Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Top 20 Pattern Sale & Yarn Giveaway!

Hi, Knitters,
First, I'm so sorry that I put the wrong link to the Barrett Wool Co. Wisconsin Woolen Spun yarn in the last email that went out. It is fixed now on the blog post. Thank you for letting me know. I had answered a question for someone looking for the Juniper Moon wooden cut-outs earlier and it was still copied instead of the yarn link.

There are still a few skeins left in the Wisconsin Woolen Spun Sport Weight in the Harbor and Apple Blossom colorways if you are interested. The rest has sold out. We have a lot more of the local yarn coming, in fact, we are listing another order of the Worsted Weight later today. Remember that these are small batch yarn orders so they are listed and then they go fast. The best way to find out when things are listed, the first notification, is to sign up for the Barrett Wool Co. Newsletter. The box to enter your email to sign up is at the bottom of every page.

The correct link to the Wisconsin Woolen Spun Sport Weight is here!  Apple Blossom and Harbor are still in stock.

Okay, now for today's fun! I thought it would be fun to brighten things up around here in a couple of ways. I started thinking about some sort of pattern sale and was looking at the patterns in my Ravelry pattern shop. I sorted the patterns by most favorited. That was really interesting for me. Things popped up that were really new and things popped up that were really old! I loved looking through the sorted patterns. There were hats, toys, mittens, cowl, shawls, ornaments, ebooks.... a really good mix and variety in the top 20. It was fun to go back and remember all of these good designs from just yesterday and years ago.

Anyway, I decided to do a Top 20 Pattern Sale for 20% off of each of these 20 patterns. The sale is starting today, Saturday, January 28th and ending next Saturday, February, 4th, 2017! A full week of discounted patterns. 

To get 20% off the following patterns enter the code: TOP20 when you are checking out!

Here is the quick linked list of patterns included in the 20% discount sale using the code TOP20:
10.  Ebb Cowl
20.  Owl Babies

I have linked the patterns for you in the list above and also under each photo in the post. Thank you so much if you partake! I really appreciate it. 

There is a giveaway at the end of the post if you are interested!

photo from the Knitstyleyarns Etsy shop

And for the yarn giveaway I have this beautiful sock yarn by Knit Style Yarns! Sharon, a lovely teacher who is retiring at the end of the year, and the dyer behind Knit Style yarns and podcast has been one of my students at Vogue Knitting Live in NYC two times and I just love her! She gifted me this beautiful skein of her Chic Sock in the Fallen Faerie colorway a few weeks ago and I decided to share it with one of you! The yarn has 400 yards of Superwash Merino 80% and Nylon 20%. It is speckled and beautiful, perfect for socks or a shawl or mittens or anything else!

Leave one comment right here on the blog post to enter to win the Fallen Faerie skein of sock yarn! You must leave your email address or Ravelry username so I can get in touch. Only click on the Publish button once, there will be a delay before you see your comment on the blog. I'll randomly pick a winner in a few days and get in touch if you win to gather your mailing address. 

Don't forget, TOP20 is the discount code for the patterns available for one week. 

Thanks for the continuing fun and support around here, Knitters! You all make my day.
xo ~ susan


  1. Thanks so much....I love your patterns!

  2. The color of this yarn is beautiful for spring. Good Luck ALL. My Ravelry name is lovely1.

  3. You are a great designer! My Rav ID: loonyhiker

  4. Thank you for the chance at a wonderful skein of yarn-and, just saw your "Flower Fairy & Leaf Sprite!" Those are Great!! Ravelry-Sandyfroglegs

  5. Thanks for the sale! I love your patterns and have knit many of them. MollyOMali on Ravelry

  6. CrazyCraftMonster here - thanks for the chance to win that pretty skein of yarn! And thanks for the discount on the patterns as well!

  7. Thanks for your wonderful designs, keep up the good work. My Ravelry name is Wagner.

  8. Susan ~~ thank you for introducing us to Knit Style yarn. I've not seen them before.
    And, thanks for the generous pattern discount and yarn give-away!!

    How amazing that MY favorites from your Top 20 are already in my library. Many have been knit already.

    I can definitely see the give-away yarn, combined with some ivory fingering in my stash, to knit the Pioneer Girl Shawl.

    I am threadsgal on Ravelry.

  9. Thanks for sharing!

  10. The color of the yarn is perfect for spring! My Ravelry name is Cynthiacc

  11. Love your patterns.
    Gaff on Ravelry.

  12. Looks like Spring! Love your patterns! Barefootonthefarm on Ravelry

  13. That would be perfect for pretty spring socks! Bangorknitwit on Rav. Thank you for sharing with us.

  14. Thank you for the pattern discount and that yarn is lovely!! Ravelry ID: crazypennygirl

  15. Fantastic!! I am Caz63 on Ravelry!

  16. Those sheep πŸ‘ tho, they are just calling my name.

    Ravelry : Countess
    Instagram: dropastitch
    FB : Amy Rouse

  17. Beautiful yarn. Bee30

  18. Thank you for the pattern sale. I like to participate in the ornament swaps over in your Ravelry group, and have had my eye on the baby owl pattern for awhile.

  19. Lovely colors! Rudipatoodee on rav.

  20. Thanks for writing such great patterns

  21. Lovely! Johnston4kids on Ravelry

  22. Thanks Susan for the coupon code, I'll pop in and have a look. I'm barry195 on Ravelry. Hope you have a great day.

  23. Nice post showing your patterns - beautiful yarn in the giveaway, too! dallastx2 on Rav

  24. Love looking through all those lovely patterns!
    Junglewife on Ravelry

  25. Lovely yarn! Thank you for the discount on the patterns. DREWBENELIMOM on Ravelry

  26. Looking through your Top 20 Patterns, I realized I have more than half of them! But I am zipping on over to get the Fairy and Sprite pattern. Thanks, Susan, I love your patterns!

  27. Love! Thanks for sharing! Rrculbertson at hotmail dot com

  28. Beautiful yarn - thanks for the giveaway.

  29. I love a sale! :)

  30. I've been after the come what may shawl for a while, now I have no excuse :) Thank you for the sale, and the chance to win this gorgeous yarn. Katwear on rav

  31. So pretty. Maybe it's time for me to start knitting socks! Kat50 on ravelry.

  32. I love a sale

  33. Love the yarn and patterns! It will be hard to decide which patterns to get. Sealight on Ravelry.

  34. Some friends and I are taking your class in Madison! I"m so excited.

  35. Love your patterns and your books!!

    wishnfarm on RAV

  36. Hi, have heard so much about your sock patter that I think I will give it try. Yarn looks lovely too. Bokum36

  37. Thanks for the discount offer and who doesn't love a giveaway! I'm jbk-3 on Ravelry,

  38. Thank you for the sale! Love all your patterns.

  39. What a nice bright colored yarn.peggy

  40. Oh that yarn is lovely! I'm off to Ravelry now. Thank you, Susan!!!

  41. Wow thanks for the 20% off your patterns, there are a couple that I have always wanted. mebakes on revelry

  42. Beautiful yarn! Thank you for sharing!

    Claydancer on Ravelry

  43. Beautiful! Thank you Susan
    Name on Rav - Pamaloo

  44. Just bought the mini bunny pattern! My daughter used to want to be a bunny when she was little and we still call her that. I always make something small to go with gifted socks JD this looks perfect for her next birthday. Would love to win that sweet yarn,too!

    idest on Ravelry

  45. Ha! Ha! I have mosts of those 20 top patterns.
    Needless to say, I love your patterns.
    I also would enjoy yet another skein of yarn.
    Thank you so much for the continued inspiration.

  46. Forgot to leave my Rav ID: McAdoo
    I have just about all of those 20 patterns.
    Needless to say I love your patterns.
    Thank you for the continued inspiration - I admire your creativity and resourcefulness.

  47. Of course I already have all 20 of your top 20 in my library! And, have knit most of them! Your patterns are so easy to understand and follow.
    Rav ID:Vickimaynes

  48. Such lovely yarn!! Thanks for sharing!

    connknits on ravelry

  49. I have knit several of those top 20 patterns...but not the split back snowflake hat...yet. Thanks for the pattern sale...and the lovely yarn giveaway. Claudi on Ravelry.

  50. I can't wait to try some of these patterns. jhoerth on ravelry

  51. Beautiful yarn! And so many choices to make with it! Thanks for the offer and discount. Mahonld on ravelry

  52. Your top 20 patterns are interesting, very diverse. Rav name is Mudley

  53. Love the colors in this yarn! Thx for sharing, Susan.

  54. Thank you, Susan! I'm about to start the Smooth Operator socks this weekend. Ravelry I'd flyingmonkeys.

  55. Some these patterns are my favorites, too. I need the Sweet Pea hat for sure!
    Hdknitter on Ravelry a/k/a Nancy

  56. This beautiful yarn shows your designs the best! I just need a few more patterns!3bugz9@gmail

  57. Love yarn, patterns, knitting - my lifeblood!! Thanks for sharing with all.
    RoxiesMoxie on Rav

  58. Love the color. Muffie28

  59. Thank you for the discount. Casting on a split back hat. This is my fist attempt at cables. Should be fun. Patroth on Ravelry.

  60. Love the "faerie" yarn color. It would be so pretty in one of your patterns. I made the Come What May shawl and it's a favorite.

  61. You are awesome! The yarn is gorgeous. Good luck to everyone! rav id: grahamcrackerzz

  62. Awesome! I've been bemoaning the fact that I didn't take advantage of a previous sake for smooth operator!

    Knitonepugtwo at gmail

  63. Great giveaway! Looks like I'll be picking up more of your patterns this week, too. Thank you so much!

    Rav: Litchick

  64. So much lovliness! rav id: gerscott

  65. Beautiful! Love your patterns! Ravelry is jennajune22

  66. Love the yarn and thank you for the discount on your patterns!

    rav id: mac-maggie

  67. So much lovliness all in one blog post! rav id: gerscott

  68. That yarn is so pretty!
    Akspinedoc on ravelry

  69. Love the yarn and your top 20 sale! Thank you!

    Rapid DebFLgal

  70. Congratulations on your yarn company. You are one busy lady. I love your blog and your podcasts and cant wait for the next one.

  71. I love this yarn! Rave name elisemrn

  72. Beautiful yarn! I would love to win. Thank you for the sale as I need something to knit.
    My Ravelry name is Msmalapert

  73. What beautiful yarn! Thank you so much for the giveaway and discount. You have wonderful patterns :).

    Ravelry: QuirkyTurtle

  74. her yarns are so pretty! everyone has been talking about them recently!!! thanks to you and sharon! cottington on revelry!!

  75. I just finished my first ever sock and I'm hooked! That yarn is gorgeous!

    rav id: ReannaLynne

  76. Angie CunninghamJanuary 28, 2017

    Love the patterns! Love Sharon's podcast too!!

  77. Absolutely love this! Heading to ravelry now for patterns. :) thanks for the chance to win this pretty yarn! Eveeliz on ravelry.

  78. Awesome giveaway!
    Rav id: Hookinquilter

  79. Hi Susan; This looks like a great yarn. I looked at all the patterns in the sale and realized I have all but two. Guess I am a fan😊 Always appreciate the pattern sales. Looking forward to more designs ahead. Rav id= pamk.

  80. My knitting evolution has at long last brought me to socks! My daughter recommended your Smooth Operator pattern as the all-time best for great directions and fit. From my little knitting fingers to my cosy warm toes - I thank you! (Ravelry user name: burdockroot)

  81. Hello,

    I too love your patterns and that yarn is so pretty!!

  82. That pale peach speckled yarn is really calling my name. If I'm the winner, it will have to take form using one of your patterns! You are the Queen of Cute Patterns. Hugs from Kimmy

  83. Thank you for the discount code and the opportunity to win that beautiful yarn. I'm currently in love with your Hiking Hat pattern. It is so much fun to knit. I should quickly rise to the top 20. : ) Knitgen on Ravelry

  84. Wow! So humbled and excited to send you a quick note! Your sweetness is contagious and I hope to someday meet you. You do inspire me to teach and to someday write my own patterns. You can find me either at or Hugs!

  85. Thank you for the discount. I bought a baker hat kit. I'll probably make 10 of them!

  86. I love the smooth operation socks! DesignKatrina on Ravelry. :-)

  87. I'm knitting the Baker Hat, from a kit. Thank you fot the discount.

  88. The yarn is beautiful!
    AuntVal on Rav

  89. You really have some beautiful patterns! The one which interests me most is the smooth operator sock and as soon as I have mastered plain vanilla socks - just doing my very first pair! - this is one of the patterns that I want to try. I am lovemademyhome on ravelry - as a person and my ravelry group - or you can just reply as I am not a no reply blogger. Should I be the lucky winner of course!

    Happy knitting!

  90. Thank you Susan! LannieK on Rav

  91. Thank you for the discount. I'm knitting the Baker Hat from your kit.

  92. Thank you so much for gifting this lovely yarn. I am hrhdeb on ravelry.

  93. I love your patterns - I have several, but I'm going back down the rabbit hole now!! Thank you, Susan...

    grammie2maddie - rav

  94. Your patterns are so beautiful and fun. Thank you for the discount code and the chance to win some fabulous yarn
    Pattisue on Ravelry

    Happy Knitting.

  95. How lovely of you to provide a discount code. Luv your blog and your patterns. I've made all the Yowza shawls (some more than once)!

    Aloha from Tagati on Ravelry

  96. How lovely of you to provide a discount code. I've made all of your Yowza shawls (some more than once).

    Aloha from Tagati (Ravelry ID)

  97. I love the colour of the yarn - thanks for the giveaway!
    lindarumsey on Ravelry

  98. Love the dragon! And the Fallen Faerie yarn!

  99. I always love reading your post and the yarn looks yummy! Thank you!

    RavelryId: QuiltingGeek

  100. I have most of your patterns already! Guess you'll just have to make more (please!). Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for your generosity! triciau on Rav.

  101. I've never knit with sparkly yarn before, but it looks beautiful! And thank you for the pattern discount, gonna load up on future projects soon as I post this! JSchutzEMS on Ravelry.

  102. I love your patterns so much! Thank you for extending a discount to us. Many new patterns have been added to my favorites, hopefully I can finish up a few things and purchase some new patterns for new projects. Thank you for the giveaway, my rav name is SeraM.

  103. Thank you for the discount on your top 20! Ravelry name: joedeeg

  104. I think I have most of the patterns in the Top 20 and have made several. Pretty cool. 2TheWoods On Ravelry

  105. Love your designs so much, but there are a couple here that I don't own yet. Thanks for the discount. ��. RAV ID:. Amdezo

  106. I think I have 10 of your top 20! Love knitting your patterns!Thanks for the discount!

  107. What a wonderful way to start the weekend! Thank you Susan ♡
    hbqueen on Ravelry

  108. Omg just beautiful colors! I would love this. I love the list, I will make some "babies" with my left over sock yarn.
    Thanks for what you do and create.

    Deb Peters
    zip022 on Ravelry.

  109. I love every pattern you have! Teachermom on ravelry

  110. Yes, several of the top 20 are in my pattern library. Love the Little Dragon and may need to pick that one up with a couple others discovered in this post. What fun.
    RAV: bfree2read

  111. So pretty!!! Fav: FayeWeiss

  112. Thank you for the discount code (now to decide which patterns to get), and the giveaway of the lovely yarn!
    Rav ID: SerenaKate

  113. What a pretty color! Rav amchart

  114. That a lovely giveaway! And thank you for the discount code!!! Rav id is: gundyknitter

  115. Oh, I'd love to make a cowl or scarf from this beautiful yarn for my sister - definitely her colors! And now I'm off to shop in your store, Susan! Thank you for the generous sale :-). Amy (duloveyarn on Ravelry)

  116. Thank you so much for offering the discount code to us, and of course for the contest too! I am chinders on ravelry πŸ˜€

  117. So happy to hear that your new yarn is selling so well. Perhaps if demand remains so high, you could order "medium" batches and get a better price from the mill/dyer. The giveaway yarn is very unique and it.
    flowerdancer on Ravelry

  118. Thank you Susie! Love all of your creations. madmartiknits on rav

  119. Even though I'm trying to destash, I could always use new-to-me yarny goodness :)

    ~ Renee (renny1780 on Ravelry)

  120. Thank you, Susan!
    Kaydidid on ravelry

  121. The yarn is beautiful and I already have her podcast in my YouTube list. She is very knowledgeable.
    I will definitely be adding a pattern or two to my pattern stash. I've been eyeing the split hat pattern and know my DILs will love it.

  122. Thanks for the discount! Sheep! Has been on my wish list. ❤ the speckled yarn!
    Jensknits on ravelry

  123. I am going to go shopping for patterns!! Just had a good commission and this sale came perfectly timed!!

    Tygherknits on Ravelry

  124. Beautiful yarn. Looking forward to finding time to look at her podcast - knitalittlebit on Ravelry. PS can't wait for Monday's mail which should have my mitten kit in it

  125. Beautiful! annejz on rav

  126. LOVE LOVE LOVE this color way - beautiful pastels have my heart - always . Thank you both so much for the chance to win this beauty. We have a fairy garden bed outside so, apropos should I win ( ^ ; * ) I shall' pick her up ' and tenderly care for her !!!
    Queensburrowfarm on Ravelry.

  127. Thank you for sharing your coupon code, I will be using it today! Always thrilled to be a part of these giveaways!
    Joyhill on ravelry or

  128. Sharon is so lucky--I'd love to take a class of yours one day!
    Beautiful yarn!
    Northcoastchris on Ravelry

  129. Thank you! I use your SOS sock pattern quite often. I would love to knit a pair for my #operationsockdrawer2017 challenge with this lovely yarn. I'm widdershins22 on Ravelry

  130. Thank you for such great patterns as well as the opportunity to win such beautiful yarn! I'm Mop Lover on Ravelry.

  131. Tried out your Smooth Operator sock pattern and decided I love the heel on your original sock pattern better. But I am using the stitch count from the Smooth Operator pattern because it fits my foot better. Love your patterns and books.

  132. Hi Susan,
    I think you're great! Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.
    Raverlry name: thecraftyninja3

  133. Such a lovely soft color of yarn. I cant wait to check out her podcasts. Thanks for the discount. I know I will be adding one or two new patterns to my library. I have so many of those top 20 already. Skibum on Ravelry.

  134. Ooo! I see a few patterns I have to check out! I love the flower fairy and leaf sprite! Thanks for the giveaway! Ravelry lynnberry

  135. I listen to Sharon's podcast a lot and got hooked on it from a mention of it by you. Funny how that all works out. The yarn she is dying is very pretty and I am glad for both of you for expanding your careers. Jehanc on ravelry.

  136. Gorgeous yarn! Thank you!

    Mamachanse on rav.

  137. I love your patterns. I've made both the small and large bunny several times and they are wonderful fun. Rav: nocountyknitter

  138. Thanks for this giveaway! I love your patterns and hope to win the sock yarn!

  139. Thank you for the opportunity to receive a skein of Fallen Faerie sock yarn. 'Tis beautiful as are your designs!!
    R-j on ravelry

  140. Thank you for publishing such nice patterns over the years. felicitastemporum on Rav.

  141. Looks like I'll finally purchase the smooth operator pattern, thanks for the discount!
    Knitbc on Rav.

  142. All your patterns are absolutely lovely, the sheep and dragon patterns are so cute. Thanks for the yarn giveaway, that yarn is beautiful!
    Rav: lilwestie

  143. Thank you so much Susan for the pattern discount and a chance to win this awesome skein of KnitStyle's yarn. I watch her podcast and love her yarn.
    p.s. I'm almost done with my hat using Barrett Wool worsted--LOVE this yarn. Congratulations on your new adventure!

    RavID: KnittyMichKaren

  144. I have several of your books and individual patterns in my collection.
    Rav is: pik2nit

  145. Thank you Susan! Those smooth operator socks are the best! Now to head over to pick up some toy/baby patterns I have some gift knitting to do and that bunny is adorable. And that yarn, so beautiful one can never have enough beautiful yarn. Rav name:mybelle23

  146. Ooo how pretty! Sure hope I win!

    Rav: nancy88


  147. Lovely yarn!

    Thank you for the generous sale offer! It is truly amazing to look through all the patterns and projects and see what an impact you've had on so many people. I recently finished Olive You! and ladybug hats for some new babies. Turns out I already have 16 of the top 20 patterns, and have knit 9 of them. I guess I contributed to the popularity :)

    Janebg1923 on Rav

  148. Very pretty yarn! Love the pattern sale, although I do have most of them, there are a couple I'll add to my collection! Thanks! Patricialovesyarn Rav id

  149. Thank you for the great giveaway the colorway is beautiful. I have many of the top 20 patterns, I may be adding to my collection. Joanne Snyder hedgiesyarn on Ravelry

  150. Susan you are a day-brightener - Thank you!
    tricia1214 on ravelry

  151. It's fun to see how many of your Top 20 patterns are already in my library!
    Olive14 on Ravelry

  152. Fun to see your top 20 patterns! And the yarn is beautiful, just like a faerie. Becky, rav rspeckha

  153. Thanks for the coupon code...I downloaded the Tiny Pullover...and thank you for an opportunity to win a skein of Ravelry name is teemunkee

  154. I love speckle dyed yarn, definitely on my list to try this summer during dyeing season. Thanks!

  155. Thank you Susan, for another generous offer. The yarn looks beautiful, and your Smooth Operator Socks are great!

    bookboxer at Ravelry

  156. I always have a pair of socks on the needles using your original sock pattern. Love to watch your blogs and see how fast you can knit something! :)
    ravelry: iamladydi


  157. I'm adding Tiny Top Downs to my collection. Thanks Susan!
    Ravelry: Ktanis

  158. Great selection of Top 20! My revelry name is knitandfelt

  159. Thanks for the pattern sale. I have a lot of the top 20 but not all. The yarn in the giveaway would be fun to try.

  160. Love the top 20 list. Some are on my favorites already. My ravelry account is knitandfelt

  161. Love making socks and love using socj weight for multiple of projects.
    Ravelry cda

  162. I'm hoping to win. Like usually I enjoyed your blog post. I purchased Ebb today and can't wait to get to work. Thanks for the discount!
    Agata47 on Ravelry

  163. Purlywolf on Ravelry sez.......thanks for a great sale, and a lovely are always so much fun, happy weekend!

  164. Thank you for this beautiful giveaway!!!!

  165. Lovely yarn, great patterns! I'm WordLily on Rav.

  166. Thanks for another great giveaway. Looking through the top 20 has reminded me that I need to knit Milly, Molly and Mandy for my niece- it has been sitting in my library for long enough.

    Rav ID- KnitsandWords

  167. Thank you for the code and giveaway! flysistah75 on Rav.

  168. Thanks for another great giveaway!!

    inesn on rav

  169. Ooooohhhh, what lovely yarn and lovely patterns and discounts. And I'm learning to knit socks! Thanks for the chance to win. Melanie1 on Ravelry.

  170. I can picture a pretty cowl knit with this yarn. Wonderful selection of top 20 patterns to choose from. There are a few shawl patterns I don't have yet. Thank you for the discount. woollyfa on ravelry

  171. I'm heading on over to Ravelry to get the little dragon pattern. I've admired that one for some time. Thanks for the discount and the giveaway. The yarn is lovely.
    bszen on Ravelry

  172. Paprika on Ravelry here...thanks so much for the discount! The yarn is lovely also and I would love to win!
    Now....I'm off to do a bit of pattern shopping!

  173. Thanks so much! I bought two patterns...would love that skein to make something for a friend's daughter...I'm Tammyg on ravelry

  174. Lovely yarn giveaway!
    judso on Ravelry

  175. Thanks you for the discount and the lovely giveaway!

    Rav: HollyBerries

  176. Thank you Susan for the yarn giveaway. The color is perfect for spring.
    I really enjoy your blogs.
    Springpoint1 on Ravelry

  177. I'd love to knit uo that yarn! adrie9 on Ravelry. Thank you :)

  178. Thanks for the chance to win! My ravelry name is vshaw7

  179. I'm a newbie to sock knitting and would love to knit this gorgeous pastel
    yarn up in the Smooth Operator design.

  180. Wow that yarn is beautiful. Think it would make a lovely Come what may shawl.
    Thanks for the discount code and giveaway.
    Rav name is Caliknitpurl

  181. Pretty yarn
    sparky136 on Ravelry

  182. I love sock yarn and have a few projects on the go right now using that weight. Love your patterns!

  183. Love your patterns and especially knitting with sock weight yarn. Rav id is ytknits

  184. What a beautiful color of yarn. Ravelry ID: RosieL

  185. I love that light peachy/pink color! Now I'm off to buy the sweater ornament pattern:)
    Megdearden on Ravelry

  186. Thank you for this chance! I hope I'm the needle in this haystack! Ana -

  187. Oooooo, yummy yarn. Love the speckles! Thanks, Susan.

  188. AmeliesCorner@rav
    Your blog and designs are amazing!

  189. Yay for the discount! I've been wanting the flower and leaf sprite pattern for a while now :) Love the yarn too.

    Rav: Kimpiewimpie

  190. Your little dragon is sooooo cute! I can see why these patterns are marked as favorites. myzbarb on ravelry

  191. Thanks for the coupon! I am buying several patterns I have been wanting!
    Ravelry - SpunkyInLa

  192. Love all of your patterns!

  193. Hard to choose just one pattern! The yarn is lovely too.

  194. Beautiful yarn! Thanks for offering it.
    pmack17 on rav

  195. Love your blog and podcast and patterns! Thanks for the discount- but I probably have them all already ! LOL hefb1 on rav

  196. Best wishes on the new yarn business, the yarn is wonderful! Purchases the sheep and wrapped animals - hope to start them all soon. Raverly: mywildfire8

  197. I've knit most of the top 20πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚! Thanks for all of your creativity!
    Generositycontest on Rav
