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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

One More for the Drawer!

Hi, Knitters,
I am quickly popping in today because I am so excited to have finished another pair of socks for The Drawer!

These lovelies are knit in the Opal Hundertwassers Werk 956 Seeschlange. The yarn was gifted to me by the generous Joanna Johnson of Slate Falls Press. Thank you, Joanna! I'm not sure where Joanna purchased the yarn and I don't see it readily available. I think it may be a discontinued yarn line for Opal.

Edited to Add: I found this online shop has many of the Hundertwassers colors including the Seeschlange! Click here.

If you are interested in purchasing this yarn you could always google search or search on Ebay or Etsy.

My sock blockers are from The Loopy Ewe. I have had them for many years now and even though I have some other sets, these are still my favorites.

I used my How I Make My Socks free pattern (click here).  The socks have a 6-inch cuff this time.

I used my US size 1 double-pointed needles from Signature Needle Arts.

I am in love with my new socks. The print is so whimsical and different. The red and green checkered section definitely makes me think of tulips. That was my favorite section to work to while I was knitting. 

Now I cast on another Opal sock. I already have a few inches done on the cuff and I am crazy about the twists and turns this one is taking. It's so unexpected.

This yarn is Opal Hundertwassers Werk 625 Winterbild Polyp Wintergeist.  I thought it was described somewhere as Old Man Winter. I don't know if you can see it but this yarn has GLITTER! I am really excited about the glitter and Opal combo. I don't usually knit with glitter nor am I really attracted to it but for some reason this really makes me happy.

I bought this yarn not in a usual spot, it may have been Ebay or something. You'll have to search around for this one, too, because I am not seeing it when I search. If anyone knows a good source for the Opal Hundertwasser yarns, please post in the comments.

I'll keep you posted on my sock progress, as always.

best, susie


  1. More cute socks! I love them! I have bought this yarn and seen a decent selection at there are other links in ravelry when you search for this yarn. Thanks for always being such an inspiration! Have a great day!

  2. I love your new socks. Do you often try to match them? It does not matter to me but when I give as gifts, then I try to match.

  3. What fun sock yarn! I like the "pop" of red, too.

    The yarn for the second pair is wonderful - love those stripes!

  4. I love the patterns that emerge with Opal yarns. Your ever-expanding sock drawer has been inspiring me to knit some more socks - they are now my go-to car knitting project when waiting for kids.

  5. WEBS has some Opal Hundertwasser 3 skeins though some color ways are back ordered. I'm knitting the Nature is Our Freedom color way. I like the lighter versions you have...very nice.

  6. Thanks so much for the pointer to! I just ordered two colorways of the Hundertwasser and can't wait until they show up on my doorstep. The pattern is so different and I wouldn't have even looked twice at the yarn if you hadn't actually knit them up. Love them.

  7. Your sock drawer pictures and blog posts have been so inspirational as well as informative! I started reading your blogs a few years ago and finally decided to put on my big girl panties and give socks a try. Now I have two pairs completed (they aren't perfect but it is a learning process-my needles size and gauge isn't quite right yet)and another on the needles. Finally I get how people always have a pair on the needles!

    Thanks for all of the sharing you do and showing us the yarn and finished products. I have learned a ton. I am dying now for an Opal pair! And I think it is time to try Signature needles as a reward for now being "a sock knitter." :)

  8. LOVE all your socks, Susan. This yarn you're knitting right now has been a favorite of mine for a long time. I didn't know it had glitter in it. I think you can still order it from here (#25460):

    Something tells me you're going to have to start using a third drawer for your socks soon.

    I just finished another pair of socks:

    It was a fun knit, and something a little different (top-down).

    Thanks for always keeping us informed and inspired!

    Hugs, Kimmy

  9. I just love your new socks! Of course I want to order more Opal sock yarn, but I am making myself wait, as 3 MORE balls just arrived in the mail today!! YIKES!!!

    Thanks for all of the inspiration!


  10. In the UK, seems to have the Winterbild in stock, and they ship worldwide.

  11. Hi Susan, How do I get the pattern for the Fair Isle Hat pictured from Fibre Space

  12. Such pretty socks! Love all the pretty color inspiration. Thanks Susan!

  13. New socks are the best. Love all the color inspiration, I think this will be the summer of socks!

  14. These remind me of a spring garden. What a delicious sock drawer you have.

  15. Me encantan como todo lo que haces, besos desde EspaƱa

  16. AnonymousMay 05, 2014

    Love your sock drawer! Just wondering how do you care for your many hand knitted socks? I'm a new sock knitter and find that most of the sock yarn that I'm using are wool and need to be washed by hand. Do you recommend using machine washable yarn versus hand washable yarn?
