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Friday, September 05, 2014

#projectsweaterchest Top 10 Sweater Video!

Hi, Knitters,
I couldn't resist making a fun video beside my sweater chest trying on my Top 10 Favorite Sweaters for you with my buddy Cat Stevens singing away. I hope you like it!

I'm still going to write about the other 8 sweaters and provide links in the next upcoming posts. I did a video trying on a bunch of oldies but not so goodies, too. I'll work on editing that and post at a later date. It's pretty funny.

If you are an email subscriber please click here to see the video directly on YouTube!

Have a super weekend. I'll be back with more #projectsweaterchest very soon.

xo ~ susan


  1. Loved your sweater video. Your sweater chest looks quite full!

  2. You are so darned cute and such a talent!

  3. The Martini KnitterSeptember 06, 2014

    Love love love this video! Thanks for sharing the sweaters and the names. Looking for forward the upcoming posts - but now I'm off to Ravelry to do a search. I have 3 of the 10 that you have.


  4. Beautiful sweaters! Looked at your schedule and wondered if you could send me any contact info for the Wash. DC retreat in Solomons, Md? You didn't have a link, but I'd love to try to attend that one, if possible. Thanks, in advance, if you can help.

  5. Forgot to give you my email. Susie dot pitts at gmail dot com. Thanks!

  6. Absolutely brilliant! You're very prolific. Every one of them fits beautifully. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Oh I just loved loved loved your video!!!! It was so fun!! Over the Summer as my friends come over to my house they are always digging through my pile of handknits and trying them on. It is like playing dress up for adults. I wish I had taken some videos and put music to it like this. You are too much fun!!

  8. This made my day! The music and your cheery, speed-dressing self. Every sweater looked good on you and went with your outfit. Creative and fun! Thanks.

  9. That was fun. Happy way to start the day. Thanks.

  10. So fun, and I am honored to have Hiro make your list!

  11. You are such a kick!....and a cute one at that! Thanks for the giggles and the inspirations!


  12. This video was the perfect cure to my bad mood - thank you Susan!

  13. Now that's fun to wake up to in the am! You're quite amazing the why you're able to whip those on and off so quickly. Thanks for the fun share and I'm sure ilke everyone else, anticipating the next 8 to follow and the oldie but goodies, for sure.

  14. I loved the sweaters and the music! I was so motivated by your sock drawer but I'm not sure I'll live long enough to make all those sweaters! LOL! What an accomplishment. Maybe I'll have to set my alarm for 2:30 from now on! Ha! Ha!
    P.S. Cat Stevens rocks!

  15. Loved the video and loved the model! I only wish I could be as prolific a knitter as you; you're a true inspiration.

  16. This is so awesome! I'm live #projectsweaterchest and adore your style! I I need to make more hoodies for myself -- love them on you!!

  17. live=love in autocorrect land!

  18. Hi Susan, LOVED your video! Best fashion show ever. Still smiling. I have now added several more sweater patterns to my list.

  19. beau défilé bravo il y a matière là!! c' est super sympa de beaux modèles bravo beaucoup d' humour c' est cool

  20. Absolutely wonderful! Loved seeing all the lovely sweaters you knitted...saw a few I might like to add to my queue. And motivated me to get those sleeves done on my Acer cardigan!

  21. Love your sweater show and how many you have in that trunk! And the Cat Stevens music made me smile as well.

  22. Love your sweater show and how many you have in that trunk! And the Cat Stevens music made me smile as well.

  23. Love it!! Great video - so much fun to watch!

  24. Anne Marie
    Amazing..must be 50 at least in the box...ha ha
    I especially like your button choices...they make such a difference. ...esp the bright pink ones..All of your pieces are such a perfect fit. Do you have a pref for yarn weights.....

  25. Oh my! Just watching that has worn me out---but I'm inspired, too. I smiled as I watched it--- Your enthusiasm helps make knitting fun. Time to wind the yarn I bought at Stitches Midwest for the "Hazelwood" cardigan---lots of slime colors in the yarns I chose.

  26. Oh my! Just watching that has worn me out---but I'm inspired, too. I smiled as I watched it--- Your enthusiasm helps make knitting fun. Time to wind the yarn I bought at Stitches Midwest for the "Hazelwood" cardigan---lots of slime colors in the yarns I chose.

  27. My four year old daughter watched the video with me. She said you are "very stylish" and I agree!

  28. Susie, this is SO CUTE! Your sweaters look so cozy and wonderful, I can tell you have a similar fit and style throughout your wardrobe but each piece looks so unique and special. Thank you for sharing this!!


  29. you have the most beautiful smile~

  30. Thanks that was so fun! And it was great to see how the sweaters look on a person and how they move. :)

  31. That was fun! I have got to knit a sweater!

    I'll be seeing you in Chicago at Vogue. I'm in your dolls class and can not wait!


  32. Love the Sweater Chest and Cat Stevens, you are too cute. I'll be seeing you at the Loopy Fling this week!


  33. Thanks for posting this video and sharing your cedar chest full of awesomeness! I'm currently knitting my 1st cardigan (February Ladies Sweater) and now I'm really inspired to have a chest full someday, like yours! KNIT ALL THE SWEATERS! :-)

  34. Love this fun video! Makes me realize that you can never have too many cardigans! I better get crackin' and start another.

  35. I love seeing all your favorite sweaters!!!

  36. I was looking to change a pattern neck and came across the spud and Chloe top down raglan using Susan b anderson pattern....they have amazing instruction on how to measure and alter shape..will have to read later in could also mention this for newbies as it makes it much less intimidating seeing how they work out numbers..and the sweater you designed is perfect..

  37. i really enjoyed watching this video and seeing so many projects that were completed years ago and were less than satisfactory. all too often ive let my perfectionism stand in the way of my progress and for years i also felt limited by the skill of the the lys owner (not always the best). More recently the internet changed that and ive really improved by watching you and others. My husband and i still laugh at the lopi icelandic sweater i knit for him 30 years ago as an engagement present which he says- "its perfect, just can't lift my arms"! i'll be happy to send you a picture if you want.

  38. Seeing you in the sweaters really helped me to select styles to knit - thank you. But, I must say, you are simply adorable! Your personality really came through and made it so much fun to watch. :-).

    PS Great music selections, too.

  39. What a fun mom you must be , loved the video, and the sweaters , I want to make one! ;)

  40. I have been following you for years and years and always miss when you are in my area. This video was such a fun, girlie type trying on. I just loved it. Next year you are at SSK, I was there last year, hopeful for this year, and you are teaching at my local guild in April, we are in France at that time. Boo boo. I guess I will meet you when my time is right. Glad to hear that you are doing something with Leslie and Jasmine on the #sweaterchest.
    Sharon skispinner

  41. The video is unavailable here and on YouTube.

    Could you maybe repost without music so that they don't take it down for copyright issues? At least, I assume that's what's going on.

    I was so excited to watch!
