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Monday, May 20, 2013

Three More for the Drawer!

Hi, Knitters,
Oh, how I love the sock knitting. Over the last couple of weeks I have finished up several new pairs of socks. I finished the first sock for the pair in the photo above months and months ago. I don't remember why I set it aside. I love the yarn. I love the pattern. I will use both again.

Yarn: Kristin Nicholas' Regia Garden Effects in the Holiday colorway (The colors are gorgeous!)
Pattern: Monkey Socks by Cookie A (free pattern)
Needles: Knit Picks 6-inch nickel plated dpns, US size 1 (I use these needles a lot and really enjoy them. I have a lot of sets of these. Only $6.99 for a set of 5! Can't be beat.)

The pattern is easy and fun. I used the free version from I did 6 lace repeats for the leg and 6 lace repeats for the foot. I used my regular old heel flap and gusset which I think was different than the one used in the pattern. 

I did keep the twisted rib on the cuff, which I like. The yarn is so colorful and fun and just perfect for this twisty-turn-y pattern. Kristin is a color genius!

They fit like a glove..... or like a sock should! They are snug and squishy.

Next up I finished the Simple Skyp Socks in the Cakewalk Yarns. The colors are lovely and fresh and springtime perfect. As I have been traveling lately, I have worked on these socks quite a bit. I had a bunch of people mention that the socks looked so skinny as I worked on them, so skinny that they didn't think they wouldn't fit my leg and foot. The fit is excellent. When you are working in rib on socks, that's how it is. I would stretch out the sock to show how it would actually fit. I used to do a ton of 3 by 1 ribbed socks so I was used the skinny appearance as you knit. 

Yarn: Cakewalk Yarns on Etsy in the Hero Squad colorway. Hero Squad and Cherry Blossom are my favorite Cakewalk Yarns colorways so far. 
Pattern: Simple Skyp Socks by Adrienne Ku (free pattern)

The way this clever and simple pattern works is instantly memorized as you work the two row repeat. It was perfect for the speckled yarn and for travel. I highly recommend both!

I now have a shawl and two pairs of socks in Cakewalk Yarns and I have several skeins still on my shelf. I can't get enough.

The sock blockers with the carved out sheep are from The Loopy Ewe. I've had them for years and love them. I also have the red plastic sock blockers from The Loopy Ewe, as well.

I finally finished up the Opal Vincent Van Gogh socks. These are wonderful socks with loads of color and pattern. Opal sock yarn is always so good. I am looking over my stash and trying to decide which to knit next. It's a hard choice (not really as they are all good). I am staying committed to always having a pair of Opal socks on my needles. I have many balls to knit through so this shouldn't be too hard.

Pattern: How I make my socks by me! (free pattern)

That's three more pairs of socks to add to the pull out sock drawers. I am pretty excited about that. 

I am finishing up today with a list of links to knitterly things I love just for the fun of it.
2 Knit Lit Chicks audio podcast (Love the mother daughter banter and humor and books and knitting!)
Snappy Stitches video podcast (She is a great knitter and sticks to topic in short episodes.)
Little Skein in the Big Wool (Much more on this shop later!)
Twinset audio podcast (I love the sisterly humor and banter so much! This is turning into an easy favorite with the smart knit talk, farm talk, and they both spin to boot.)

Oh, I just remembered I was going to talk about adding pockets to a sweater or cardigan after it is finished. I have to do that next. If I don't and you are interested please remind me. My house is full of four kids and very, very busy once again so ideas may get lost in the shuffle. 

Have a great start to your week. I am going to try to knit and spin outside a bit yet today. It's so beautiful out there.
best, susie


  1. Don't forget that some of us are waiting for a dragon!

  2. Don't forget that some of us are waiting for a dragon!

  3. Love this post!!! You have inspired me to pick my needles back up! I currently have three pairs of socks on needles. I need to finish at least one of them :)

  4. Love the SKYP sock, it's one of my favorites! Easy and beautiful and my fall back sock whenever I want to make something lovely but not sweat it. The yarn truly does the pattern justice.

  5. AnonymousMay 20, 2013

    The best part of your great post is the part about four kids being home...
    Ann H.

  6. I love all of them. My fav is the Opal Vincent Van Gogh socks. I actually made the saucy socks (similar to the monkey pattern) with koigu yarn. The pattern is fast and fun.

    Have a great night!

  7. I haven't finished my Monkey Socks yet but they're close. I also love my Skyp Socks. Now, if I could just hurry up and finish a pair that I have (either my Monkey or Vanilla socks), I'd be ready for another :)

  8. I'd love to know how you add pockets to a sweater. I've been thinking I'd do it myself to a cardi I knit last year. Looking forward to it! Love all those socks.

  9. AnonymousMay 21, 2013

    Don't forget that some of us are waiting for your precious snowman!!


  10. Oh dear...I'm a beggar! I want the Egg to Turtle pattern AND the Opal mini-bunny!

  11. These are all awesome.
