Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Monday, April 14, 2014

Winner and a Project from the Past!

Hi, Knitters,
Thank you to everyone who entered to win a copy of From Mama, With Love. The winner is.....

BostonJen (rav id)! Congratulations to you.  I'll have another giveaway very soon.

Last spring while on vacation with my family I started the shawl in the photo. It is the Pop Spots Shawl by JuJu Vail. It is a really fun knit and I am so close to being done. I am making a size in between the large and small. The stitch pattern is quite simple and fun to knit. You are only working one color in each row so it is like doing stripes.

I am now on the applied lace edging and that is going very slowly. We'll see how much I get done. I'd love to have and wear this shawl so that is motivating. I am knitting it in two Madelinetosh fingering weight yarns on US size 5 needles. The red is Tosh Sock in Tart and the teal is Madelinetosh Feather in Tidal Basin. I don't recommend the Feather base for the spots because it was a bit sticky when you have to drop down. It sure is pretty though!

Last week was a race against the clock. I designed and finished and photographed a new Opal sock yarn toy for Unicorn Books. My deadline was last Friday and by Friday afternoon I had it all in the can. Long hours and fast knitting was about all I could do. I still have to write up the pattern in good form. 

The new toy is like the Sock Yarn Bunny and the Little Dragon that I did for Unicorn in the past couple of years. Both have been enormous hits and I even teach workshops on these two designs. The new toy has loads of fun and different techniques in the pattern and is again completely seamless and is super interesting to knit. This one uses sock yarn on US size 1s. It is perfect for using up those leftovers. It is going to be released at TNNA in the Unicorn Booth, which is early this year in May. I'll give you all of the details very soon and maybe a sneak peek after I get permission.

I am enjoying my girls this week as they have their spring break from school. I have been knitting a lot so I'll post a few progress pics this week. I have finished up two pairs of socks and started a new pair. I've started another new shawl design for a cool project ahead, and I am considering casting on a Leftie by Martina Behm. I got a kit for this from Miss Babs awhile ago..... so much fun to be had! How can we stand it?

I'll be back soon with more. Have a great start to your week. What are you knitting? I'd love to hear about it.
best, susie


  1. I'm so glad Bostonjen won! She loves to knit for little ones and will get a lot of use out of the book.

  2. I'm knitting the baby doll set from your Itty Bitty Toys book for my granddaughter's 2nd birthday.

    I love your toy patterns & have knit several for my grands & niece & nephew.

    Thanks for so many great patterns in all your books!


  3. I too am glad that BostonJen won! She is a wonderful knitting aunt to her nieces and nephew (I think I have that right??) and will really enjoy the book. Congratulation Jen!

  4. I'm making a Peerie Flooers hat. I was inspired after seeing yours on the blog

  5. I am working on my first pair of socks! I love making socks. I will make socks the rest of my life. I can't wait to be a more accomplished knitter so I can make millions of pretty socks. I'm obsessed.

  6. A new toy pattern - can't wait! I've done both the Sock Yarn Bunny and the Dragon and love them both!
    Just finished my my first pair of HIMMS and they are awesome. Can't wait to do another pair, the pattern is perfect for travel knitting.
    Right now I'm knitting the Oaklet Shawl by Megan Goodacre (Tricksy Knitter). Almost done and I think I'm going to keep this one for me!

  7. Can't wait to see your socks knitted ! :)

  8. The beach looks lovely! You guys up North especially deserve it this year!
    It just so happens I am making my first pair of your sock pattern in the Cake Walk yarn I bought just like yours a year or so ago. It is what inspired me to learn how to make socks! I made 2 "sample pair" to learn Magic Loop and dpn's and I prefer dpns actually. I want to have drawers of socks like yours but I need to learn how to pick up a dropped stitch also!
    I love the yarns you choose for your projects and I am also taking your craftsy class on the giraffe. I'm up to the head now just closing off the neck. I had to put it down as there was Easter projects to do for the grands. The giraffe(s) will be for birthdays this summer. Thank you for all your wonderful books, classes, patterns, blog and inspiration!
