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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back Home to Mama

Hi Knitters,
Well, I got my sweater back. It is just as I remembered it. My sister told me I had told her I didn't want it back and she could just get rid of it. She hung on to it for some reason and now we are getting a good laugh out of it. In case you missed it, I knitted this sweater around 1985 from a Very Easy, Very Vogue pattern from Vogue Knitting. I had just found an old picture of me wearing it and I was flooded with memories. I really loved this sweater at the time.

You have to admit, it's a lot of bang for your buck. You get the complete look coming and going. The sleeves are super short which I highly doubt was planned. It is good for a petite girl (that's just a nice way to say short) like me.

I had mentioned how I twisted my purl stitches when I first learned to knit. You can see that this entire sweater was completed with twisted purl stitches which isn't a good thing. The fabric looks so funny.

Here is the best part. My sister and I laughed so hard. Shoulder pads! Yes, I had sewn in some matching pink shoulder pads to complete that 80's look. That is too good. I had no recollection of this final blow.

Okay, I found a few cool things. Here, here and here: I am not alone, funnyfunny interview and lovelovelove the buttons.

best, susie


  1. That's great. I love the shoulder pads. That confirms its creation in the 80s. How adorable. I'm glad your sister saved it.

  2. Ha! That reminds me so much of a sweater mini-dress I used to have. It was pink and black patterned: dots on the front and left sleeve, stripes on the back(!) and right sleeve. I thought it was pretty new wave. I wore it in high school with pink tights and black patent tuxedo flats! Ack!

  3. I am impressed that it still fits you. I do not believe I could squeeze into any garment that I owned in the 1980's.

  4. All you need now is a fanny pack, spandex leggings, and hot pink hand-knit legwarmers. Oh, and a spiral perm in a side ponytail. :-D

  5. I think one of the greatest things about all these old sweaters is that they still fit you. Way to go!

  6. This is so funny! I mean the sweater looks fantastic, but the story is so funny!

  7. AnonymousJune 17, 2008

    OK, those shoulder pads are HILARIOUS! Thanks for sharing.

  8. That would look so awesome with a huge pink scrunchie!! You would look, like, so hot. :)
