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Thursday, July 02, 2015

Good Stuff & a Shoplouleigh Giveaway!

Hi, Knitters,
I am blocking the beautiful Solja sweater by Anna Maltz. It is taking quite awhile to dry on these warm summer days. I am happy to say it fits great and I will admit to trying it on repeatedly while it's still damp. I can't resist. I kitchener stitched the underarms together and wove in all of the ends while I was working so all that's left to do is finish duplicate stitching the flower centers on the first and second rows of flowers. I think I will use pink centers on the middle row of flowers and honey centers on the top row of flowers. That should be good.

I'll do an entire blog post about Solja when it is truly done and maybe even a podcast so many more details will come on this one. I did do quite a bit of modifying along the way and I'll let you know about that soon. Anyway, I loved knitting Solja to no end and I think I will love wearing it as well.

I have a wonderful giveaway opportunity for you today. The generous Leigh from Driffield, England, is offering one lucky winner their bag of choice from her Etsy Shop called Shoplouleigh!

I have purchased two of Leigh's bags and can highly recommend them. They have quickly become some of my favorite project bags. Leigh uses a heavy cotton canvas or linen fabric that is sturdy and high quality. I love the natural overtones and the simple prints she selects. The drawstring bag construction is top-notch with an eye for details. The bag sits up nicely and the top can be rolled down to create a nice opening while working. 

Leigh adds a wristband on the side in a pretty contrasting print and I like the simple white lining. But best of all....

There are three pockets on the inside! I miss pockets in my project bags and most of the smaller bags I have don't include pockets. Leigh uses a contrast linen fabric for the three-part pocket. I love this so much.

Leigh of Shoplouleigh on Etsy has offered the opportunity for one winner to receive a bag of choice from her shop! I see she only has a few bags up on her shop right now but I am sure she will work with you to select the bag of your choice. Check out the sold section of her shop to see some of her other bags.

To enter to win please leave a comment on this blog post. Please only leave one comment, be patient for your comment to appear and only click on Publish one time. Please include your Ravelry username or your email address so Leigh can get in touch with you if you win!

Another quick thing I am working on is switching out any worn out, fraying grosgrain ribbon or cord drawstrings on some of my all-time favorite and heavily used project bags. I am hard on my project bags, they travel with me and are thrown in cars, larger bags and crammed in all sorts of corners around the house. Some of them need a little freshening up. I am switching out the frayed ribbon and cording with twill printed measuring tape. I am turning both of the ends down about a 1/4 inch and sewing them down on my sewing machine so they won't fray.

I can't take credit for this super clever idea. A little less than a year ago I was really impressed by a beautiful little project bag that Helen of Curious Handmade had sewn. She used a natural and wide woven measuring tape as a drawstring and I never forgot what a charming touch this was to her project bag.

Click here to see Helen's project bag with a measuring tape drawstring! You can even see that I left a comment on Helen's bag at that time. I loved it then and I love it now. I don't believe Helen sells her bags, I think this was a gift for someone. 

I love the wider natural woven measuring tape more than the one I used. I wonder where she got hers? If you know of a good source please let me know!

My absolute favorite drawstrings are made of fabric like the ones Knit Spin Farm does on all of her bags and Lowland Originals does on some of her bags, for example. I know this takes extra work but it is a really nice finishing touch.

I know that Dianne of Suburban Stitcher on Etsy (and I love her podcast) actually sells bags with the measuring tape drawstrings. Check out Dianne's Etsy shop right here!

One last thing, I cast on for the Louise cardigan by Carrie Bostick Hoge. I am using Quince & Co. Osprey in the Belize, Kumlien's Gull and Honey colorways. I am using size 9 and 10 US needles. Those are Signature needles in the photo. I think this is going to be a very quick knit with the aran weight yarn on bigger needles. It's kind of exciting to start a new sweater. It never gets old.

Well, don't forget to leave a comment for a Shoplouleigh project bag of your choice! Good luck if you enter. I'll randomly select a winner and I will announce it in a few short days.

It is my 26th wedding anniversary this week. Time flies when you're having fun, as they say. It's also my daughter's 19th birthday this weekend and of course, it's the Fourth of July! So much to celebrate in so little time. I'm sure we'll find a way to have fun together. That never seems to be a problem.

Let the comments begin!
xo ~ susan
p.s. I put a new header on my blog that is a photo of my new shawl design that will be released right after the SSK Retreat that ends on July 18th. It is a fun knit and I can't wait to share it with you.


  1. The pockets in the project bag are amazing -- why hasn't anyone else thought to do pockets?

  2. Great color choices on the sweater! I love the way that it turned out. I love all of the project bags that you have shown. RAVID: Tanknit

  3. The bags are very cute! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
    My ravelry name is SqueakGirl

  4. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    I like the pretty little woodland animal one you have with the hedgehog on it. I like bags with cute and whimsical animals.

  5. 02, 2015

    Love her project bags, so well done. ❤️. Brownowl on Ravelry.

  6. The measuring tape ribbons are fantastic! I would love to find ones in both metric and imperial, like the measuring tapes I've used while growing up in Latin America. I'm medeamaterial on ravelry!

  7. Beautiful sweater! Have fun celebrating this weekend! 26 years is something to be proud of!
    Mmetzbower on rav

  8. I love the project bags and your Solja sweater is beautiful! ( Needlelove on Ravelry)

  9. Susan, great blog as always... love the bags, I can never have too many! Please check this out for the other mearsuring tape, though it's not twilltape. could this be it?

  10. So much inspiration from you, as always, thank you. Lovely project bags and I'm a HUGE fan of pockets as well. I'm knittinluv on ravelry.

  11. Very cute bags and I love the measuring tape ribbon.

  12. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    Such lovely inspiration from you, as always, thank you for that! (C: I'm a HUGE fan of pockets in project bags as well. I'm knittinluv on ravelry. Thank you for the giveaway.

  13. Happy Anniversary! crazyknittingfool on Ravelry

  14. Very nice bags! Natasha on Ravelry

  15. The drawstring bags are very sweet. Carla. Ravelry name lolafifi

  16. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    What gorgeous bags! <3

    aknistler on Ravelry

  17. The sweater is amazing! The bags are too cute. I hope I win! Rav amchart

  18. I'm sorely tempted to make Solja for myself because yours is so inspiring! Love those project bags, too. I'm madtownmama on Ravelry.

  19. Love the project bags!

    chathamgrad on RAV

  20. Following your progress on the Solja sweater has been fun. The FO is amazing! These bags look nice and LOVE the measuring tape drawstring. Always seeking new project bags to replace the makeshift ones of yesteryear. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity, you're so generous. Congrats on your anniversary and daughter's birthday. Esther
    RavID: emrubin

  21. Oh my word I love this bag!

  22. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    Your sweater turned out perfect! What a quick knit! The project bags so nice. Love the pockets. The little owls fabric is adorable.
    kathnits on Ravelry

  23. Love this post--so many cute ideas! And the sweater is lovely.
    Rav ID: nelknits

  24. I love heavy linen--practical and simple. Off to browse her shop! Rav: Lighthearted.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    I'd love a project bag with pockets! RAV id is barkersumpter. Happy 4th of July and Anniversary!

  27. I love the owl project bag and the tape measure twill tape is genius!!

  28. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    Love new project bags! mlittlefield on Ravelry.

  29. I love the color blue of the yarn. And the twill tape design is genius. Apronaddict Ravelry

  30. Your sweater is gorgeous. It's the perfect colour combination.

  31. I would love to get my hand on one of Leigh's bags! I've heard so many good things about them!

    Anamchara1104 on Ravelry

  32. You are so incredible inspiring! That sweater is insanely gorgeous, I love the colors your chose for it. Those bags are cute to boot! Us knitters can always use another bag - off to bookmark her etsy shop too. My Rav ID is CountingSheep - thanks much!

  33. Who doesn't need another project bag? LOL

    Pat - plynn (Rav ID)

  34. I can always use another project bag :)

    ~ renny1780 on Ravelry

  35. love the bags and there are plenty to chose from since all three have great fabric. Sewing is like cooking - always better when someone else does it. Not so with knitting since it is a process.
    hanoch on Ravelry

  36. Oh the pockets and the heavy fabric - so delightful. RavID: summercrosson

  37. Oh the pockets and the heavy fabric - SO lovely. RavID: summercrosson

  38. Happy anniversary!!!

  39. Thank you so much for the chance to win! Your sweater is absolutely lovely, I'm so impressed with the stitch patterning. I'm also a big fan of project bags, especially the bucket style, but the few that I have don't have inner pockets or a sturdy exterior. Pockets and a bit of rigidity would be a welcome treat! (I'm ShortysSutures on Ravelry.)

  40. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    I love the colors you used in your sweater. Rav ID. Kristenlyna

  41. Beautiful sweater!! I wish I could knit as fast as you do. Love the bags, too!!

  42. EVERYTHING is better with pockets!

  43. Ooh the pockets, the fabrics! LOVE!! RavID: Summercrosson

  44. Such wonderful bags! Love the pockets. What a brilliant detail. :) I am working my way back on your podcasts and blog posts; thank you for all the inspiration! Having such fun listening and learning. ♡ (Ravelry - EspressoBean)

  45. Love the bags! Rav: urbanfarmwife

  46. Love the bag! Happy Anniversary!

    Jen jenb69 on Rav

  47. Love your sweater and the project bags look fantastic. Rav: helen-a78

  48. Lovely bags and sweater :) ravid: katking85

  49. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    I can't wait for more sweater details!
    Rav ID Olive14

  50. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    Congrats on your anniversary!

    Those bags look wonderful. Having pockets would be great. I have a bunch of really simple drawstring bags but they don't have pockets and the fabric is so thin the needles poke through them all the time. I'd love to have a wonderful bag like those!

    Serenova on Ravelry

  51. Your sweater is beautiful! You should be proud.

    dominique69 on ravelry

  52. I love the pockets in the project bag! Your sweater and new shawl are beautiful - can't wait to hear more details on both. Happy Anniversary! rav name lynnberry

  53. Sherri L.July 02, 2015

    Thank you for introducing us to this Etsy shop. I love the bags that she has available. I am sheepinterpreter on Ravelry.

  54. Susan love the colors you picked for your new sweater.
    And the project bags is beautiful.
    Thanks for a chafe to win.

  55. Your blog (and you, of course!) are so inspiring! A girl can never have too many project bags!

  56. Cute bags! the sweater is darling and I can't believe you knot it up so quickly.
    mimifan on rav

  57. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    Thank you for the opportunity! Those bags are adorable.

  58. Great sweater, and those bags look fab!

    WordLily on Rav

  59. Love your finished Solja sweater. I have this on my list of sweater's I want to knit. Interested in how you do the center on the flower. Will you put that in your project notes or talk about it on your next podcast? I do love the bags....I have a couple of them and the pockets are the best. Thanks for the chance to win another one. Enjoy celebrating this weekend, hope the weather is nice for you.

  60. I'd be so thrilled to win one of her great bags! Thank you for the opportunity! You can find me as twocrazycrafters on Instagram.

  61. Love the sweater & bag!

    Knitsweartink on Ravelry

  62. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    Love the bags, they are darling. Would love the chance to give one a good home!
    Rav ID: smozerose

  63. I love canvas and linen bags—such great texture and a sturdy feel. And her fabrics are creative and unique.
    andymeg on Rav

  64. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    I would love to win a bag. Parotgreen on Rav.

  65. I'd love to win.
    pmack17 on rav

  66. Hi Susan, I love your sweater! The Louleigh bags are beautiful. I will have to treat myself. Enjoy your anniversary and your family this weekend. I am Clix on Ravelry.

  67. I love the sweater - gorgeous. Winter will be here soon! Ha! Not in Los Angeles. The bag is unique and the pockets are an added plus. Enjoy celebrating this weekend and Happy Anniversary!
    rav id: grahamcrackerzz

  68. Such lovely bags! Thank you for sharing this shop with us.

  69. Lovely bags, thank you for the chance to win one.

    Dangermouse on Rav.

  70. BookwormJenJuly 02, 2015

    Wow, that sweater is beautiful! I'm a very new knitter, but it's exciting to think I might be able to make something like that some day! Also, as a new knitter, I have not started stocking up on project bags yet, so winning one would be great! :-) Congratulations on your anniversary, happy birthday to your daughter, and happy 4th to all! Ravelry = BookwormJen

  71. I can always use another project bag since it seems two are playing hide and seek from the recent move. I love how the Soulja jumper was styled for its official pattern shoot. Seeing the new cardigan you've cast on made me smile as those pops of color on the cuffs and on the edges is so your style.

  72. I love pockets too! Clever design!

    Rav id patroth

  73. Beautiful sweater! I've been drooling over it via Instagram all week :) My Rav user name is Taine.

  74. Alice in BooklandJuly 02, 2015

    I would love to have a new project bag! I'm constantly on the prowl for something to use and this looks wonderful!
    philomenasfriend on Rav.

  75. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    Happy Anniversary! wen3 on ravelry

  76. Love the Solja sweater! Those colors are fabulous. I also love how you are replacing the drawstrings of your project bags with tape measure ribbon. You will always know where your tape is! I'm always searching for mine -- in the bag, under the couch, oops there goes a grandchild with one! You won't lose these! Happy, Happy wedding anniversary!

    Many blessings!

    RavID: katnahat

  77. I have 3 socks on the needles and only 2 sock project bags. I could totally use a super cute new project bag!

    RavID = lessilly

  78. The Solja looks so beautiful. Rav id: knotegh

  79. Wow! I went to Shopouleigh and was just about to buy one of her bags when it just disappeared! Hope she makes more quick! Wouldn't mind winning one but the chances are soooo slim.


  80. Absolutely gorgeous sweater! I can't wait for the in-depth blog post about it.

    Ravelry ID: meemsy94

  81. Ohh...nice! I'm a newish knitter and don't have a single project bag. I could certainly use one and my birthday is coming up. It would make a wonderful birthday present.
    (pamelaric on Ravelry)

  82. Your sweater came out gorgeous! Love it so much.
    pamelajd on Rav

  83. You make such lovely things :) my name on Ravelry is: michelle71

  84. I think the bags at the easy shop are great. And the sweater is beyond my words.

  85. Those are beautiful project bags. I can tell they are well made and perfect for any project!


  86. What a Great Project Bag give away!! Thanks Susan!

    rav id: dkbc52


  87. Hello Susan

    Beautiful sweater! I love your choice of colors. This is a wonderful giveaway. Beautiful bags!
    Woollyfa on ravelry

  88. Solja looks beautiful, Susan!

    I agree about the pockets; notions pouches are great, but I like a pocket to keep things like pencils and patterns from bouncing around in the bag.

    RavID NDAKKatie

  89. Pretty and functional. Just perfect.

    Rav ID alilou78

  90. I love pockets! dmess on Rav

  91. A really beautifu sweater! And i can always use another project bsg, for sure

    toomanyufos on ravelry

  92. Her project bags are beautiful, especially since they have inside pockets. I have large bags with pockets, but not in any of my small one.
    Your sweater is gorgeous!

    knitterbeader on Rav

  93. Bags are adorable...and so is that sweater of yours :)

  94. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    Those bags are SO cute!!

    I'm knittermom9 on rav.

  95. So many beautiful things, as usual! Happy Anniversary! Those floating owlson the mini bags are just adorable! Thanks for another giveaway! Mamagiff on ravelry

  96. Your sweater is absolutely gorgeous and I love the bags! I am definitely a bag junkie and have so many projects going now that I actually could use a new one!

  97. One can never have too many project bags!! These are so cute, I love the fabrics she uses. I'm at kimberlywiggin (at) sbcglobal (dot) net.

  98. Great bag! kam11 on Rav.

  99. Solja turned out beautifully! Love the colors you chose as well. Thank you for the generous giveaway!
    Rav id: RebeccaZ22

  100. I would feel so much more pulled together when knitting in public with one of these fabulous project bags. I love the project bags with the foxes. Too cute!
    seestephyknit on Rav

  101. KnitGen on Ravelry. cute bags!

  102. ChillykniyJuly 02, 2015

    Lovely project bags!
    Chillyknit on ravelry

  103. I love the bag with the hedgehogs on it. Thank you for the giveaway.

  104. I posted a comment but forgot my Raverly name, jillglove.

  105. As much as I love to quilt and sew my own bags, winning one that someone else made would be amazing!

    Rav ID: brenda0312

  106. Love your blog, and podcasts! Pstlsu on rav!

  107. I would love one of these bags, I follow her podcast and I love the inside pockets too. Fingers and toes crossed I might be lucky. Rav id: dairiona

  108. I still can't believe how quickly you knit; beautiful sweater and I need to invest in some bags so my yarn doesn't travel from under seat 7F to the exit row on airplanes;)

    Rav id akjetmom

  109. Your new sweater turned out beautifully -- Grannyslove (Rav)

  110. These look like the perfect thing to upgrade me from gallon Ziploc bags!

    annatie on Ravelry

  111. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    I love your sweater. I'm sure it will be cold enough to wear it before we know it! I would love to win a bag. I love the pockets and I really like a bag that has a light-colored lining. My rav ID is laurelstknits
    thanks Robin

  112. Would love to own one of these project bags. Thank you for the giveaway and Happy Anniversary. or
    Rav id: 070104jg

  113. Your Solja looks to good! I'd love to have one of these pretty project bags. I always seem to have several project squished into one tote bag--not ideal!

    fieldwonderful on rav

  114. Happy anniversary to you! And happy 4th. Rav ID Annealden.

  115. These project bags are gorgeous! I would love to have one! Ravelry Fourplus4.

  116. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    Great project bag!

    Wmclean on Rav

  117. Love project the bags! I don't have many and am trying to build my collection. Thanks for sharing all the great sources. It would be fun to win one too! Ravelry ID: LeanneGoddard

  118. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    Thank you for the chance to win an amazing project bag! Happy 4th!

    J9pink on Rav

  119. Such cute bags! Another measuring tape ribbon to check out Kinda pricey but cute. Harper on Rav

  120. Don't think one can ever own too many project bags. Great bags! Love the pockets.
    RavID: greenemel

  121. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    I love project bags and always need a new one! These are beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity.
    Ravelry id: eidhallo

  122. These project bags are beautiful, I too love bags with pockets! My Ravelry is: kpmcqs

  123. Can't have too many project bags! These look wonderful! (Hannahr on Rav)

  124. Beautiful sweater and lovely bags. Thank you!
    RAV ID. Claudi

  125. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    I would love one of these bags. I am also hard on my bags and have some refreshing to do, too!
    nigellafoxy at gmail dot com

  126. These bags are really lovely. I really like the pockets and the fabrics are beautiful. Rav ID: brbmom
    Thanks for sharing some great shops- Michelle

  127. I have seen these project bags around blog land and they are fantastic. Thanks for the opportunity to win one. Also happy anniversary.
    Ravelry id jhuntsman17

  128. I love your sweater Susan, it looks beautiful :0) I'm sure your Louise will be fab as well!
    I would love the chance to win a pretty project bag,
    HUGS, Mel
    womaninashoe on ravelry

  129. Can never have enough project bags!

    Rav ID Suuzzeeq

  130. what wonderful project bags, you always find the best stuff! I'd love to win one.

  131. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    I'd love to try one of these bags, and thanks Susan for all the great recommendations! It's fun to check out all their shops!

    Joyhill on rav

  132. Beautiful sweater can't wait for your podcast. Congratulations on 26 years of wedded bliss!; rav ID: nespolonm

  133. I love some of her bags. Thanks for a great giveaway!


  134. Great blogpost. Such great enabling going on :) beautiful things. WildNWooley on Rav

  135. Great blogpost. Such great enabling going on :) beautiful things. WildNWooley on Rav

  136. Love the finished sweater! The colors are perfect together. Great enabling on all of the project bags, haha.
    Rav: lilwestie

  137. I love bags of all kinds.
    Pamelammgarcia ravelry

  138. Love the bags! And pockets...just lovely!
    Rav id: knitting-nene

  139. Dana (DanaRae19 on Ravelry)July 02, 2015

    I love project bags, and the pockets are a great is the measuring tape instead of ribbon! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  140. great looking bags!
    rav id sk13199

  141. I would love to win one of these great bags.

    jenbrook96 on Ravelry

  142. The Solja sweater looks amazing! Looking forward to hearing about it in more detail.

    I can always use another awesome project bag. :) My Rav ID is kelleyjogirl

  143. Super cute bags with pockets no less!!!

    Kamalaleah on Rav

  144. I love your blog, podcasts and patterns!! As Dan and Kay say "She's like the queen, if she says something just do it!!" neckietoo on ravelry.

  145. Beautiful sweater! Thank you for all the inspiration! Splendorfalls on Rav

  146. thank you for the chance to win such a fantastic prize! I love the idea of pockets inside. my Rav ID is terrylynn2. Thank you!

  147. Thank you Susan and Leigh for the giveaway. I *love* the cute fabric, and would be very happy to win. :) I do have another bag with pockets, and it *always* has something in it. I'll have to see if I can find the maker's card, but I'll share that on Ravelry when I do. (ummm, I know I put it somewhere...)


  148. What sweet little bags!

  149. The project bag is really nice. I like the fabrics used and the pockets on the inside.

    Zowmom on ravelry

  150. Thank you for the giveaway; shoplouleigh's bags are so cute! I appreciate your awesome blog, wonderful videocasts, and inspiring patterns. I'm looking forward to the release of your new shawl after ssk (totally wish I were going). Happy Anniversary!

  151. Great bags! I will have to buy one if I don't win!
    Rav ID: Magpiemarket

  152. Meredith MCJuly 02, 2015

    Those bags are darling. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Rave id: mersknits

  153. Happy Anniversary!


  154. Beautiful sweater!
    Love the bags! So cute! Thank you for the giveaway!
    KnitterKitter on Ravelry

  155. I've seen these bags all over the podcasts. And you're right, the pockets are great. Would love the chance to win.
    longtallkaty on Ravelry

  156. Those bags are lovely - it would be amazing to win one.

    somesylvie on rav

  157. She's done some lovely bags, would love to be in to win. I'm sewsable on Ravelry

  158. Such lovely bags! I'm not sure which one I'd pick!
    - hodges00 on ravelry

  159. I have the same Lou Leigh bag as you and I love it. It really is a great shape and quality. What a great giveaway! Happy anniversary and happy birthday to your darling daughter!

    Hugs... Kriste

  160. Kriste bought me a mini Lou Leigh and it's just darling. I'd love a larger one too. Love your sweater. Happy anniversary!

    Cheers... Kelly (promqun75 on rav)

  161. Happy Anniversary! I love the look of warm coloured edgings on a grey sweater, what a good way to wear a colour that doesn't agree with my skin tone. Thanks!


  162. What a great giveaway. So generous. I can't wait for the new shawl pattern. It's beautiful.

  163. AnonymousJuly 02, 2015

    Love those bags!

    Happy Anniversary to you and your husband and Happy Birthday to your daughter too, sounds like you'll have a lovely week.

    Love the measuring tape idea!

    OzKnitter on Ravelry

  164. Oh your sweater came out so lovely, you've inspired me to get back to my CPH. Thanks for the source on the measuring tape!!

  165. Such a beautiful sweater and thank you for the lovely giveaway!
    Rav Id: barbarjones

  166. Oh my goodness, I love her project bags! Interior pockets are so nice to have in a project bag!

    ktsmurf on Ravelry

  167. What a beautiful sweater and thank you for the lovely giveaway!
    Rav id: barbarjones

  168. I would love to win one of the bags. They are beautiful and I don't have a bag with pockets.
    Thank you for the opportunity. I'm gabyj on revelry.

  169. I adore those project bags! The details are amazing. My Rav ID is llpawlett. Thank you to you and Leigh for the opportunity.
    Your new shawl is so lovely - I can't wait for the pattern. Have a wonderful week of celebrating!

  170. Love the bags, pretty and practical
    Rav: blueunicorn4

  171. I love the shawl on your header picture. and what a great giveaway!

  172. AnonymousJuly 03, 2015

    Ooo I love the little fox and mushroom print!

    RavId: pynetree

  173. The colours you chose for the Solja sweater are gorgeous and seem to really suit you. I can't wait to hear some more details about it.
    Thank you for the giveaway!


  174. AnonymousJuly 03, 2015

    The bags are really cute... Maybe I'am lucky



    ravelry: jaeckchen

  175. The sweater turned out great!

    inesversusthewool on rav

  176. What lovely bags! Rav ID: KnittedinMaine

  177. I would LOVE to win one of these bags!
    Ana -

  178. AnonymousJuly 03, 2015

    Project bags with pockets are great!
    Rav ID: Barb13

  179. Beautiful project bags! I love the attention to detail.
    RavID: jackie0427

  180. love the bags thank you so much

  181. AnonymousJuly 03, 2015

    Lovely project bag! Hope you draw my name. Thanks for a chance!
    LynnIL rav

  182. Laurelbreck on ravJuly 03, 2015

    Great bags! I love the measuring tape idea.

  183. I'm catching up on your blog posts and podcasts. It has been a Very busy spring and summer! You have just blown me away with the speed of your knitting and creativity! I love the idea of the twill measuring tape ties on the bags. And the new bags are adorable...loving the inside pockets, too! Enjoy the weekend...and congratulations to the two lovebirds!
    Sara (Survivor)

  184. Your new sweeater is beautiful. No wonder you can't wait for it to be dry.
    Gorgeous new shawl design too.
    I'd love to enter the draw for the bag giveaway please. Thank you.
    RAV solstitches

  185. The project bags are sweet. You do the best giveaways. My rav id is ClaudiaJane.

  186. Hi Susan, love your blog. The measuring tape drawstring is
    fun. I will look for that in my travels. Dee
    springpoint1 on Ravelry

  187. You can never have too many cute project bags...
    Knitwin on Rav

  188. AnonymousJuly 03, 2015

    I would love one !!!!!!

  189. Love all the animal fabrics that she uses! Rav: lisarviviano

  190. I collect project bags, boxes, baskets at a furious rate. I love 'em! They will soon outstrip the wip's! Always room for one more!

    rav. id: intavira

  191. AnonymousJuly 03, 2015

    What a sweet giveaway! I project bag would be so cool! Thanks for the opportunity!
    mrsladybr on Ravelry

  192. Love the project bags, thanks for the great giveaway! Happy Anniversary to you! We just celebrated our 35th, I've spent the years knitting! saradenbo on ravelry

  193. Your new shawl pattern is gorgeous. I love the travels you send me on as I read your informative posts. You are such a cheerleader and a positive spirit. Thank you for sharing about these lovely people and products.

  194. What a cute bag! Thanks for the giveaway! bobcat1994 ravID

  195. Happy Anniversary. Love your new sweater, may have to think about making this one myself. Project bags are my new vice, love the tape measure ribbon. ravid NaomiKnitster

  196. Knitters love bags almost as much as they love yarn and patterns! I purchased a twill tape measuring tape at the fabric store (distributed by Galaxy notions) but it is 5/8" wide. msmartcat on Ravelry

  197. AnonymousJuly 03, 2015

    Adorable project bags!

    pamelaknits on Ravelry

  198. What sweet bags! I can't wait for the shawl release

    Jennie rav id dayartist

  199. AnonymousJuly 03, 2015

    Your sweater is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing the photo and for the upcoming additional information on it. Also, thanks for the project bag give away! The pockets are awesome! Wish more project bags had them! Happy anniversary, birthday greetings to your daughter, and Happy 4th to all!!

    LibbyJo on Ravelry

  200. Loved your very informative blog today, Susan. Can't wait to see your sweater on you.
