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Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Spin, Quilt, Draw - Giveaways!

Edited to Add on Jan. 6th: The author of Art Doodle Love, Dawn Sokol, wrote to tell me that her book is intended for women. I said in the video that older kids or teens could have fun with it so Dawn just wants to make sure that people know the book is for women, not kids. That was my mistake.

Hi, Knitters,
Sorry for the long time in between posts. I kind of lost track of time last week. I had a magazine project to finish and ship off by the end of last week and there wasn't school on Friday... well, you all know how it goes. This morning I looked at my blog to see when I last posted and a week had flown by without my knowledge. This morning I whipped up a quick video for you. Links are all below.

After watching the video, here is how you enter to win one of the books I reviewed:

Please leave a comment on this blog post and tell me which book(s) you would like to win. It can be one, two or all three but each winner will only receive one of the books. All comments need to include your email address or ravelry id so I can get in touch. Please leave only one comment. There will be a delay in the posting of your comments because I approve all comments. Please be patient and don't post more than once. I'll be back in a couple of days to randomly select three winners. The Spinner's Book of Yarn needs to be a U.S. or Canada mailing address. The publishers are sending out the books directly so I will give them the winners' addresses. 

Here are the links from the video:

If you can't see the video click here to see it directly on YouTube

Vogue Knitting Live in Seattle (I'm teaching lots of classes! Hope to see you there!)

And because I know I'll get asked, I am wearing my Quaker Ridge Shawlette. This truly is my favorite shawl ever and not because I designed it. It is because it fits so well over my shoulders and stays put. I don't like to fuss around with things I am wearing, I am very simple that way. This shawl is perfection for me as it is warm, stretchy (madelinetosh pashmina) and generous in size. 

Also one last photo to share of TC wearing her Another Flower Headband. She looks so pretty in it. I was glad to see her wearing it one day out of the blue. She dug it out of the closet. In fact, she wore the headband all day inside the house and out. This version is made in Noro Kochoran. Notice the lack of braces.

I hope you enjoyed the video. It was pretty impromptu this morning.

Let the comments begin!
best, susie


  1. I would love the Spinner's Design book. I have just started hearing buzz about this book in the last two days. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

    (venutianbeauty on rav)

  2. I love your post! I know Eli (my 5 year old) who is a budding artist would love the Doodle book!

    p.s. You look beautiful in your shawl!

    Jennifer (jenb69 on Ravelry)

  3. What a sweet video :) I would love the quilting or spinning book! Both things I've never tried but would like too. And, yes, I was wondering about the shawl(ette), looks great ;)
    (SuzannahJane on rav)

  4. I would love "Art Doodle Love". Thanks, Megan's (ravelry id = mehacker)

  5. My sister would love Art Doodle Love, and I'd enjoy the quilting book. Thanks for doing these reviews!

  6. Finding a way to elevate my love for knitting and this would be a perfect companion! CallieP on Ravelry :)

  7. I enjoyed your video and your reviews. I would love to win any of the books--especially the doodle book or spinning book.

  8. I would LOVE the Quilts, Shots and Stripes book! Aside from knitting, I'm growing everyday in my LOVE of quilting and absolutely would love this book - looks so inspiring!
    jaraney on ravelry


  9. I would love to win Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and Stripes: 24 New Projects Made with Shot Cottons and Striped Fabrics. I would also like the spinning book, though I do not yet spin. I hope to learn though. Thanks. Savannagal on Rav

  10. All the books look great, but I'd really love the Spinners Design Book. I got a spinning wheel recently but haven't had a chance to use it. Can't wait to make yarn!

    rav id: amdezo

  11. I've kept a journal since I was 8 years old! Would love "Art Doodle Love". I'm also interested in the quilting book. So fun to look at the pretty pictures!

    Thank you!

    susiekay49 on rav

  12. Hi!

    I would really love the Art Doodle Love book. I'm always looking for ways to tap into creativity. Especially for those moments when I need to take a break from knitting & crocheting to rest my eager hands.

    I began knitting & crocheting July 2012 by exclusively referencing YouTube videos, Craftsy classes and other on-line resources.And let me tell you girlfriends, I AM HOOKED!!

    I really appreciate the great instructional videos available out there. Without this community of generous knitters & crocheters I would have never started ton this new creative path for myself.

  13. Love Art Doodle Love, and Love the Shawl!!!!

    pattytrish on RAV

  14. I'd love those two books, Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and Stripes: 24 New Projects Made with Shot Cottons and Striped Fabrics but I will settle for one or the other if they're not taken. Thanks so much for the updates and you look lovely with the QRS shawl!!

    Debbie1085 on rav

  15. I'd love those two books, Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and Stripes: 24 New Projects Made with Shot Cottons and Striped Fabrics but I will settle for one or the other if they're not taken. Thanks so much for the updates and you look lovely with the QRS shawl!!

    Debbie1085 on rav

  16. That hat is adorable and hooray for no braces! I'd love to have Kaffe's book. What a beautiful book!

  17. debsnubs
    I would love the shots and stripes.

  18. Hi Susan,
    Nice video. I love your shawl! All three books look beautiful, but my choice would be Art, Doodle, Love.
    Thanks so much,
    Margie (smithmks is my rav ID)

  19. Great books, I'd be happy to win any of them.

  20. I would love to win any of the books. I think the Spinners Design book would be a good book for my library. I would consider myself lucky to win any of them. I just might have to get them all! They look so inspiring. Thank you.

  21. Hi, Susie!
    It was good to see you on the video, gorgeous as ever! And tell TC that her teeth are so straight and lovely just like she is. Ii would love the "Art Doodle Love" book or the Spinner's Design Book when you do your drawing! Fingers are crossed!
    Sara (Survivor on Rav)

  22. Cute video! I'd love to win the spinning book. Other podcasters are going wild for it as well so I'd love it for my collection of resource books. Thanks!
    Rav: karenswb

  23. Great shawl, the colour looks amazing on you.

    I'd really love to have a chance to win the Spinner's design book. I love to spin, but I find that I can only spin one weight of yarn. I think this book would be an amazing resource to help with branching out.
    Thanks so much for the opportunity!!
    Leanne (lunatic84 on rav)

  24. I would love the spinners book. I have never spun but have always wanted to give it a try. My LYS has classes,
    Thanks for another wonderful giveaway!

  25. I forgot my ID
    nayllij on Rav

  26. OMG I want the spinning book the most but I wouldn't mind any of them really. I just started quilting my second quilt and I love art journaling.

    OlofDrofn on rav or you can find me through my blog

  27. I would love the spinning book or the doodle book.
    Dawn (swtblu on rav)

  28. I'd love to have a copy of The Spinners Book of Yarn Design. I've been spinning for about 3 years and this looks like it would be an invaluable resource. I'm Cavaliermama on Ravelry.

  29. Oh goodness, I think my last post was deleted!

    I would love a chance to win the Spinner's book. My spinning is all one weight, I would love to use this reference book to get out of my spinning slump!
    Thanks for the opportunity :c)
    Love the QRS on you, the colour looks amazing,
    Leanne (lunatic84 on rav)

  30. I'd love Art Doodle Love, because my daughter would so enjoy this book, thanks Susan, you are such an inspiration. I'm knitting several of your heart dishcloths at the moment.

    (PurlingPenny on Rav)

  31. I would love to win a copy of Art Doodle Love - desperate to get my hands on a copy but just can't afford it :( Fingers crossed, this could be my chance!

  32. I have been trying to get inspired to spin. I think The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs would be provide great inspiration. I would love to win it. Thanks for the opportunity!

  33. I would love to get my hands on a copy of Art Doodle Love! Desperately want it but can't afford right now :( This is my chance, fingers crossed!

  34. I have been trying to get inspired to spin. I think The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs would be provide great inspiration. I would love to win it. Thanks for the opportunity!
    Dianne (diahrensal on Ravelry)

  35. Hi. I'm having trouble leaving a comment so hope this gets through. I enjoyed the book reviews. Would love to win the spinning book. I'm a spinner who has not done much spinning for several years so would put the information to good use and would enjoy the inspiration. Thanks for your blog which a friend told me about recently! Pat @

  36. I think any of the books would be great but I would take the Spinners Design as first pick. That is my goal for this year and I take my first lesson at the end of the month. Can't wait

  37. I would love the yarn design book! I've always wanted to learn how to spin and this may be the chance to learn! (melonyunny on Ravelry)

  38. Hi Susan, thanks for the reviews (and giveaways!). I'd love that Spinner's Design Book, I was just thinking about getting into spinning today, so that'd be a great resource!

    (Rav ID: asiljo)

  39. Susan, thank you for the opportunity to participate! I'd love a spinning book. I knit, crochet, sew a little, and LOVE to spin.
    My Rav id - iris68
    ~ Iryna

  40. I would love to have the Spinners Book of Yarn Designs. I love to spin and this is on my wish list.

    Find me on Ravelry as FiberGeek

  41. I would love to win the Spinner's Design book to gift to my daughter. She loves to spin, and would love to have this book to help learn some new techniques.
    I would also love to win the Doodle book to gift to my 9 year old granddaughter. She loves to draw and this book would give her much inspiration!

  42. The Spinner's Book of Yarn, please!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I would love to have the Spinners Book of Yarn Designs. I love to spin and this is on my wish list.

    Find me on Ravelry as FiberGeek

  45. Hi Susan,
    What great books. My first choice would be the spinners book. I'm also a new spinner and I still have lots to learn. This book would be a wonderful resource.

  46. Your shawl is beautiful and is on my list of items to knit! I would love to win Art Doodle Love.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

    Grammiknit on rav

  47. dana (danamary on rav...)February 05, 2013

    i'm in for the Kaffe Fasset quilting book. i've been seeing quilts made with shot cottons, and wish i knew where i could acquire some of that fabric for myself.

  48. I would love to give the "Art Doodle Love" book to my daughter.


  49. I love to knit and crochet. Today I reorganized my craft room today.

  50. I would love to win the Art Doodle Love for my daughter for her birthday

  51. sheila's rav id is sricker

  52. I would love to win the Spinner's Design book. I have been spinning for about 3 years and could use a good basic book to help me learn more about spinning different yarns. A good friend called me this past weekend to tell me about this book. She has been spinning for over 20 years and loves the book.
    My rav id is ClaudiaJane and my email is

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  54. I would love the spinner's book. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  55. Love Kaffe's book!

  56. I would love the Quilt book or the Spinners book, but would be so grateful for any of them!

    Thanks for the chance!
    (Knit-By-Nat on rav)

  57. The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs! It would be for my partner, who spins. I agree that it looks great, and well worth purchasing! Thanks!

    (I also agree about the inspirational quality of all of Kaffe Fassett's work, whether you do the particular craft he's writing about or not.)

  58. Hi Susan, thank you for the opportunity to have my very own spinning book! The Spinners Design book looks wonderful!
    Thank you!
    My rav: janiepooh.

  59. I'd love to win Quilts, Shots and Stripes and give it to my amazingly talented daughter!
    Ana -

  60. Your passion comes shining through in your video!

    Would love to win the Kaffe Fassett book. His use of color has always fascinated me.

    Rav I'd: SuuzzeeQ

  61. Hard to chose so would love to win any one of them thank you

  62. I enjoyed your video reviews.

    I'm a huge Kaffe Fassett fan and knitted several of his vest/waistcoat designs from his first knitting pattern books. So I would love his new book. I'm also new to spinning (drop spindle) and I'm sure the spinning book would be a great resource book.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

    Rav ID - francieos

  63. Could your daughter be any cuter? She is just adorable!

  64. Since I've been sewing lately, I'd love to win the Kaffe Fasset book. I love his shot cottons@

  65. Oh! what wonderful choices! I would love either the Spinner's book of Yarn or the Kaffe Fassett "Quilts, Shots and Stripes book! His color just takes me away from the gray winter scene outdoors!

  66. oh what wonderful choices! I'd love either the Spinner's design book or Kaffe Fassett's Quilts, Shots and Stripes book!

  67. oh yeah! ART DOODLE LOVE is the one for me!

  68. The spinner's book is the one for me!! Thanks so much for making this available.

  69. I would like the Spinners's book.
    Thank you for offering them.

  70. I'd love the art doodle or quilting book! Thanks for organizing the giveaway Susan! :)

    My ravelry name is neenkster

  71. I love your shawl. My heart is set on Art Doodle Love if I win!! treceflys at yahoo dot com is my address.

  72. I woud love love love the The Spinner's Book of designs but also the Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and Stripes.

    You are so sweet and kind on your video!


  73. I'd love the Spinner's Design book or the Art Doodle Love book. Thanks for the reviews!
    ecram on ravelry

  74. I would love Art Doodle Love to give to my sister who is a very hard working full time professional and mother. I think it would nurture her creative soul! On Ravelry Kate Stahl

  75. I would love Art Doodle Love for my sister!

  76. Hi Susan! I would love Kaffe Fassett's Quilts, Shots, and Stripes book! Thanks for doing this!

    Ratch in Rav

  77. My precious granddaughter is an art fanatic--she makes amazing things out of paper and is drawing and sketching all the time. She loves color, and I think she'd love the Art Doodle Love book.

    I"m a devoted knitter and quilter--isnt' it wonderful to fill you life with beautiful fibers? The Fassett book would be wonderful for me, the Grammy! Love your blog (Gramzie on Ravelry)

  78. I would love The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs!

  79. All 3 are phenomenal :) Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  80. I would love to try art doodle love! I want to try art journaling.

  81. Would love the Quilts shots and stripes.
    Thank you
    Raverly Id. LAKCHI

  82. Would love the Quilts shots and stripes.
    Thank you
    Raverly Id. LAKCHI

  83. Beutiful books! I don't have any books on spinning so the Spinner's design book or Kaffe Fassett's Quilts to inspire me.
    Kelly S

  84. I have been getting back into sewing so the Kaffe Fassett book would be appreciated!

    Kelly S

  85. Wow, those books sound amazing but if I had to pick one. I would love to win The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs. I would love to learn how to spin and this would be a wonderful resource in helping me learn that skill.

    kmacmillan2003 on ravelry

  86. My library continues to grow with your recommendations. I would love the quilt book as I also quilt and am looking for new ideas. I've been wanting to learn to spin also though so either would be great!
    Rav id; Arrowfeather

  87. All of the books sound amazing and I would love to win one of them. I was dran to this page because I enjoy handcrafts of all kinds. Thank you for this kind offer. :)

  88. I would love to win Art Doodle Love. Thanks for the contest!

  89. Hi. Thanks for doing.a video. That was fun. I would love the quilting book. The photos look amazing. Love the sweater and hats you are working on. I may need to try that heart hat. So cute. Rav id. Pamk

  90. The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs is my first pick, but having to choose between the Spinner's book or Kaffe Fasset Quilts--that was a tough choice!

    Ravelry: mezziknits

  91. I would love to win a copy of Art Doodle Love! I love art journaling and I love Dawn DeVries Sokol's artwork. Thanks for the giveaway!

  92. I would love to win a couple of Art Doodle Love! I love art journaling and Dawn's work. Thanks for the chance to win!

  93. While all three books look great, I would love The Spinners Book of Yarn Design.

  94. I would love the quilt book - I also find Kaffe Fassett super inspiring, i just love the way he puts colours together into a project.

    Katepricey on rav

  95. taan on ravelryFebruary 06, 2013

    If I won the Spinner's Design book I would donate it to the Slocan Valley Thread's Guild library. We have an old schoolhouse for our group and over 52 members. We spin, weave, make baskets, quilt, and dye among other crafts. The book would be well used!

  96. If I won the Spinner's Design book I would donate it to the Slocan Valley Thread's Guild library. We have an old schoolhouse for our group and over 52 members. We spin, weave, make baskets, quilt, and dye among other crafts. The book would be well used!

  97. Oh I would adore that doodle book! It's gorgeous! Thanks Jen

  98. Hi Susan. I would love the Kaffe Fassett Quilts: Shots and Stripes book and am super excited that it may be possible to enter the draw for this book from New Zealand!

    saim24 on rav

  99. Would love to win Art Doodle Love!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  100. Would love Art Doodle Love!! Thanks

  101. Those books look so amazing!! I would love to have the quilting or spinning book. Thank you for the video, I always love watching your videos and reading your blog. :)

    heatherg7 on rav

  102. There is no better feeling in the world than when you're coloring/doodling... I would love a copy of that book. Thank you for your generosity!!!

  103. There is no better feeling in the world than when you're coloring and doodling! So, I would love a chance for the Art Doodle Love book !! Thank you for your generosity!!!

  104. I would really love to win the Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs. It looks like a great book.

  105. I thought I'd shoot for the kaffe fassett book because every spare minute that I'm not knitting I'm focusing on quilting right now. But after watching your award-winning video, I'm hoping to win Art, Doodle, Love so that I can give it to the uber-talented, artsy Emma -- my 12-year-old granddaughter. I'd love to see what she would create in it. And yes, Quaker Ridge looks right at home on your shoulders! :) Janet Taber (rav id: jantaber email:


  106. Nice giveaway! I would like to win Kaffe Fasset's Quilt book. Such inspiration.
    LynnIL ravelry

  107. Since I just started spinning I would love to have the spinning book however any of them would great to have in my library.

  108. Since I just started spinning I would love to win the spinning book, however any of them would be great in my library.

  109. Hi Susan. Loved the video blog! I really would love the Spinners Book of Yarn Design. I'd love to start spinning! Thanks!

    Kriste (rav ID Kristebee or

  110. JulienoJulesJukes on RavelryFebruary 06, 2013

    The Spinner's Book of Yarn Design would be great to own and I love all things Kaffe Fassett! (JulienoJulesJukes on Ravelry)

  111. I would love to have a chance of winning Kaffe Fassett Quilts: Shots and Stripes.

  112. I would love to own the spinners book of yarn design book! I too am new to spinning, I've only been spinning on a spindle for a couple of years and just last week received a spinning wheel. I'm still learning how to use it, as it's very different from spindle spinning. The book of yarn design sounds like a great resource for both methods!!!

    Thanks for offering the giveaway!

    kanani on ravelry

  113. I would love to have a chance of winningKaffe Fassett Quilts: Shots and Stripes.

  114. I'm new to spinning and would love The Spinners Book of Yarn.

  115. I love your video, it is so nice to put your voice to your blogs now! I would love the Doodle book for my 9year old, who will be 10 on the 27th of this month. She loves to draw and has a great imagination. Also, I love the Spinner Design book. I, too, am new at spinning and with our farm it is hard for me to get-away and take classese or join a group. This book looks like it would be a great help with my "challenged" spinning. Thank you!

  116. I would love to win the quilting or spinning book. Love your shawl and the review.

  117. It's my first visit to your site and WOW it's beautiful. Clicked over from Dawn Sokol's blog just to see your review of Art Doodle Love. Needless to say I would love to win a copy in your giveaway.

    Your site is now on my bookmarks list of favorites!

    Dixie (dixie at ilibrary dot info)

  118. Thanks for the book reviews, Susan! I would love to give the quilt book to a dear young friend who has developed quite a talent for quilting. But any of the books would find a happy home with me, a granddaughter or a friend!

  119. How fun! I would love to win the Shots and Stripes Quilt! The picture on the cover is just so colorful :)

  120. I would love to get the quilting or doodle books. I am also going to do the Sipsy's Folly once I finish a few projects.

    Jods on rav

  121. "Art Doodle Love" sounds like just the shot in the arm I need. I'm a victim of my own love of knitting; too much stash, too many patterns. It is all too overwhelming at the moment. Reading a book (this book) sounds really good for a change. And Susan, I wear my QRS much more often than I thought I would because I too find it fits so nicely and I never feel as if it will slip from my shoulders. Your mastery of the medium shines through! Thanks for the opportunity.
    Peggy (Peggity on Ravelry)

  122. I'd like to win Art Doodle Love.

  123. What great books, full of inspiration! I really liked the book
    Art,Doodle,Love but I would also love to be picked for the
    The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs.
    TC looks adorable and what a great way to use some Noro.

  124. Susan, love the looks of the doodle book. I am Love your shawlette. valli

  125. I would love to win the quilting book!
    Thank you!

  126. That was a sweet video! I'd love to win a copy of the K. Fassett Quilts book or of Art Doodle Love. I think they would be inspiring for two particular volunteers who participate in the charitable knitting group that I direct. So much inspiration in those pages!

    --flowerdancer on Ravelry

  127. I would love the Kaffee Fassert Quilts. I love his use of color.
    I would like to learn how to use such beautiful color in my quilts.
    Ravelry ID ladriatico2010.
    Thank you.

  128. Thanks for the reviews! I'd love to win the "Spinners Book of Yarn Design" for my mom, who is a newer spinner.

  129. I would love Kaffee Fassert Quilts. I love how he uses color. I would like to learn how to make such beautiful, colorful quilts.
    Thank you. My Ravelry ID is ladriatico2010

  130. I would love to win the Spinner's Design book.

    hollyberries on rav

  131. Hi Susan- thanks for the cute video! You are always working on such fun stuff! What an inspiration you are to all of us! I love TC's headband and could definitely use one today! I would love to win the spinning book. I am not a spinner yet but have been tucking away my dollars to buy a spinning wheel someday! The book looks like it would be great for an aspiring spinner! Thanks again!
    Katie rmama on ravelry

  132. Susan, I would love to win the Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and Stripes book. I love to quilt as much as I love to knit. Love the shawl you are wearing.

  133. Susan, I would love to win the Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and Stripes book. I love to quilt as much as I love to knit. Love the shawl you are wearing.

  134. I'm a relatively new spinner as well and would love to learn some new techniques. The Spinner's Guide to Yarn Design looks like a great book!

  135. I would love the 'Our Doodle Love' book. My daughter is travelling to Italy in May with her college professor. This would be a perfect way for her to jot down her thoughts, put her tickets, etc. and draw little goodies on the side.

    Ravelry id - love2knit4u

  136. Hello Susan, my pick would be the Kaffe Fasset quilt book. Those photos look absolutely delicious and, as you say in the video, so inspiring. Love what he can do with a simple square! Thank you - my ravelry ID is nellablue.

  137. The Kaffee Fasset quilt book looks amazing. I used to knit his sweaters for our whole family. The colors and patterns are beautiful.

  138. Great video this morning. Thank you for wearing the shawl....I am excited to make it as soon as possible! I love Kaffe Fassett and would be very happy to receive his book. But the spinning book is also gorgeous. See you in Seattle!

  139. What beautiful books! I would love any one of the 3. There is nothing like the printed page and lovely photography.

    PamClapp (rav id)

  140. I would enjoy and learn so much from the Spinner's Book of Design.


  141. Art Doodle Love for me, please!

    (by the way, nothing was backwards in the video - your iPhone did fine.)

  142. Love the Spinner's Design book. Thanks for such great reviews.
    suzenew on Ravely

  143. I enjoy The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs. Thanks!
    joannewm (Ravelry)

  144. Love your shawlette!
    I would like the Kaffe Fasset book just for the beauty!
    The spinning book would be fun too


    luvsknittin on Ravelry

  145. Thanks for the great reviews and the info about the Craftsy class. I would love to win Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and Stripes.

    Marcye (miraclegal on Ravelry)

  146. Hi Susan- I am new to your blog and love your posts! Although I learned to knit first, quilting is my second love, and I absolutely love Kaffe Fassett. I would love the Shots and Stripes book- it looks absolutely fabulous!

    Thank you for inspiring us!
    Sue (smbex on Ravelry)

  147. I have to go w/ Kaffe's book. His books are so visually stunning and inspiring that even though I'm not quilting yet, his book will be a great motivator! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway and I enjoyed your video.

    rav id barrettlisa

  148. Thanks for the great reviews and the info about the Craftsy class. I would love to win Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and Stripes.

    Marcye (miraclegal on Ravelry)

  149. I would love the Kaffe Fasset quilt book for myself. I would enjoy the Doodle book to give to my adult daughter :). Thanks. Ravelry ID is ddknitter

  150. As a mixed media enthusiast I would love to win a copy of Art Doodle Love. I would enjoy the prompts which would motivate me daily.

  151. As a mixed media enthusiast I would love to win a copy of Art Doodle Love. I enjoy being prompted to create.

  152. I would love the Spinner's book of yarndesigns. thanks!
    my ravelry id is gussek

  153. I would love the Art, Doodle, Love book so I can give it to my granddaughter who is constantly doodling and drawing on just about everything she can get her hands on. She loves journaling too!
    Also I would love to see more videos on your blog. It's really nice to see your face once in a while.
    Thank you for this opportunity. slewie515@

  154. Susan- would love to win "The Spinner's Guide to Yarn Design!" Thanks for the chance!

    Rav ID- khfuller

  155. Hi Susan,
    I love the projects you're working on! I went on Craftsy to find the yoke sweater kit but didn't have any luck finding any knit kits on there. Do you know where I can find them, or at least the pattern? Thanks!

    kait-knits on Ravelry

  156. Oh, I would love 'Art Doodle Love' and the 'Spinners Book of Yarn Designs'. Thanks for the giveaway.

  157. The spinning book is my first choice, the quilting book is my second choice. Thanks for the chance to win one of these great books!

    Susan (pyemb on ravelry)

  158. I would be thrilled with any of these books, but especially Art Doodle Love. sharrym at hotmail dot com

  159. I would be thrilled with any of the books, but especially Art Doodle Love. sharrym at hotmail dot com

  160. I would love the spinning book or the Kaffe book! The spinning book would probably be my first choice as I'm trying to teach myself to spin now. My rav id is sewknittystar.

  161. I loved watching your impromptu video! The quilt book would be wonderful to own. My rav id: needlestohook

  162. I'm a knitter and a quilter and a huge fan of Kaffe. I would love to win the quilting book.

  163. I would love any of the books, but the doodle book looks especially fun.

    melonkelli AT gmail DOT com

  164. I would love any of these books. I write, I quilt, I spin.
    Perfect! Thanks for the great info and all the inspiration.

  165. I would really love the Art Doodle Love for my daughter, Whitney. She has always loved to draw and as she got older, she also turned to photography as an "outlet", so to speak. I think this book would be a terrific journal for her! Thank you. Anne

  166. My budding artists and I would put the Doodle book to good use.
    jpowell AT

  167. My budding artists and I would put the Doodle book to good use.
    jpowell AT

  168. Art Doodle Love is the one I'd love for most of the same great reasons you described in the video - thanks for the review and giveaway opportunity! Rav ID: RLake

  169. All 3 books look wonderful. I'd especially like the Art Doodle Love book though for my daughter.

  170. I am a quilter as well as a knitter, so the quilting book looks wonderful. Thanks,
    Valpicks on ravelry

  171. OOOOOOooooo!!!! The Spinner's Book!

    (OatieP2 on ravelry)

  172. I would love the Art, Doodle, Love book ... I love how your love of creative force bubbles into other areas besides fiber. Thanks for the great reviews!

  173. All three books are great. My pick would be the quilting book by Kaffe Fassett. I can just imagine how inspiring it would be.

  174. What I would really like? The Spinners Book. Unfortunately I do not live any more in the US soooo I'll aske the Art Doodle Love. Beautiful!

  175. Hi, I loved your video. It would be a pleasure if I won, the Art Doodle Love book or the Spinner book on creating the different yarns.

    I will keep my fingers crossed and hopefully one day I might win!

    Have a great day!

  176. I would love the Spinner's Design Book. I have just started spinning and have heard such amazing things about this book.
    kathyg on rav

  177. Nicely done, Susan! I just looked at a friend's copy of Kaffe Fassett Quilts: Shots and Stripes book and decided I must get my own! So that would be my choice. BTW, teared up when I saw how grown up TC is...hope she still likes her Fairy garden! :-)

    I am childwood on Ravelry

  178. Anything Kaffee Fasset wins hands down as far as I'm concerned! Loved him for years!
    TC looks adorable with her headband and new teeth. What a pretty girl.

  179. All three books are great, but the one I like the most is the spinning one. Loved the video :-)

  180. I love all things Kaffe Fassett, enough said:)

    Laurie (lariluu on raverly)

  181. Awesome Post !!!! New knitter just over a year but totally have been sucked in big TIME !!!! I am sure I driving my co-workers and family NUTS ! I would love to have The Spinners Design book !!! Thanks for the great video !

  182. Awesome post !!! I have been knitting for just over a year but have been totally sucked in !!! I am sure I drive family nuts with all the knitting and knitting related talk. I would love a chance to win The Spinners Design Book. Great video Some much fun !

  183. I'd love to win the Art Doodle Love. I love to draw:) Found you through Carla Sonheim's blog.

    Thx for the chance to win! Stacie

  184. I would love to win Art Doodle Love. Found you through Carla Sonheim's blog. Thx for the chance to win!

  185. I would love any of the books as they all are of interest to me. I'm a devoted fan of Kaffe Fassett, but even though I don't quilt, I use his books for color inspiration. I'm a beginning spinner, so the Spinner's Design book would be wonderful. As a writer, the doodle book would be welcome.

    IU Grad on Ravelry

  186. Thank you for the opportunity to win the Art Doodle Book! Happy Crafting to all who enter! Annette Malonet

  187. Ooh, the Art, Doodle, Love book looks so inspiring! Would love that one. And thanks for the info on your shawl! That would be perfect for Wisconsin winters.
    lalibertefineart AT gmail DOT com

  188. Hi Susan...

    I would LOVE a copy of the Spinner's book. While I do love to spin, it's something that gets put on the back burner. There's just not enough time in the day to do all of the knitting, sewing and spinning that I would like to do, you know?

    Thanks so much for putting together this giveaway. I am feeling lucky - so that's good : )

    All the Best,

  189. I would love Kaffe's book, thanks for the chance to win it!

  190. Hi
    I would like 2 win a copy of Kaffe's book. His work is inspiring.
    I adore you're flower band. I must make one. Will u ever do crochet designs?

  191. Hi
    I would like 2 win a copy of Kaffe's book. His work is inspiring.
    I adore you're flower band. I must make one. Will u ever do crochet designs?

  192. I would love to win the Art Doodle Love book! It looks like a beautiful book. Thanks for the giveaway! I am ladywithneedles on Ravelry.

  193. The spinning book sounds wonderful :) Thanks so much for the giveaway! showandtellmeg (ravelry id)

  194. I would love the kaffe book. As a quilter who also Knits, I so admire the color sense. I seem to be lacking there...
    Nancy wilson

  195. wow! look at all these comments. I would love to win the book on spinning. I'm not a spinner yet but aspire to be and this seems like it would be a wonderful resource....OK off to look at her you tube videos.....


  196. I'd love Art Doodle Love for my 20 yo daughter. Lots of inspiration!
    Teachermom on rav

  197. I would love a copy of the Spinner's Design book. I am taking my first spinning class next month. I am excited to take your class at VKL Seattle after seeing your samples!

    Becky (gathersnomoss)

  198. Hi there! I would absolutely love to win Sipsey's Folly! Awesome! Thank you for your blogging AND the chance for this fun give-away :-) !

    Lisa Spencer

  199. I would love to win a copy of Art Doodle Love, it looks gorgeous!
    D x
