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Monday, March 28, 2016

Craftsy Class Giveaway ~ My First Toe-Up Socks!

Hi, Knitters,
I am having a one day giveaway for my brand new class on The new class is called, My First Toe-Up Socks, and it will be officially released tomorrow, March 29, 2016!

Click here to enter to win my new class, My First Toe-Up Socks!

Tomorrow the winner will be randomly selected at Craftsy and the class will be given to the new winner! Craftsy will be contacting the winner. Good luck if you enter to win.

This is going to be a quick giveaway turn-around but what a great opportunity for one lucky person.

Tomorrow I will be announcing the class and giving you more details about the content and links. I am so excited about this one, it's one of the best things I have done yet for sure.

Until tomorrow!
xo, susan


  1. Thanks for the opportunity to win a free class, Susan! I am really looking forward to this class and will be checking back here for your links! I love your Wee Ones Seamless Knit Toys and The (Not So) itty-bitty Giraffe Craftsy classes! :)

  2. So exciting, thank you for the chance! I haven't attempted a pair of toe-up socks yet! I think the Craftsy classes are awesome and will be checking them out!

  3. So excited for this one! I was hoping it was gonna be SOCKS!!! :) Loved your other two classes! Happy Monday!

  4. I have been watching Craftsy all day waiting for it to go live. Can't wait for tomorrow!!! Thanks for the opportunity!

  5. been wanting to try toe up socks, hope I win, love craftsy too!!

  6. Looking forward to your class!!!

  7. Me too Susan! We are all waiting for your new Craftsy Class!

  8. Thanks Susan. Oh what a wonderful oppertunity

  9. Thanks Susan. Oh, what a wonderful oppertunity

  10. I have 2 incomplete pairs of toe up socks on the needles. Help!! I need your class badly!

  11. Thank you. I just knew you were either going to do this or write a book with your own tried and true methods of sock architecture. You know, you can still write that book!

  12. I would love to win your class on Craftsy!

  13. I would love to take a class with you!

  14. Would be great to win a class.

  15. I would love to win this class. I've only ever knit socks cuff down and would love to learn to knit toe up socks. Thanks for the opportunity to win. gabyj on Rav.

  16. Thank you for the chance to win a class with you. Have not tried toe up socks yet. Love all your stuff.

  17. I've learned so much from you and I'm very excited for this class! Now and maybe, just maybe I will overcome my fear of knitting socks and actually knit up some of my sock yarn stash.


  18. I don't even care if I don't win the drawing, I'm still buying the class, it sounds awesome!

  19. Hey Susan!! We are ready!!

  20. Congrats Susan. I tried toe up once and the fit was perfect for my chicken feet. Did you find this style of toe up gave you a different fit than cuff down?

  21. Wooly Cakes,
    I find the fit to be fairly similar. I think for either direction of knitting socks you have to have good measurements and the right number of stitches for the circumference of the sock. I am glad the toe-up worked well for you!
