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Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Collector

Hi Knitters,
My daughter came tearing in from the backyard yesterday wanting me to grab my camera and follow her back out. She spotted this tiny vine that formed a heart and she asked me to take a picture of it. Isn't that great? I love it. My daughter is a mad nature lover and an even madder collector of all things nature.

This assortment is what I cleared off the kitchen table last night so we could eat our dinner with some sort of space. Other nights I admit to simply clearing a space in the midst of the nature collection so a couple of hurried kids can quickly eat before running out the door. Every single time she goes outside she arrives back inside with armfuls of plants, leaves, flowers, sticks, etc. 

She spent a lot of time working on this grape-ant. I kid you not that the pile of sticks on the ledge there were all on my table. The other day she came home carrying a 4-foot birch branch (I have no idea where it came from) and she tried to bring it inside. I had to draw the line and tell her to turn around and take it back outside. It is so funny.

A few days ago she rode her bike along with my husband while he went for a run. He actually runs, not slogs. At several points during the run she had to get off of her bike to gather various flowers and such. I don't have them any longer but included in this bouquet where these gigantic leaves that were about 18 by 12-inches, there were two of them. I don't know what they were from but they were huge. My daughter was distraught about bringing all of this home so my husband had to run several miles carrying this bouquet including the leaves. I wish I could have seen that in action. These collections are such a mess but there is something so endearing about this little collector that I can't complain. Her urge to collect and craft is beyond her control and I relate to her on every level. I can't wait to see what becomes of this obsession.

We wrapped up these little birds in tissue paper and tied them up with curly ribbon. Off they went to school for several teachers and the principal. What a sweet little gift, I just love the simplicity of these birds.

I've been working on a bit of this....

...and a ton of this. Oy. Work, work, work. Designing can make your brain ache, big time. Toy designing is complicated and much work. I am challenged in the best way possible but it is slow moving.

This little thing graduated from 8th grade last night.

I love him.

Here are some odds and ends for you:
This is the funniest re-cap of TNNA I have ever read. Too good to be true. Hilarious.

Summer Knitty is out. I want to make these and these.

This spot has some super cute new bags. I love my bag more and more everyday. You should get one if you are at all interested.

Guess what? My sister has that Very Easy, Very Vogue sweater and I am getting it back. I will slap that baby on as soon as I get it and share it again in real time. I guess I loaned it to her at some point. She was laughing so hard when she saw that picture from the last post because she knew the sweater was hiding in her closet. The other thing is that I love to hear from others who have knitted that same sweater. Fantastic.

Okay Knitters, I am off to finish knitting a toy.
best, susie


  1. I have a collector too. Some is nature, but most is stuff I am trying to get to the recycling bin before he claims it! One of these days I will do a post about all of the things he's made from junk! :)

    Love the grape worm and the image of your husband running with the bouquet! :)

  2. AnonymousJune 12, 2008

    What an awesome "Collector"! I did the same thing, when I was her age, I couldn't understand why others didn't embrace the same passion, she is so fortunate to have a Mom like you that does. Yesterday while pruning and gardening, I had some branches I couldn't part with -had to save them, even now, it never leaves. You could hang those fabulous birds from one of her collection. Thanks for all your great finds on the post

  3. AnonymousJune 12, 2008

    My daughter is also a collector--mostly rocks and sticks.

    She came home once with a huge stick--I put is to use as a curtain rod for sheers--turned out pretty cute in a rustic sort of way!!


  4. What a splendid collector, that daughter of yours. I can't think of anything better to collect ...nature! Congratulations on the the 8th grade graduation ...he's quite a handsome dude. (Do they say dude these days?) I love the ankle socks. I think I used that yarn to knit up some socks for my daughter. I love it!

    Take a look over at my blog if you get a chance. I just completed your pattern for the 'peapod hat' and am preparing to mail it off. I put a quick post up about the hat. I love it, and I think it turned out so cute. Thanks again and happy knitting ....alice

  5. AnonymousJune 12, 2008

    I have a two-year old son and it brought tears to my eyes to see the picture of your 8th grader with the balloons and then all grown up.... I just know I will blink and that will be our son too!! :-)

  6. My daughter is also a collector of whatever little thingies she can locate - oftentimes they are alive and "want" to come in the house :0 I enjoy your shared family moments, so sweet and genuine! And lastly, the good news about that sweater is your sister borrowed it, it was THAT hot! Remember that:)

  7. AnonymousJune 12, 2008


    Just leaving a comment that is not related to this post at all. Sorry. :(

    Was recently introduced to knitting and your books and I am HOOKED. What a relaxing and enjoyable activity. Just watching your tutorials I can tell you are excited to share you passion with others. I hope to make many "Itty Bitty" things in the near future.

    All the Best- A newbie knitter

  8. My collector needs to live on a farm where there will be room for all of her desired animals. I have a house rule of no more than 2 dogs, but she still asks... and she's 17.

    I think it's great that you don't squelch her curiosity. What a good Mom you are!

    Ciao! Joan

  9. Your posts always bring a smile to my face!!! I too wanted to knit those patterns from the new Knitty. Can't wait to see what yarn you choose for those.

    Your description of the kitchen table made me laugh as that is what mine looks like with three kids, and now one is off on his own and it still looks the same.


  10. Your posts always bring a smile to my face!!! I too wanted to knit those patterns from the new Knitty. Can't wait to see what yarn you choose for those.

    Your description of the kitchen table made me laugh as that is what mine looks like with three kids, and now one is off on his own and it still looks the same.


  11. AnonymousJune 13, 2008

    What a great post with great links, too. Franklin is a real "stitch." I just got my XXL #134 and am absolutely loving it. It is so hard to choose the stripey yarns in the skein because you don't know what they are going to do. Keep posting the cool colorways that you find just for me, please!

    Sara, in sopping wet Grant county, where all of the county roads were closed last night and many are still closed today

  12. Love those birds. What a great teacher gift!

  13. Marvellous blog! very interesting photos and links.
