Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Happy Holidays 2016

Hi, Knitters,
Have a wonderful holiday weekend with your loved ones. I'm so thankful for all of you and for the places where we can share our love of knitting and really, our love and appreciation for each other.
xo ~ susan


  1. Same to you Susan. Your picture is heartwarming. I can see that you've been up to a LOT more than just knitting! I've been baking and listening to the most glorious British boys' choir singing carols in Ireland (on PBS TV). Also finishing up one last Christmas gift on the knitting needles. We'll be together with family today and all is bliss. Thanks for always inspiring us and all the best for the New Year! Hugs from Kimmy

  2. Thank you Susan for all the inspiration and love this past year! Many blessings to you and your family!


  3. Beautiful picture! It all looks so cozy and peaceful!

    Have a great New Year!

    Linda in VA

  4. *clicks on the Like button*

  5. Ha. Ha. I have just about every one of those top 20 patterns and I am awaiting delivery of the Bulky Twist kit.
    Obviously, I love love love your patterns.
    Could I use more yarn? Of course.
