Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Hedgie is back!

Hi, Knitters,
As I am getting ready to whisk off to Minneapolis, Minnesota this weekend for Vogue Knitting Live I realized that I didn't have a knit sample of Hedgie for a new workshop I am teaching on this coming Saturday afternoon. 

So this morning I spent an hour or two knitting a new sample with some step-outs for the class and I quickly remembered how much I love this pattern that came out a year ago. The construction is so cool and it really works like magic. Hedgie is knit in one piece and it is a really fun and entertaining knit.

To celebrate the new workshop I placed the pattern for Hedgie on sale for 50% off! The pattern price is now set at $3.00, no code is needed. The sale lasts from today, Nov. 1st through Sunday, Nov. 6th.

Here are a few more photos to enjoy.

In the new workshop we will be talking about all sorts of toy knitting tips and tricks in general while working on Hedgie. I will be having small group demonstrations, large group discussions and lots of individual attention. We will be going over specifics from this toy but also lots of other skills and techniques that can be applied to other projects as well.

I can't wait! I hope to see you there.

Hedgie is part of a Woodland Animals set of patterns that I developed for Alana Dakos' NNK Press line of printed patterns for yarn shops to carry. There is also a Squirrel with Acorns and a Woodland Fox amongst others in this series. These are the perfect set of seasonal knit toys.

I hope your week is going well. Vogue Knitting Live in NYC, January 13-15, 2017 is now open for class registration and I will be there and I hope you will be, too.

And next week when I get back from Minneapolis, the Flower Fairy and Leaf Sprite pattern will become available for download in my Ravelry pattern shop. I've had lots of questions about that one, so thank you for the interest.
Take care.
xo ~ susan


  1. I have knit several hedgies---I like to attach a loop of twisted cord through the top of their little head and turn them into a Christmas ornament. Each little face turns out a bit different. I love the clever, easy construction.

  2. I can't wait to meet you in Minneapolis at vogue knitting live! I'm in your Egg to Owl class Saturday morning! :-) :-) VERY EXCITED! :-)

  3. I so wish I could take a class from you! I've got my leaf and sprite finished and the second sprite finished. Still working on the leaf pocket, but they have turned out so cute! I'm hoping the second issue of Making comes soon so I can make a butterfly for my grandgirl for Christmas. You are so talented! Your patterns are very logical and easy to follow!

  4. I knitted two hedgies last week for my granddaughters. They're so cute!

  5. Hedgie is so cute and I am sure I speak for others.... Can't wait for the flower fairy to come out! Tapping on my toes, my needles ready and waiting! LOL!
    Have a great day!
