Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Monday, May 06, 2013

Up Next: Yarnology!

Hi, Knitters,
I am happy to say that I will be home for a few weeks now. I am hoping to catch up on a lot of knitting work that I am woefully behind on and mainly I will be enjoying my family and home. 

Up next, I will be in the lovely state of Minnesota! I am not completely sure what all I am doing there yet, but one thing I do know is that I will be at Yarnology in Winona (click here for the website). Here is the blurb from their website:

Susan B. Anderson is coming to Yarnology!
Thursday, May 30th

A doghouse that flips inside-out to reveal a dog, a chrysalis that opens into a monarch butterfly, a blanket rolled up to keep three little piglets warm – all these and more can be found in Susan B. Anderson’s fifth book,Topsy-Turvy Inside-Out Knit Toys. In this enchanting new collection, Anderson turns the spotlight on “reversibles”: knitted projects that are two toys in one.

Join us at Yarnology to meet Susan of the new Topsy-Turvy Inside-Out Knit Toys book and have your book signed. Reserve a copy of the book by calling the shop at 507.474.9444 ($17.95) by May 18th.

Need any of Susan's other books:

Please let us know so that we have them in stock to have Susan sign them while she's here!

65 East Third St.
Winona, Minnesota

(507) 474-9444

I hope to see you there if you are in the area!

I had a wonderful trip to Fibre Space in Alexandria, Virginia last weekend where I taught a quick Egg to Turtle reversible toy workshop. I will post some photos from the shop very soon, my sister-in-law is sending me some photos (if you have any photos of the event could you please send them to me?). Unfortunately, I arrived late to my workshop due to an awful travel day that started very early and was filled with long delays. I was actually in the air for less than 2 hours but it took an entire day to get to the shop. Frustrating.....

My friend, the talented knitter/designer/former Vogue editor Tanis Gray, picked me up at the airport along with her adorable two year old son. I loved meeting him. I met Tanis many years ago while she was at Vogue Knitting and we have stayed in touch ever since. I appreciated the ride so much. I was going to model a hat for her before the workshop but it didn't work out with the time.

Anyway, I had a full and fun group of knitters patiently awaiting my arrival at the shop. The class was fun and a bit rushed because of the time crunch. Most stayed a little late with me but understandably, some had to leave. The group was gracious and fun. Thank you for your kindness and my apologies for the delay, once again.

After the workshop I hung out in the shop for awhile and signed lots of books. Jan Derevjanik, the book designer for Topsy-Turvy Inside-Out Knit Toys, came with her husband and cute-as-a-button infant son. It was great to see them as well. Jan has designed my books for Artisan Books since the very beginning. I love working with her. I also met the Plucky Knitter Team, sisters no less... more on that to come.

My brother and his wife and one of their sons came to pick me up from the shop. That was wonderful. We stopped for a quick bite to eat on the way home. I can't remember the name of the restaurant set in the charming streets of Alexandria, but it was delicious. I was starving. I stayed at my brother's house for the night and we stayed up super late chatting. He drove me to the airport very early on Saturday morning and I made it home midday.

I was just in time to help Peachy get ready for Prom! We hosted a fun potluck dinner for the group and had the parents over to take photos, too. What a fun group!

Toes in! 

Here is the glamorous Peachy! TC curled her hair and I did her make-up. She looked so beautiful in her flow-y raspberry colored dress. It made me proud. My sister helped me shop for her dress. It all worked out perfectly! Peachy had a great time at prom.

Now for some knitting!

I finished one handspun sock! This was wild and crazy roving (Moonshine Fiber Co. - no longer available) to spin and it's making a really fun sock. I love it.

The Dyeabolical bamboo/merino blend gradient roving is spinning up beautifully smooth. I finished up the minty green and have begun the gold. It is super pretty.

I have been loving my Opal Vincent Van Gogh socks that I finished recently. They have already been washed a bunch of times and they seem to get better with each washing. I am almost finished with my next pair in The Red Vineyard colorway.

Last but not least, I have worked on my Pop Spots Shawl off and on over the past couple of weeks. I pretty much love it. I am making the large size which will end with 667 stitches across and then I will begin the lace edging. Right now I have close to 400 stitches on the needles so I have a ways to go. I am making mine in Madtosh Sock in Tart and Madtosh Feather in Tidal Basin. It is really pretty, teal and rich red, and it is an easy, easy pattern that looks much harder than it is. That's the best.

I'll be back soon with more on the knitting front. Have a great start to your week.
best, susie


  1. AnonymousMay 06, 2013

    I can't wait to meet you in person! :)

  2. Gosh, I hope one day I get to take a class of yours in person. You are always so generous on your blog and I imagine your gentle spirit is even better in person.

  3. AnonymousMay 07, 2013

    Enjoyed your blog! Can you please let me know when you will release the snowman pattern? I'm dying to make one! Please don't wait until November to release it!


  4. AnonymousMay 07, 2013

    What size needle do you knit your handspun socks on? I have been trying to spin sock yarn, and even though I feel as though I am spinning frog hair, after I wash the yarn to set the twist, it poufs way up into more of a sport or DK weight. I usually knit socks with commercial sock yarn, like Opal, on size 0 needles, but I think I will have to go up to a size 2 or so to knit socks with my handspun. (?)

  5. I am so sorry we did not get to meet you at Maryland Sheep And Wool, but because of you I bought a set of Signature Double Point Needles and I have to say they are Wonderful. Thank you! I am making the Simple Skye Socks w/ Blue Moon (Socks That Rock)yarn.


  6. I'm glad you got to meet The Plucky Knitter on your whirlwind trip---she and her sister are awesome! I hope there's an SBA/TPK collaboration in the future...

  7. I love your little turtle. I know you have a couple of other turtle patterns which one is this? Is it in one of your books?
    Thanks so much!

  8. Cute turtle!
    I just finished the Egg to Alligator... well, ok not "Really" finished, because once I sewed the ruffle on top my 2 year old stole it away from me and is now singing a song that goes, "Eggy eggy eggy, OUT!" as he pops it in and out again. His fever just broke and I'm so happy to see him playing, even if the little alligator doesn't have eyes yet. ♥
    Now he wants me to make him a dinosaur egg...

  9. That shot of the young ladies was so neat and their dresses looked so beautiful. Love the handspun. I'm envious of how fast you knit socks.
