Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Come See Me!

Hi, Knitters,
Well, I have started my fall teaching line up and it is off with a bang! Last weekend I had the most wonderful time at The Loopy Ewe Fall Fling. That is such a well-run event, like clockwork. I had fantastic full classes, fun and talented students, and great teaching company.

Next, I am off to The Knitting Pipeline Maine Retreat and I can't wait. I am teaching two workshops and then I will get to actually retreat right along with the other attendees. That is a dream come true. We are going to be in Kennebunk, ME. I'll take lots of photos to share.

Then right after Maine I will be flying east again to teach at WEBS! I'm so excited about this (see the above photo). If you are in the Massachusetts area, please consider popping into one of my workshops. I am teaching a Fair Isle Hat Workshop and Sock Yarn Toy Knitting! These are my two most popular workshops wherever I go so I am glad I get the chance to teach these at WEBS.

Sock Yarn Bunny!

Little Dragon!

Fair Isle Hat!

Click here to find out more about my visit to WEBS, America's Yarn Store!

Or call 1-800-FOR-WEBS to get more information.

I would love to see you at WEBS. Let me know if you are going to be there!

You can also see me online through Craftsy.  I don't push the Craftsy selling on my blog but this is a great deal for all of you! They are having a competition with the instructors to see who can sell the most classes while Craftsy has this fantastic sale going on.

I have two Craftsy classes of which I am very proud. Everywhere I travel to teach I have students talk to me about my Craftsy classes and that makes me feel so good. I have the Not So Itty-Bitty Giraffe class and the Wee Ones class. The links to both of these classes are always on my blog sidebar. I would love to see you over on Craftsy in my classes!

For this sale, I get credit for ANY class you want to sign up for, not just my classes. I get credit if you use my Craftsy link which is right here:

Click here to browse all of the Craftsy classes for this amazing sale!

Thanks if you use the link! Thanks if you are coming to see me at WEBS! And most importantly, thanks in general for visiting my blog, subscribing and for coming out to see me wherever I might be!

I'll be back with more sweater talk next!
xo ~ susan
p.s. Right after WEBS I'll be teaching and speaking in Chicago at Vogue Knitting Live! Click here to register and find out more!! I'd love to see you in Chicago, too.


  1. You are one Very. Busy. Lady.

    Best wishes with all your travels and classes - sounds like so much fun :-)!

  2. I'll be there at WEBS for the fair isle hat! I live in NYC but my parents live nearby so I'm taking your class as my birthday gift. Can't wait!

  3. I would love to see your top down baby sweater as a Craftsy class!! I so wish they had a class for baby garments. Everyone knows someone having a baby and I love your teaching. I have your two other classes.

  4. Hope to meet you T VKL Chicago! Have a great time at Webs and safe travels!
