Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Episode 18: Fall Knitting

Hi, Knitters,
Episode 18 is here. Today I am talking about a couple of sweaters, socks, socks and more socks. Handspun socks are particularly on my mind it seems this fall.

There is a brief photo slide show at the end. I wrote Slide Show where it says insert text at the end but it didn't save for some reason.

Click here to watch Episode 18: Fall Knitting on YouTube!

The podcast is available on iTunes as the Susan B. Anderson Podcast!

There are a few spots left in my Sock Yarn Bunny class in Madison, October 10th at the KnitCircus Retreat. If you are in the area I'd love to see you there. My Shawl Shapes class is already full but you could check on that one if interested. Sometimes people drop out at the last minute.

Click Here for the KnitCircus Retreat information! Oct. 10, 2015.

Knitting Pipeline Maine Retreat

Mary, Millie & Morgan ~ top down seamless doll pattern

Madison Knitters Guild

Kristin Nicholas

Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool

Antrorse by Shannon Cook

Solja by Anna Maltz

Kromski mini-niddy noddy

Stanwood Ball Winder

Kathleen Kibblehouse on Etsy ~ fabric dpn holders

Arne & Carlos sock yarn

Friends in Fiber on Etsy

Into the Whirled

Gourmet Stash

How I Make My Socks ~ my free sock pattern

Blueberry Waffle Sock pattern

Quince & Co. Osprey and Lark yarns

Nature Spun

A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman (It is pronounced Ooo-vah. I pronounced it wrong in the podcast.)

A Homemade Life by Molly Wizenberg (I meant "affectation" when I was talking about the narrator, not the made up word I used, afflection. Sorry about that.)

Olive's Ocean by Kevin Henkes

Delancey by Molly Wizenberg

Ending Thoughts
Susan B. Anderson's Kids' Knitting Workshop ~ my next book!

Periscope ~ I'm @susanbanderson on here. Let me know your thoughts on this.


My Ravelry group ~ Itty-Bitty Knits

One last thing....

My lovely niece completed the Madison Ironman last weekend. We all went to cheer her on along the way and I am so proud of her. She is just amazing. This photo was taken on mile 22 of the marathon and just look at her still smiling away! She is one beautiful, strong and determined young woman.

You may recognize my niece from her modeling stint for the Split Back Snowflake Hat pattern.

Take care Knitters. I'll be back soon with more.
xo ~ susan


  1. I always look forward to your postings, especially the videos! Thank you for making my morning special. I would love to see you knit on Periscope. I am always interested in watching experienced knitters so I can pick up hints to help my hands move more efficiently and keep the arthritis at bay. Love you! You are my favorite knitter.

  2. Lovely epispde! RE: Periscope; id love to hear how you spin or choose your handspun for socks. Any news on updating the waiting for winter for children/toddler sizes? Can't wait, I just love the pattern and my 3 yo wants mittens for her bday. Winter comes quick in Boston! -Denise

  3. Good post. Thank you for listing the items you talked about. Just purchased a dpn wallet for my daughters Christmas stocking. 😄

  4. Thank you for the wonderful blog and information.... I am beginning to wonder if you are going to post about this gorgeous RED socks you did on July 2013? I kept looking for it but you always bring on other cute/lovely projects but not this gorgeous socks... :-( Please tell me to get lost if you're not going to post it... I don't want to bother you if you're not going to do that. You're doing a great work! Thank you!


  5. Enjoyed the podcast.I love, love the basket of mini-skeins! RE: Periscope. I haven't heard of it until recently. Don't feel pressured to do it. I Quilt and Knit and I feel like there are so many blogs, podcasts and online classes out there already I could spend so much time listening and watching and never craft. BUT..if you did, I'd like to just watch you knit and maybe figure out how you are so fast:)

    I too am anxiously waiting for your Waiting for Winter mitten pattern in child sizes. Thanks Susan, for all the beautiful things you help me create.

  6. Hey, Sue:)
    I would never tell you to "get lost." I appreciate you checking in and reading the blog.

    I have responded to you about the red socks many times on the blog comments after each time you have asked but I don't know if you check back to see if I've answered. I'm not sure how else to get in touch so I will respond here again....

    The red sock you have asked about was one I was working on for Unicorn Books, the distributor of Opal Sock Yarn. I finished one red sock and then the project took a different turn and I ended up making the Opal Sock Yarn Bunny for the company instead.

    I won't be posting about that sock pattern or selling it, but if you are interested in duplicating that sock all I did was add an "Antler" cable on the front of the sock going down to the toe. This is a common cable pattern that can be found in many stitch dictionaries. You could use my How I Make My Socks pattern and just insert the Antler Cable running down the front panel. It would be easy to do!

    I hope this answers your question. Thanks for asking and have a great week!

  7. What another great podcast, Susan! It always feels like you're bringing us over for a visit when you do these. I've been experimenting with Periscope some and think it's lots of fun. Hope to see you broadcasting there soon. :) Have fun in Maine! --KnittingDaddy Greg

  8. Okie doke; I finally had time to watch this. You are just so cute. It was really such an honor to have met you and to have spent some time with you in 2011. Your sock show-and-tell was fun. That one pink set was the best and I love the one where you had loved the colors as it looks like you had done some stranding. My sock blockers are jealous as they have been seriously neglected. I need to handwash some socks as it's going to be in the early 90's here this weekend. At least they'll dry fast. And when you mentioned daughter, did you mean TC? I thought about her and thought my gosh, she must in college now! Time flies. BTW, may I ask, how do you create your video podcast? You were using your smartphone? Did you use your big camera before? Do you have to use an external mic as well? Mahalo plenty.

  9. Hey Kepanie! So good to hear from you. I loved meeting you, too. That was a long time ago... time does fly.

    I use my iPhone and I have used my iPad before, too, to record. I don't use an external mic.

    TC is still in high school. I was talking about my older daughter who is now a sophomore in college.

    Take care! I hope you and your family are well.

  10. Yay! You're Antrorse is looking great! Seriously a highlight of my year that you're making one! <3

  11. I just watched my first video on Periscope and I honestly don't understand the appeal. Just as you said, horrible comments appeared within minutes - profane, racist stuff and this was on a sewing blogger. So nothing at all relevant to the conversation. It would be a distraction to see that in front of your face and it would make me kind of sad! I love your podcasts as is and it is such a treat to get up very early before my children and enjoy a bit of knitting while I watch.
