. Cool hair cut! I feel for you with the kitchen remodel. We had an addition put on the house a few years ago and remember the chaos. Well worth it in the end, though.

  6. Love the haircut and hope your kitchen doesn't take too long!

  7. The haircut's fabulous! I recognized it instantly -- the Capitol gave it away. :)

    Good luck with the kitchen!

  8. AnonymousJuly 31, 2009

    WHOA! that is so cool! very momma.


    (how do you do a kitchen transformation when there's work/kids/etc going on??? gutsy woman you are).

  9. Swimmers are a fun bunch of kids- the haircuts they come up with always amaze me! I will say he has one of the most detailed cuts I have seen- so cool!
    Your kitchen project brings back memories for me-you have a contractor so your project will be faster than mine was! It will be so worth the inconvenience in the end. I can say that after not having a real kitchen for a year when we bought and rehabed my family home (1885). The process was a stress reliever for the hubby after work. I can share recipes to cook amazing meals in an electric roaster, hot plate and crockpot. So glad to have the modern conveniences again!

  10. I'm impressed with the artistic quality of the haircut! My brother and his friends used to do stuff like that for state cross-country meets.

    Can't believe this upper Midwest weather - we aren't as cold as you, but really have only been hot about 2 days all summer.

  11. Oh, how I miss those days of swim
    meets. I think we did the swim
    meet (one of my kids did year-
    round!) scene for about 20+ years!
    That was for 6 kids. Lots of fun
    and they stayed busy. Does he have
    the right bathing suit? LOL.

  12. Ok, now that's cool...

  13. Neat hair! and oooh only 6o?? It's been 100 here for so long I don't know what cool weather feels like! Wow, your kitchen! Can't wait to see finished pics of that.
    Have a super weekend Susan

  14. AnonymousJuly 31, 2009

    You poor thing! At least you have an excuse not to cook...that means more time for crafting, right? Love the hair - hope the swim meet goes well!

  15. Nice head art!

    I can't imagine being without my kitchen...but....well...imagine new floors, countertops, cabinets...all spanking new and spacious...think of how much fun you will have in your NEW brave!

    It'll come together for you Susan!

  16. Your son's 'do is awesome. Like his hair, your kitchen will "grow" back too! I am sure the remodel will be fit for a home decorating magazine photo shoot. ---Ramona

  17. Very creative haircut!!!
    I guess you are eating out every day now until your kitchen is ready. I can't wait to see the finished project!

  18. Wow - great skylin! So does this mean your awesome mosaic of dishes or mugs or both - is gone? oh no! I can't wait to see the new place!

  19. Off the chain hairstyle. Was that done freehand? I don't know how you're surviving w/out your kitchen. I would be at such a loss.
