Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Hi, Knitters,
I want to take a moment in light of Thanksgiving to thank you all for joining me on this little blog I enjoy so much. I am forever thankful to each and every one of you for sharing your time and thoughts on here.

I hope you all have a great week and long weekend filled with family, friends, food and knitting.

Time has been sparse due to teacher conferences, no school for the kids and a busy weekend, but I have somehow managed to complete the gigantic ribbed button bands on my Calligraphy Cardigan.  There is always something new to learn with every project and this time around I learned a new buttonhole technique which I adore and will use again. I made my buttonholes smaller because my buttons are 3/4 inch instead of the 1 inch buttons suggested in the pattern.

Once those button bands are finished (I also gave it a bit of a steam because I steeked the front) I can't wait to sew on the buttons and get the body finished and tidy with the ends woven in. It always seems like such an achievement. Now all I have left are those sleeves and I can blaze through those like nobody's business.

I need a new handknit cardigan in the worst way and this one is turning out wonderfully. I am thankful that I am nearing the end.

See? It even fits like a glove. I am going to wear this thing out. Now for those sleeves.... ready, aim, fire! Hopefully I can share the finished cardigan very soon.

Calligraphy Cardigan by Hannah Fettig (such an easy, easy pattern!) in the second size, a 38.25 inch bust size - it is roomy which is perfect.
Madelinetosh Tosh DK yarn in the Thunderstorm colorway
Signature Needles in US size 6 (sweater knit on 24 inch circs and sleeves on dpns)
Buttons from the Sow's Ear

I'll see you right back here after the holiday. What are you all thankful for this year? I'd love to hear about it.
best, susie


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    Thank you for sharing so much with us. I always love to read your blog and learn about so many wonderful things. Your creativity, talent and generosity are amazing.

  2. Where to start, I have so much to be thankful for! My wonderful partner in life, my children and grandchildren. I also am thankful for this new creative life I'm living since my retirement. I've never been happier!
    Thanks for your blog too Susan, you are a joy to live.

  3. I am absolutely thankful for health and my precious family! I am also thankful for you ~ you ignited a passion in me for knitting. Thank you! I love that cardigan! Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I'm going to be a total kiss-up right now: Susan, I'm thankful for your books.


    I know there are baby items out there and I've even made some of them but your books, particularly Itty-Bitty Toys, has reminded me of all things cute in life and it starts young. I have a toy that appears to have been handsewn from my youth. It currently resides on a shelf in Little Man's room. It's 30+ years old. I want him to have a toy that he can keep for his own child(ren).

    But, aside from you, I'm thankful for Little Man and Husband (and even our dumb Puppy) and the opportunities we're having here in California :) (but don't get me wrong, I miss Wisconsin).

  5. Deborah (woollyfa) ravelryNovember 20, 2012

    Hello Susan

    Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for sharing so many exciting knitting projects. I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to seeing new posts.
    What am I thankful for this year?
    I am thankful each day for my lovely family. My husband Marc, our three grown children, and three grandchildren. Good health is an added blessing that I am thankful for. With my family and health I feel very blessed.

    I wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Wow! I'm impressed by the beautiful results of your sweater-so many times, it has seemed to overwhelm the wearer. it looks great. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours too.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! I enjoy your little blog so much....

  8. I'm thankful that I'll get to see both my sons, haven't seen the one since August since he is five hours away at school.

    I'm also thankful for hands that work and allow me to knit and sew, bake cookies and rolls (did that today). I had a grandma who got where she couldn't do that stuff, and she loved crocheting and made the BEST bread. So I may sound silly, but I'm glad for the ability to do little things!

    AND I'm thankful for your blog, even if you make me spend $$ and start more projects. I get a lot of enjoyment from it!

    Blessings to you and your family Susan!

  9. Happy thanksgiving! I'm thankful for my family and my communities-whether they be live and in the flesh or virtual. It's nice be surrounded with people who are like minded. Hope you get lots of knitting done over the break. Thank you for sharing your knits and designs with us

  10. I have so very much to be thankful for. I am thankful for you, my sweet friend, and all of the amazing people I have connected with and formed friendships with because of you. So very, very thankful. :)

  11. I am in awe of your beautiful sweater! I haven't finished swatching for my Calligrapy Cardigan yet- I keep putting it off because my purls are so much looser than my knits I knew my gauge would be all funky. Why I didn't just go your route and steek it I do not know. :/

  12. Aww. Thank you for creating such a wonderful blog Susan. It's always a pleasure reading your posts.

    I am thankful that I am healthy, have a roof over my head.

    Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!

    Love your cardi, nothing like the feeling of a brand new handknit garment!


  13. Hi Susan; Happy Thanksgiving! I expect you will have your kids all home which will be a joy:). I am Thankful for so much, but probably think most about my family - husband, 2 kids and son in law, and precious extended family. We won't all be together for Thanksgiving, but we are close in heart. As others have said, thanks for all you put into your blog. It is fun and inspiring. Love making toys and also joined in your shawl KAL. You encourage us to try new things!

  14. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Susie! Thanks for all the inspiration. I love this cardigan you are making; I've saved it for the future :-)

  15. That cardi looks fantastic already!

    I'm thankful for my family and my knitting friends! They make life fun.

  16. I am thankful for your wonderful blog, too. For how your knitting and writing and blogging connect so many of us here and on Ravelry! I am thankful that my town wasn't hit too too hard by the storm. And I am thankful for the way knitting has enriched my life, much more than I ever thought possible! Peace! Nicky momoffour

  17. Happy Thanksgiving! Thank YOU for sharing in the blog.

  18. Hi Susan - Calligraphy's on my list of sweaters to knit for ME, also! Yours looks lovely in blue. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for family and friends, thankful for your blog, your patterns, you inspire me to try new things. I love your pictures of Wisconsin, a place I really miss.
