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Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Win a 3-Month Subscription to Gale's Art Sock Blank Club!

Hi, Knitters,
One day many months ago I stumbled upon one of my favorite Etsy shops with no plans to purchase anything. As I was scrolling down and looking at Gale's beautifully dyed sock yarns and fiber something caught my eye. It was something I had never seen before, not like this anyway. I was seeing a piece of art, a new way to think about sock yarn, a new way to have fun with colors and dyeing. I was looking at the Gale's Art Secret Sock Blank. It was incredible.

I had to get one! I had to knit the Secret Sock Blank into socks immediately. And so I did. 

If you don't know what a sock blank is, it is a machine-knit piece of fabric that is made out of sock yarn. The dyer creates colors on the fabric and in Gale's case, stencils secret messages. You pull the yarn from the end of the blank that pulls off easily and cast on for your project. 

Gale has both single-strand sock blanks that will create mismatched socks, and double-stranded sock blanks which will create matching socks (strands are held together in the sock blank and two strands are pulled off at the same time). When ordering be sure to order the type you'd prefer.

I LOVE knitting socks from a sock blank. I didn't know if I would like it or not but it was fun, easy, portable and entertaining, especially with the Secret Sock Blank because I was so curious about how it would turn out. These socks flew off my needles, literally. I could not put them down. The yarn is kinked up when you knit with it which didn't bother me at all. 

Once the socks are finished and washed they are smooth as silk and gorgeous. I love the speckled look of the socks. The speckles on the socks are where the stencils were on the blank. Genius!

Do you remember this Monkey sock from awhile ago? This Graffiti and Asphalt Wonder Sock Yarn (best yarn ever!) is from Gale's Art, too. This yarn is variegated in little blips of color so every couple of stitches the color changes, there is no pooling or flashing at all. This is one of my all-time favorite yarns. 

As you can see I have been a long time user and admirer of Gale's yarns. She is so talented and she is always trying to push herself to create new and different techniques with her dyeing. Plus Gale is a down-to-earth, nice person. I met her at SSK last summer and everyone went bananas over her dyeing workshop at that retreat. If you ever get a chance take one of Gale's workshops. 

Anyway, I was thrilled when Gale asked me to host a giveaway for a 3-month subscription her first-time ever club! Yes to that!!

Click here to see more information about Gale's Sock Club! 

Today I get to offer a prize worth $99 to one lucky winner. 

You will receive the three sock blanks in the photo above from left to right:
1. In November 2015: The Fallen
2. In December 2015: Special Snowflake
3. In January 2016: Happy New Year 2016!

Each of these sock blanks evoke the best colors of the seasons ahead. It is so exciting just to think about it. If you want to just purchase the club and not wait too see if you win here is all of the club information including add-ons that can be included in your order.

The blanks are stenciled with seasonal prints and messages. Each one is inspiring.

My goal is to knit each blank in the intended month, November, December and January.

Now be sure to note whether you'd like a single or double-stranded sock blank. My sock blanks in the photos are single sock blanks. You can choose which type you'd prefer. 

Gale is also offering a one time only ONE YEAR Sock Club for those of you who are interested. Here is what Gale has to say about this intriguing option:

"This will be 12 sock blanks I am planning on doing this year. There sill be separate listings for the 12 single and 12 double sock blanks. I don't currently have photos of the year's worth so you will just have to trust that you will LOVE every one of them. The price for the year-long club reflects a 10% discount. Convo me with any questions about add-ons or anything else. 

The Club Blanks will never be reproduced again! They are only for the club people." 

Each blank is 463 yards of a Superwash Merino 75%, Nylon 25%, fingering weight, 100 grams.

The blanks literally glow. They are so beautiful. The finished socks are so smooth and lovely to wear. My Gale's Art sock blank socks are truly one of the most favorite pairs of socks I have ever knit. I wear them every chance I get.

If you'd like to be entered to win a 3-month Sock Club Subscription for Gale's Secret Sock Blanks, please leave a comment on this blog post. It is a must to include either your Ravelry username or an email address so Gale can get in touch with you directly if you should win! Please only leave one comment. You have to be patient for your comment to appear as each comment is approved before posting so there is a delay. Only click on the publish button one time. 

Be sure to follow Gale's Art on Instagram! You won't believe the sock blanks she has cooking.

Good luck! You will LOVE this prize, I guarantee it.

Let the comments begin.
xo ~ susan


  1. Awesome prize - I love Gale's Art!
    natasha on Ravelry

  2. Sock Blanks are so cool...I've been wanting to try them! Such beautiful colors!

    Ravelry ID: SuzyZim

  3. My sister gifted me with a sock blank for the 4th of July and I love it! Thank you for sharing!

    ravelry ID - zinda

  4. That is something i haven´t tried before. Looks very nice!
    My Ravelryname: Lammas

  5. Wow, they are beautiful!!
    as much as I am NOT looking forward to winter, the December & January sock blanks colors are amazing!
    rav: curdy

  6. What a wonderful opportunity! I would love to win the sock blanks because I have never tried them and -- Susan, you make everything sound fun! Thank you! MsCabrio on Ravelry.

  7. Those are so beautiful, I have yet to try a sock blank but they are definitely on my list! Tangledmania on ravelry here! :D

  8. Beautiful sock blanks - I've never seen anything like that! This would sure spice up my plain-Jane sock knitting. I'm Chellethinques on Ravelry.

  9. So very exciting! Beautiful, I always wondered about those! I will be sure to check them out on etsy too! Fingers crossed!

  10. Love them. rav: nomennescio1840

  11. I've only used a double strand blank before, that I dyed myself, and it was such a pain to knit with. A single strand would be so much nicer.

  12. Wow what a prize!!! Ever since you posted about these I've been so curious to try Gale's sock blanks (or sock blanks in general). Very looking forward to stopping by her booth at Rhinebeck!
    Yarngiraffe at both Rav and Gmail

  13. The sock blanks are so pretty! Fingers crossed! My ravelry ID is chefandfan.

  14. Oh I love knitting from sock blanks! I am roxanna360 in Ravelry.

  15. The sock blanks are so pretty! Fingers crossed. My Ravelry ID is chefandfan.

  16. I have been eyeing this club. I love mismatched socks so would choose the single sock blank. Rav id dmess

  17. Sigh. A girl can dream of knitting with these! Lighthearted on Rav.

  18. What a wonderful giveaway. I love Gale's Art and have been wanting to try a sock blank. I can only imagine how the white one will turn out. So beautiful and wintery! Thanks Susan!

  19. Those sock blanks are SO much fun!

  20. CraftyPancakesOctober 06, 2015

    How exciting! I've never knit from a sock blank but it sure looks fun! Good luck to everyone! ~ CraftyPancakes on Rav

  21. LOVE these so much!!!! RavID: inesversusthewool

  22. I would love to knit with this yarn!

  23. What a wonderful prize!

  24. I have never tried this method of creating socks, but I sure would love to try! Knitting-nene on Ravelry.

  25. Love-Love-Love Gale's sock blanks...
    I was lucky to be able to take a class with her at SSK2015!
    kristina13 (Ravelry)

  26. The sock blanks are gorgeous. (ufochamp)

  27. Pick me! Ravelry: Wei-Lin

  28. How beautiful! Thank you for such a generous prize!

  29. Samantha OravecOctober 06, 2015

    A sock blank club!? Fantastic! These are beautiful! What is the difference between the single and double stranded sock blanks?
    My Ravelry name is samoravec

  30. I would love to try this! I've never seen a sock blank, nor heard of one.

  31. Oh lovely

  32. Wow!!! This is great!! I Tried my first sock blank and it was double stranded and loved it!!

  33. What a great offering! I've never worked from a blank like this. I think I'd want the double though since I knit my socks two at a time anyway! Rav ID: butnostephanie

  34. Hi Nana3H here hoping to win some cute crafty clever sock yarn. TY for the chance. Pat

  35. So pretty! Would love to be a winner!
    rav id: lindajeanne

  36. How fun! I have followed you for some time on Instagram. In fact, I think it was your monkey socks posted Instagram photo with Gale's Art Yarn that prompted me to place an order with her! Contact info: Ravelry (& Instagram) ID: knittingfan

  37. OH! How I would love to win this special give-away. Thank you Gale! I have knit socks with this yarn and absolutely love it. I appreciate that you, Susan, find so many great indie designers for all of us to experience too. Rav: grahamcrackerzz

  38. What an amazing prize! These look so fun!

    Rav name: heyjenray

  39. Wow!! Beautiful. Especially the Dec one with the snowflakes.
    Katy, longtallkaty on Ravelry

  40. Very pretty.

    zbyszkoknits on Ravelry


  41. I'll go first! I haven't knit with a sock blank yet (I have my indigo dyed ones ready to go) and I love Gale's work! I've knit with her sock yarn and spun her fiber, so sock blanks should be next.

    woolyeyes on Ravelry.

  42. Awesomesauce!! 😊
    (jenben on Ravelry)

  43. I have never knit socks with a blank but winning these may win me over! Thank you for hosting such a beautiful giveaway!
    Ravelry name: Picklesister

  44. I love these sock blanks, Gail has outdone herself.
    Rav name: Daria121

  45. Thanks for sharing this and for the opportunity to win. BEAUTIFUL and such a fun idea!

    -Heather, @crafteegirl on Ravelry and hsb525 [at]

  46. I'd LOVE to win this--have thought I'd like to try sock blank knitting. Thanks for the inspiration! Ravelry: Mofjeld email:

  47. These sock blanks are gorgeous! I'd love to win! JaimeK on ravelry

  48. WOW. How beautiful! I'd love to try a sock blank like this.

  49. I love the month-appropriate theme! Especially December.
    Ravelry name: ArtLikeNonsense

  50. Amazing giveaway. Beautiful work. Love following Gale's work on instagram. dnnkuehl on ravelry.

  51. OMG. These are works of art! So colorful and beautiful. madmartiknits on ravelry

  52. Wow! What an awesome giveaway. You always have the best giveaways, Susan, and I think it's because the things you give away on your blog are things that you truly enjoy. I am crossing my fingers that I win this one!

    ...and if I don't, I definitely know what to put on my Christmas wish list. ;-)

    --KnittingDaddy Greg

  53. I'd love to try knitting from a sock blank. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your drawing.

  54. Would love to try sock knitting with these gorgeous blanks! Thank you so much for opportunity!! jamccann on ravelry or

  55. What a great prize to be won. I have been wanting to try sock blanks. LMERMD on Ravelry email is

  56. I've wanted on of these blanks ever since I first saw your post. Such a great giveaway.

    kmacmillan2003 on ravelry

  57. So pretty! Thank you for the chance to win! My Ravelry name is laurenloo :)

  58. Gorgeous and FUN!

    Rav: getahobby

  59. LOVE IT! <3
    sms394 on Rav

  60. YEs please! I have been admiring these for a long time! so gorgeous. SummerCrosson on ravelry.

  61. Wow! Those blanks are FAB! djfleesh on Ravelry

  62. Wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win! Jilld on Rav

  63. The sock blanks are beautiful!!!
    Can't resist this chance ;-)

    kamadres on ravelry

  64. How exciting! Thanks for the chance to win!
    Single stranded please
    Ravelry ID bountifulknitter
    Thank you!

  65. Wow! Those are just gorgeous. I'd love a double stranded one, please. :) thank you, Gale and Susan!

  66. I love your socks knitted with Gale's sock blanks. I can see why you say they glow. A truly lovely prize. I am skibum on Ravelry.

  67. Awesome! These would make such lovely socks!

    Janebg1923 on Rav

  68. Beautiful yarn & looks like so much fun!!
    I'd love to win.

    Rav ID - connkints

  69. Gale is a genius! I was lucky enough to take her dyeing class at SSK. Very generous prize, thank you!

    Rav ID Diana505

  70. Beautiful! Thanks for offering this! Jeneer on Ravelry

  71. Want want want to try Gale's lovely blanks and the idea of knitting a pair of socks a month is wonderful.

  72. I've never tried a sock blank and these look fabulous! Thank you Ladies!

    purlynn (rav id)

  73. OMG! Those are so neat! How ice of you both!!


  74. Gale's sock blanks are GORGEOUS! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

    Ashley (aka CarolinaSpinner on Ravelry)

  75. Thank you for the chance!
    Griffgirls on ravelry

  76. OMG! This is so cool. I am DebrafromMD on Ravelry.

  77. How fun are these, I have never knit a sock blank but... now I have to. Single strand if I win. Ravid: NaomiKnitster

  78. Wow, what a lovely giveaway! If i were to win I would love the double stranded :)
    Thank you for offering this!
    On ravelry I am happyfox74


  79. Love Gale's arts! And these sock blanks are AMAZING!!!!!

    barknknit on ravelry

  80. Love the sock blanks! Would love to knit up some socks with these.

  81. DinahsmommyOctober 06, 2015

    What a cool creative idea! It would be so much fun to try these out. I'd love the double stranded sock blanks. Dinahsmommy on Ravelry.

  82. What a wonderful gift Susan and Gale. Looking forward to seeing Gale at SAFF in a couple of weeks. Happy Birthday Susan.

    Ravelry name: DawnLee

  83. I have been wanting to try one of Gales sock blanks for a while. I have several of her fibers and love her color choices and combos. She is also the greatest to chat with at shows. I am yarning4asmile on ravelry :)

  84. This is truly amazing! I'd love the chance to win a double stranded one, it would be so fun to watch them come together! nicolespence22 at hotmail dot com :D

  85. These look like so much fun. The double strand is especially appealing! Ber (bee30 on rav)

  86. Oh my! The sock blanks are so beautiful! I would love to get my needles in them
    My Ravelry name is mary-love

  87. Andrea ZukorOctober 06, 2015

    Genius! Gale is truly an artist. Thanks for telling us about her!

    ravelry name: andreareallycooks

  88. What fun! I would love to give it a try.

    pmack17 on rav

  89. I'd love to try these. Such a great giveaway!
    jessicabreee on Ravelry.

  90. I would love to try these, definitely I would want single sock blanks! Rav name is kaleeknits
    Thank you for he generous giveaway!

  91. Wow, these are gorgeous. I'd love to win a single strand. Rav name is ashtree22.

  92. I would love the double stranded sock blanks! Acwilson on Ravelry.

  93. Beautiful sock blanks!

    Shellyb on rav

  94. I'd love to try sock blanks. It looks fun. Thanks to you and Gale's Art for the opportunity!
    Rav ID: Camanoah

  95. fabulous! It's definitely time for me to win something...
    Thanks! I've bookmarked Gale's page, just in case.
    Floribunda on ravelry

  96. I have been wanting to try a sock blank. They look like so much fun!
    MissGknits on Rav

  97. I have been wanting to try a sock blank! These are all so beautiful!
    I'm abneretta on Ravelry.

  98. Wow, these are so beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win. tracyemiko on Ravelry

  99. Beautiful-before and after!

    maribethsg Ravelry ID

  100. Those look so amazing!! Rav ID: sewknittystar

  101. Wow, what a great give-a-way! I would love to have the double strand ones. I'm saraj0179 on Rav and my email is Thank you!!!

  102. Oh my gosh they couldn't be prettier! I would love just one! Single stranded would be great! How beautiful! Thank you!

  103. Would love to try the single knit blank. I find sick blanks fascinating. You have a truly one of a kind creation.

  104. Long time fan of Gale. In fact, just now I am wearing socks made from hand spun roving from her shop. rav id: blackcatfiber

  105. Love Gale's Art!! What a generous givaway!! I'm strickland66 on Rav.

  106. Wow! Gorgeous colors and such a fun idea! :) Thank you for the giveaway. (Rav: hmommy)

  107. I have been admiring Gale's sock blanks on etsy for quite some time. Thanks for the chance to win a few!

    Rav: wolfcreeker

  108. Oh these are lovely! Thank you so much Gale and Susan for a chance to win!! I am definitely matchy when it comes to my socks - so double strand please. (rav id knitnspin).

  109. So lovely! They are artwork as sock blanks. Thank you thank you for hosting this giveaway and bringing such a talent to our attention.
    I am k1teach2 on Ravelry.

  110. This is so gorgeous.
    Mrenji on ravelry

  111. Becca StantonOctober 06, 2015

    These are amazing!! Would be lovely to win! My ravelry name is MrsBeccaStanton!

  112. Gorgeous! I am loving the blue love one I'm knitting now. I'm Qmama on Ravelry =)

  113. Wow these are beautiful! Enter me for single stranded, please. kelleyjogirl on Ravelry.

  114. Awesome! I have been dying to try a sock blank! Ravelry id thishandmadelufe

  115. Wow, how beautiful. Would love to win. Ravelry is. Wagner

  116. What a great idea! Thank you for the opportunity. The socks are wonderfully colourful. Olwyn on Ravelry

  117. The double stranded blank is a great idea! Very impressed by these. I am LeftyLisa on Ravelry.

  118. This is an amazing and generous give away. The sock blanks are beautiful and they are so intriguing. Here is hoping my name gets picked. 😀

    Heatherg7 on Rav

  119. What lovely sock blanks. I've never used one and have wondered how it to knit from one.
    Thanks so much for the chance. Raverlry iD is Masshag

  120. The only thing I knit are socks, but I have never knit a sock blank. Gale's sock blanks are beautiful and I am going to check them out!

    Rav ID needlelove

  121. What an awesome opportunity! Can you believe that I have never knit a sock blank before? Thanks, Susan and Gale!

  122. These are stunning Susan. Gale has amazing colour sense!
    Ravelry: knittergrl

  123. Oh My Goodness ... beauty before and after! A lovely prize to get me back to my sock needles. Thank you for highlighting them!
    RavID: TwinMamaLinda

  124. Love your sock in progress and would love to try out Gales sock blanks!

  125. I've been wanting to try knitting with sock blanks, but have been too chicken. This would give me a good excuse to get over it. I usually knit taat so I would want a double stranded. Awesome giveaway!
    Rav ID swtblu

  126. I've always been interested in trying sock blanks, though I've not done it yet...nor do I own any. I think it's time :)

    ~ renny1780 on Rav

  127. I've been wanting to try Gale's sock blanks, thanks for the opportunity! My Rav name is RachelP.

  128. Linda RockwellOctober 06, 2015

    I have bought some of Gale's yarn and it's wonderful! I could use a bit of sock knitting fun in the near future~ Best of luck to all the lucky entrants! (Lindar on revelry or

  129. Interesting concept. I've never seen anything like it. Love to enter this contest.
    Ravelry: iamladydi

  130. I love the sock blanks, so creative!

    bbean33. (

  131. What a generous prize. I look them all the time. I feel one in my future.....

    amdezo (rav id)

  132. Would love to try knitting with the sock blanks. All the colorways are so beautiful.

    Rav ID: caitkay

  133. I have always wanted to try knitting with a sock blank. Must order! Revelry: lisarviviano

  134. Pls pick me. Knitting would be even more fun! knittinnerd on Ravelry

  135. What a terrific giveaway! The winner will receive such a great gift. Fingers crossed in north Idaho.

  136. These sock blanks are so very beautiful! I prefer double as I knit 2S2C.

    Knittinginny on Ravelry

  137. Hello
    I am pigsandfrogs on ravelry and I would love some sock blanks by Gale she is the best

  138. You could hang the blanks on the wall as a piece of art! I'd love to try making socks from these!
    Rav ID Vickimaynes
    email :vicki.maynes@gmail

  139. I love how socks blanks have returned and I love the stencils on them.

  140. Using a sock blank would be totally cool to try! I'm a two-at-a-time gal, so I'm guessing I would like the
    double-stranded…thanks for hosting this giveaway!!

  141. After seeing you knit one of her sock blanks on your podcast I bought 'Groovy' colorway at the Jefferson Wool and Sheep festival. I am so excited to cast on for socks for me. Thank you for this opportunity Susan. Gale's sock blank's are awesome! :) Zoë (EspressoBean on ravelry)

  142. I'm knitting one of her blanks right now! Can't wait to see what she has in store for the lucky winner.

  143. These are fantastic! I've had my eye on them for awhile.
    Payricialovesyarn on Rav

  144. YOU are my inspiration Susan...

  145. I've been wanting to try a sock blank... and these are gorgeous! (Ravelry: annatie)

  146. What a generous giveaway. I've never knit with sock blanks and the colors on Gale's are so rich and vibrant. Gorgeous. My Rav ID is Savannagal. Thanks.

  147. Gale's colours are gorgeous!! Rav ID: welfordpurls

  148. It would be fun to knit with the sock blanks. Thanks for the opportunity to try them.

    tlobner on Rav

  149. Always wanted to try a sock blank, if I won would like a single strand and mr Ravelry I'd is rbebla, thanks for the offer of the giveaway!

  150. Hi Susan! I would love to have this giveaway :) Thank you for all of your amazing patterns and these wonderful giveaways.

  151. I loved seeing your sock blank knitting develop and would love to try these out! Beautiful work, Gale! Rav name: lynnberry

  152. How could I not enter? They look like so much fun. HollyCJ on Ravelry

  153. Beautiful sock blanks! I like double stranded to make 2 matching socks. I'm getting ready to cast on GalesArt's 4th of July socks. The Happy New Year sock blank is calling my name. :) Ravelry ID: queenbee1958

  154. Oh those are beautiful! I'd love to try a single one. Thanks for the giveaway! Kelly... Promqun75 on rav

  155. Simply beautiful. I love the colour combos.

    RavID: jackie0427

  156. I just started knitting socks this summer. I am fascinated by all the different ways knitting socks can be approached and the different ways sock yarns are made. Sock blanks seem fun. I will have to try them.
    RavID: LindaNYC

  157. LUUUUUV...I promise not to feed the stash, these would become socks right away!

  158. What a generous prize! I absolutely love Gale's stenciled sock blanks
    Rav ID showmeyourknits

  159. Lovely yarn and colors! Rav ID Birgitsknits

  160. I really want to try sock blanks. These look gorgeous.
    Rav ID aprilcox26

  161. I'd love to win and have a chance to try sock blanks for the first time. Jas330 on Rav.

  162. I would so love to win this! SheilaOKeefe on Rav

  163. Love it! Thanks for the giveaway karclockATgmaildotcom

  164. Those colors are gorgeous!
    Rav ID: srhncl

  165. Oh! I'd love the doubles:) rav: cbaugh21

  166. I have been admiring these for awhile.

    Rav name: CrazyKnittingFool

  167. I've always wanted to try a sock blank. Gale's awesome work would be a good way to start :). Craftyfoxx on ravelry

  168. I've adored Gales work since I saw it a few months ago. I would love to try the sock blanks!
    RavID: cee1225

  169. This would be the most exciting prize ever! Thank you for your generosity! I can't wait to try this yarn!

    Mamachanse on rav.

  170. These look like they'd knit up beautifully! Thanks for the contest.

  171. Yay! I'm working on socks from a Gale's Art sock blank purchased at #MDS&W 2015!

  172. These are beautiful I can't wait to see how they knit up
    ~lainer797 on ravelry

  173. Such a cool idea can't wait to buy some from Gale!!! Looks so dreamy to knit

  174. I love Gale's work, I check her shop all the time and have always wanted to knit a sock blank. I would like the matching blanks as I knit TAAT toe up. My email is

  175. Gale's Sock Blank's are true pieces of ART.
    Rav username - itzigheine
    Email -

  176. Wow such a great prize hope I get to try some sock blanks that would be amazing thank you Gale and Susan for the contest!!!

  177. I love Gale's stuff. I am currently knitting the Happy Halloween blank. perkyknits on ravelry.

  178. I would love to win these beautiful sock blanks! Thanks for the chance to win!

  179. What a fantastic give away!
    I'm saradenbo on Ravelry

  180. Such lovely and tempting knitting! I keep tucking items like this away as Christmas possibilities. Johnston4kids on rav

  181. THESE ARE SO COOL!!! Rav amchart

  182. I've never knit from a sock blank but tees look amazing! Ravelry: knotegh

  183. Gale's sock blanks are amazing!

  184. I have had so of her sock you & I jest love it. Would love to try her sock blank 's Thank you for this beautiful sock club. I'm glongley on Ravelry

  185. I would love love love to knit these fabulous sock blanks up!!!
    Rav Name: cajuncrochet

    Thank you for the giveaway!!

  186. Oh My! I'm new to sock knitting and sock blanks - I would love to dive into making a pair of socks with these blanks - lovely!! thanks for the fun giveaway opportunity! Rav ID: dallastx2

  187. These are SO cool! What a generous giveaway - yay Gale! sassykrafty on Ravelry

  188. This has got to be the best giveaway ever! Do I dare dream? Merralin on Ravelry.

  189. I love these sock blanks. This is a very generous giveaway.

    Rav: MzCruse

  190. Awesome sock blanks! They look amazing. - Annahj from Ravelry

  191. Beautiful colors and a really cool idea! This is a very generous gift! My Rav: CNorton

  192. Wow, I would love to win this prize these are amazing, thanks for the chance xxx

    Orange-maid on Ravelry

  193. This comment has been removed by the author.

  194. I've never done a yarn club and this would be an awesome one to do! Rav ID - Barkersumpter

  195. I just got my first sock blank a few weeks ago and I love it, these are just as beautiful! donlouden on Ravelry.

  196. These sock blanks are amazing! I would love to win this awesome giveaway.
    pudgypooh on ravelry

  197. What an amazing idea!! I'd like to try the double stranded sock blanks. RavID: ellenlovee

  198. What an awesome giveaway thanks for the chance of something so special! Double would be nice but I would be happy with singles too! Hugs, knittingmomma79 ravelry

  199. I would love to win, ingekjaer on Ravelry
