Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Holidays

Hi, Knitters,
I'm wishing you all a very happy holiday season. We are looking forward to a few quiet, cozy, family-filled days ahead. There is nothing better in life than that.

Have a beautiful holiday week!

best, susie
p.s. The gathering of sheep in the first photo above was knit by knitnspin (rav id) using my new Wee Sheep pattern. Isn't she a wonderful sheep knitter? I thought Karen's photo of her seven Wee Sheep was so knitterly and festive that I asked and received permission to share it with you. Thank you, Karen.

p.p.s. I was contacted by Sarah and the following is her email to me and her email address to contact her for more information if you are interested in making snowflakes for the children of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Sarah was asking about the 3D snowflakes that TC has made this season (click here for a tutorial on 3D snowflakes), but you could make and send any sort of snowflakes for the kids.  Thank you, Sarah, for offering to collect and deliver snowflakes for the children.
Here is the email:

Hi Susan,

I am a resident of Connecticut and a long-time lover of your blog.  As I'm sure you know, our state suffered a great tragedy last week at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

I saw your picture of TC's lovely snowflake on your recent post and was reminded that there is a snowflake drive occuring state-wide.  The idea is to hang paper snowflakes from all of the hallway ceilings in the students' temporary new school so that they are greeted with a winter wonderland when they return to school in January.

I was curious if TC received instructions for her snowflake that you could pass along, because I would love to make some for the kids!  If any kind readers of your blog are interested in making and sending paper snowflakes of any kind, I would be happy to collect them as well.

Take care and Merry Christmas to you and your family,

Sarah Robbiati
email address:


  1. Word of the snowflake mission is spreading far and wide. I got an email about it in my work email at my schoolboard, here in Ontario Canada. We have family coming over today and I was hoping to entice some of the teens to make a few. I don`t have the link handy, but I found alot of good website with free printable templates. Oh, wait! Just found it... The one I printed came from

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Merry Christmas, Susan. Wishing you and your family a happy holiday season :)

  4. It was so clever of knitnspin to knit your adorable sheep pattern in that yarn!
    There is also a group, I've learned recently while catching up on blogs, called knitters for newtown that was created by Sharon of Three Irish Girls as she's accepting 8x8 squares to sew up blankets for the 26 families affected by tragedy.

  5. Oh, and hope your Christmas was full of good eats, laughter, and fiber goodies!

  6. Can you tell me what kind of yarn was used to knit the above pictured sheep? It's time to start knitting for next Christmas!

  7. I don't know the kind of yarn - you could message knitnspin on ravelry to ask, maybe?

  8. Just thought I would chime in about the yarn - I got this yarn many years ago when I toured Stonehedge Fiber Mill - it was yarn they had made from leftovers on the equipment - all the wee sheep were made from one skein - and the fibers could be anything - wool, angora, mohair, alpaca, I think I felt some silk, etc. - and the different fibers are the reason for the different colours!

  9. thank you for the information, karen! the yarn made your wee sheep so interesting and fun! i love it.

  10. Yes, TY also. The sheep are adorable.
