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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

More Socks

Hi, Knitters,
I'm trying to get those unfinished socks off the needles this week. I'm having some success. I've started the second sock for the Rainbows and Clouds socks. The cheerful yarn is by the wonderful Abbi Grasso and her shop is right here. It feels good to get going on the second as the first sock has been finished for a long time now.

I hand washed another batch of handknit socks. I thought I might as well as long as I was washing and blocking the finished Annabel Cardigan (more on that later). Try and match them up! None of the pairs are next to each other.

This delicious stack of socks includes some pairs that were knit 6 or 7 years ago. I do think that hand washing really helps to keep the socks going longer.  

All of these socks are knit from my free pattern which can be found by clicking right here.                                                      

The freshly washed socks look so bouncy, warm and inviting. 

The socks from the top down are the Patchworks, Noro Silk Garden Lite, Cakewalk Yarns Cherry Blossom, Noro Kureyon Sock, Trekking XXL, and more Noro Kureyon Sock.

It has been cold in Madison over the last few days. I have been layering my woolens just to keep warm. I keep thinking about how I want to knit an Elizabeth Zimmermann Rib Warmer to wear over my handknit sweaters when the temps dip below zero. That's a must in the near future. 

Back to socks, while washing and blocking my socks and new cardigan I wore my first pair of socks knit from my own handspun. This yarn was from the Knitgirllls spinalong/knitalong a couple of years ago. I love these socks.

I finally finished the second sock from my beloved Freshisle Fibers watermelon striping yarn. These are definitely my favorites for the moment. I still need to wash and block them. 

I have wanted to knit the watermelon striping socks since I saw Stephanie Pearl-McPhee knit them years ago. Finally my dream has come true. The yarn is a rustic hearty single-ply which I adore. I loved every second of knitting these socks. I will wear these with great adoration for years to come. 

I can't wait to wear the watermelon socks with my watermelon mittens out on the pond skating rink in my neighborhood, possibly by the end of the week. The below zero temperatures right now won't permit the skating but soon it will happen.

I'll be back with all of the details on my fresh new cardigan and the sweetest ceramic buttons from etsy I stitched on yesterday. 

Stay warm and layer those woolens.
best, susie 
p.s. If you are interested please join me on instagram for quick and more up to the minute updates on my knitting and other activities. It's a lot of fun over there! Click here for my instagram photo collection.


  1. Thank you for always including the links to the lovelies you share. I am inspired by your overflowing pile of handknit socks and hope to one day have a similar situation in my sock drawer.

  2. I've made 8 pairs of mittens from your pattern which I thing may be one of the best written patterns ever!! Do you have a favorite (plain) sock pattern?

  3. all of the socks are made from my free pattern found right here:

  4. Looks like the watermelon striping yarn is out of stock. Any ideas where it can be found?

  5. I wish I had more hours in my day (don't we all). I would knit myself a pile of warm socks just like you! My current favorite socks at the moment is a pair of mohair socks I knitted a few years ago. It was -31F here last night...super chilly!

  6. Susan, do you ever use the 'magic loop' method for socks? I found that I was constantly losing one of my dps, or forgetting to use the 'free' needle to begin the next batch of stitches, so I would end up with too many stitches on a needle. It gets a little fiddly at the heel, because the pattern/count doesn't translate to a circular needle, but I never lose the needle! Just wondering what you think about the loop, and whether you could recommend a sock pattern for that method...I really enjoy your blog!

  7. These socks look so YUMMY!! They really inspire me to try thr sock pattern you've posted.

  8. I need to knit socks faster. Seriously. But I hate handwashing socks. I think it's because I have this idea that they'll never get clean enough. I tend to walk around in socks at home and they get covered in dog hair and fluff and food bits from Little Man and occasionally unmentionable grossness. So, for now I'll throw them in the washer (if they can go in there)...perhaps later I'll start handwashing.

  9. I think it would be fun for people to take a photo of their sock drawers with all their handknit socks or maybe just a stack of them and then send them to you to publish. You are very lucky to have the Rainbows and Clouds yarn and the Watermelon striping yarn! I've tried many times and can't get either of them.

  10. I think it would be fun to see photos of everyone's dock drawers or just a photo of a stack of their socks! You are very lucky to have both the Rainbows and Vlouds AND the Watermelon yarn. I've tried many times and can't get them. This year I am zooming along and have knit two pair of men's socks and have a good start on a third pair!

  11. I love my hand-knit sox.
    Likes jewels in my sock drawers

    I think I envy your Watermelon sox


  12. Oh the watermelon socks are so adorable!

  13. You find some of thhe coolest sock yarn! The rainbow ones are awesome. Love the shot of the stack of folded socks.

  14. I have a size 10 1/2 foot for shoes. Will your pattern for socks fit my feet?

  15. Rosemary - yes, you can knit the socks to any length to fit your foot. My daughter wears a size 11 shoe and I use this pattern to knit socks for her.

  16. This post makes me want to be a sock knitter. I have never knit a real sock, only giant Christmas stockings. The picture of socks drying on your Knitter's Blocks and stacks of squishy socks makes me want to buy new sock yarn and actually knit socks with it! :)

    Always love your blog. Thanks, Susan.

  17. Susan,

    I am new to knitting socks

    Can I use your sock pattern with a sport weight yarn? Will I need to make changes. Thanks


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