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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

New Strata Hat + Winner!

photo courtesy of Vogue Knitting Magazine

Hi, Knitters,
I selected a winner for the skein of Wollmeise yarn! The winner is.....

Laurie Taylor or pgngrl (rav name)! 

Congratulations! I've contacted Laurie and I will get her skein right out in the mail. I will have another giveaway soon so check back. Thanks to everyone who took the time to enter to win. 

Now, today Vogue Knitting Magazine Early Fall 2017 is being sent out to subscribers today. The magazine will be available in retail stores on July 11, 2017. I am so excited that I have a design, Strata Hat, and an interview in this issue. The photography of my hat design is so beautiful. It is such a thrill for me to be included in this issue. I have read and loved this magazine for decades now. I remember way back when some of my first sweaters were knit from the Very Easy, Very Vogue magazine patterns. 

Click here to find out more about upcoming Vogue Knitting Live events!  I won't be in Seattle this fall as I'm teaching in Edmonton, Canada that same weekend. But I will be at Vogue Knitting Live in NYC in January, 2018. 

The Strata Hat is knit in one skein of Barrett Wool Co. Home Fingering Weight in the Wishing Well colorway. The yarn provides crisp stitch definition to play up all of the textured stitch patterns on the two side panels of the hat. The hat is worked from the bottom-up with a 1 by 1 twisted rib brim. The two textured stitch panels are separated by stockinette stitch sections.

The mitered earflaps are optional as they are picked up and added on after the hat is complete. I love the earflaps as they add so much texture and interest to the look of the hat. The entire hat is a fun and simple knit using only the knit and purl stitch. 

The Strata Hat is definitely unisex, too. 

There are so many great designs and designers in Vogue Knitting Early Fall 2017 including Kaffe Fassett, Norah Gaughan, Yoko Hatta, Kristen Tendyke, Sarah Hatton, Louisa Harding and many more. It's quite an impressive collection. 

Anyway, have a fantastic week ahead. I am teaching at KnitCircus on this coming Saturday, June 17. I think there are still a few spots left so if you are in the area come join in the fun. Then we move on to Father's Day, right after that it is my daughter's birthday, then I am speaking and vending at the Stockinette Zombie's retreat in Rochester, Minnesota! The busy-ness continues.

There is so much to look forward to for the rest of June. I know you are all busy, too, but let's remember to find the time to knit!

I'll be back soon with more.
xo ~ susan 


  1. I don't think an ear flap hat has ever looked so elegant.

  2. I'm am so excited to hear you speak next week in Minnesota! So ready to be able to feel your yarn too!

  3. That was a beautiful knitted beanie. I love the ear flap cover you placed in the hat. Make it more cute for women who wearing it. Can wait for next project and inspiration. Best Regard
