Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Mary, Millie, & Morgan ~ Dolls for Quince & Co.!

(photo by Carrie Bostick Hoge for Quince & Co.)

Hi, Knitters,
I am so excited to announce the release of Mary, Millie, & Morgan, Knitted Dolls & Clothes! This is my first eBook and what an honor to be able to work with Quince & Co., the publisher of the collection. This little collection is like a dream come true. I have been wanting to knit these dolls for a long time and it finally happened. I am thrilled with the results and I hope you will be, too.

The dolls are knit seamlessly and from the top-down, all in the wonderful sport-weight 100% American wool, Chickadee from Quince. This delightful, charming yarn comes in a wide array of lovely colors. You can pick and choose colors to make your own doll, well, your own. The eBook includes patterns for the comfy cardigan, fancy skirt, pretty dress and cozy shawl

The dolls and clothes are a fun knit! I think you will really like the construction. The dolls measure about 9-inches tall. 

Here are the links for Mary, Millie, & Morgan, Knitted Dolls & Clothes:

I am going to talk a lot more about Mary, Millie, & Morgan here on the blog. There is much to tell and share about these sweet girls. I have some in progress photos and my own home photos to share, too. 

But today I have to get packed up and organized for Vogue Knitting Live in NYC! I still have so much to do. I can't wait to get to New York to teach workshops, see old friends and meet new friends, enjoy the city a little, have dinner with my favorite editor from Artisan Books, have fun with my sons, and mainly, knit all weekend!

Please stop by my book signing at the Knitty City booth on Saturday, Jan. 18th, at 5:30pm. The booth numbers are #712 and #714! Bring your books, patterns, notebooks, buy books at the booth. I'll sign it all if you'd like. I hope to see you there if you are around.

Lastly, thank you so much for the support for the Prairie Ridge Shawl and the Little Dragon patterns. The patterns have been flying out of my pattern shop. The Prairie Ridge Shawl sale is going on through this coming Monday. The $1.00 off discount code is: PRAIRIE. By purchasing the shawl pattern you are automatically entered in a giveaway to win the Infinite Twist handspun yarn to knit the shawl like in the sample.

See you on the other side of this very busy weekend! We'll chat more about the dolls then.
best, susie


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These dolls are perfect! I was just telling our LYS owner last night that I was looking for a knitted doll pattern plus clothes to make for my little niece. Off to buy your book!

  3. I wish I could go back in time and replace the dolls my husband and I sewed for our daughters when tney were little with your adorable knitted ones! So very cute.

  4. I can hear my great - niece Millie asking for doll, even though she lives 150 miles away. And she's only 7 months old.

  5. Okay, I just turned 65 and all of a sudden I am in love with dolls? I was a tomboy, I destroyed dolls as a child. I wanted trains, cars, and a horse and a cowgirl outfit...ok, I did get the cowgirl outfit.
    I love these dolls. I want to make them like "right now". Do you think if I've made socks I could make these? I've never made any toys. I was getting ready to look into your Itty Bitty toys and/or your class on Craftsy which I will still do but boy would I like to go straight to these dolls!
    I also have a request for "down the road"....I have all little grandsons....could you make some pants and shirts and/or pj's? I could probably figure out the hair part? Maybe? Just a thought before they get too big for "dolls". Oh, and you could make "pets" for them and little toys....I could go on and on and look at me...big ideas and have never knit a toy in my life! LOL! But that is soon going to change! Thank you!

    1. I want boys as well!! I'm sure you can do these is you have done socks. I love the itty bitty toys books as well. And I did the crafty giraffe for my grand son. The reversible a are too cute too did one as a baby gift.

  6. Doll creations are so you. What little girl or even a woman could resist interchangeable accessories for these cuties?

  7. They are darling! I would love to make them for my girls! I'm looking forward to hearing more about them!

  8. Was wondering how tall the dolls are? I can't get an idea of the scale from the ebook ...won't stop me from buying it though lol!

  9. Missy ~ the dolls are about 9 inches tall.

    I'll add it to the post.

  10. I love these dolls!!! I am going to finish the dragon this weekend and the dolls are next!! I think I will make a boy for my grandson. First a girl. So sweet.

  11. Just too adorable. Your usual wonderful work.

  12. Just too adorable. Your usual wonderful work.

  13. Oh Susan, I love the dolls! and thank you, thank you for having a doll of color!

  14. I like the way you made their shawls tie around back the way you like to wear yours.

  15. Those dolls are just gorgeous! I've always been taken with dolls, ever since my mother taught us how to sew by making dolls and doll clothes. What beautiful patterns you have created!!!

  16. I'm in love with these folksy little lovelies and think it would be an ideal project for my granddaughter (and me) who will begin knitting very soon. They will be quick little project pieces that we can work on together and she will be able to see her progress "improvement" with each little shawl etc.
    I'm wondering, though, if there is any possibility that a paper copy will be published? i.e. like a paperback book similar to the Mercer Mayer "Just For You" series; a nice soft-lay-flat kind of book. I would love to be able to give a copy to her and also my niece who will be ready soon also; their very own first knitting books and perhaps make a package of it with needles and yarn etc :). Just wondering…

    Many compliments on the new little personalities :).

  17. que post tan bonito, me recuerdan tanto esas muñecas a mi infancia, gracias por compartirlo, besos desde España

  18. I cannot STAND the cuteness. AGAIN.

  19. This elderly grandma is excited about these dolls. S I made three topsy turvy dolls for grandgirls Christmas present and I have been trying to figure out how I could do the itsy bitty baby doll top down magic loop instead of the separate parts and whip stitching.
    Could I use the directions in the new e-book to figure this out? I have enjoyed making quite a few of the reversibles as little in between projects and the grand boys enjoy taking them home too. Thanks for wonderful ideas you share with us all.

  20. Patricia,
    I'm so glad you are enjoying knitting toys! Your grandchildren must be enjoying it, too.

    The construction would not be the same for the Baby Doll. You could definitely pick up and knit the arms and legs on the baby instead of knitting them separately. This would help a little.

    Thanks for writing.
