Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Friday, November 09, 2012

Soup, Sweater and Cowl (giveaway!) Season

Hi, Knitters,
The other day I linked to a great knitting blog, Pepperknit, by Erin - the editor in chief of Yarn Market News. She not only shares her knitting, friends and city (NYC), but she also shares recipes. I couldn't wait to try out Erin's recipe for roasted butternut squash soup. I picked up the ingredients on a trip to the grocery store and whipped up a batch for my family. I am a major year-round soup fan and butternut squash soups are a fall staple.

It was simple, quick, extra-delicious and the roasting of the veggies made the house smell so good. Give it a try. I diced up red onions, tomatoes and avocado to sprinkle on top when serving. We also added a dollop of sour cream and served with a crunchy baguette on the side. It was a meal of meals.

Click here for the recipe from Pepperknit! She has great photos of the soup in progress, too.

With permission, I am sharing Jessica's (knitgineering on rav) baby cardigan and tiny sweater ornaments from my VK Live class a couple of weeks ago. Within a few days after the class she had these all complete. I love your sweaters big and small, Jessica. Thanks for sharing with me.

Pattern for the tiny sweater coming soon....

Last but not least I have a fun giveaway for you. Lise Marleau Nesbitt (zenitude on rav) sent me an email yesterday. She offered to share two copies of her Winter Bliss cowl with us. Read all about this pattern here or click here to see the pattern on Ravelry.  The pattern works with about 100 yards of any bulky weight yarn, Lise suggests Misti Alpaca Tonos Chunky or your wonderful handspun. I am definitely making one or two of these for gifts. I have Misti Alpaca sitting in my stash and I have some chunky handspun as well. This is the perfect stash busting pattern. You could also hold a worsted double. Look to the stash. The cowl only takes a couple of short hours to complete. It is knit flat in garter stitch and can easily be made to fit looser or closer around your neck. I love it.

Lise Marleau also has a beautiful etsy shop stocked full of hand dyed yarns and fiber. I seriously want the entire shop to be delivered to my house. Click here to see Zenitude on Etsy!

By the way, Lise Marleau Nesbitt will be at KnitEast with me next September so I'll get to meet her in person. She is from Ontario.

Leave a comment on this blog post if you would like this zippy Winter Bliss Cowl pattern either emailed or sent to you through ravelry. There will be two pattern winners. You need to leave only one comment on this post (remember there is a delay in posting, please don't post more than once), and the comment must include your rav id or email.

Comment away! This will be a quick one. Maybe we could knit our cowls together.... 
best, susie


  1. After the hurricane and a follow-up snowstorm/Nor'easter in New Jersey, I would love nothing more than a cozy, bulky weight cowl. I'd love to win!

  2. I've been thinking that I needed to knit a couple of cowls for gifts. So generous of you to make a pattern available.

    Ravelry ID ptrosper

  3. I love knitted cowls and knit quite a few every Christmas for gift giving. They're quick and always bring a smile from the recipients.

  4. That cowl looks so cozy on a day like today. And I am a fellow lover of soups - I discovered a super quick black bean one this week that is bound to become a regular in my rotation, perfect for lunches.

    rav ID: introvert

  5. Lovely soup recipe for this weekend. Thanks. And I love the cowl. I think we should do a KAL! Thanks much.

  6. That looks like it would be a perfect work cowl for my daughter. And, I just happen to have the perfect amount of Misti Alpaca languishing in my stash. Thanks for bringing my attention to the pattern.

  7. Thanks for bringing that pattern to my attention. It looks like it will be the perfect work cowl for my zookeeper daughter. And, I have the perfect (Misti Alpaca) yarn languishing in my stash! - Yarnvixen

  8. LOVE the cowl!! And the sweaters are too cute!! I'm stitchywitchy on Rav! :0) Thanks for the great giveaway!

  9. the soup looks yummy, the tiny sweaters are so cute - cannot wait for the pattern to be available (hint, hint) and would love to have the cowl pattern - thx Susie - Jill

  10. Love the cowl!! Handspun would make a gorgeous gift. Thank you!

  11. Love the cowl!! Handspun would make a gorgeous gift. Thank you!

  12. Thank you for a chance to win a very pretty pattern. I am still making Christmas resents. 1 more pair (17) of mittens to go for my daughter's kindergarten class.

  13. I'm also a soup fan, and this one sounds tasty. Thanks for sharing!
    Grammiknit on rav

  14. Love this cowl!!!!
    RavId triciaknitz

  15. Pam KarlbergNovember 09, 2012

    I may be the first to leave a comment:). Fun. Would love to make the cowl. It is right up my alley. Fast gifts! Susan I am currently working on your Opal Sock Bunny. He is so cute:). Thx for that pattern.
    Rav id is. Pamk

  16. I lov soup and I love cowls! Yolandamarie revelry id

  17. "Look to the stash" are beautiful words of wisdom. A good motto.

  18. I love soup and cowls! Yolandamarie raverlry id

  19. That cowl will look great in my handspun.

  20. This cowl will look great in handspun.

  21. Looks like a fun knit!

    Rav ID: SuuzzeeQ

  22. This looks like a wonderful pattern! danielle.alkire *at*

  23. Would love to knit the cowl with you. Hope I win! ;-)

    Craftysly: Rav.ID

  24. LOVE the cowl pattern and the soup is a must try...I can almost smell it! I would love to knit the pattern. My Ravelry ID is laterknitter.

  25. I love soups. Thanks for sharing the links. RAVID: Tanknit

  26. Very nice, simple and functional cowl. The photo of the roasted veggies makes me hungry!

  27. Love the cowl and Knit East sounds like great fun!

  28. The cowl looks like perfect holiday knitting and Knit East sounds like great fun. Just have to figure out how far it is from Connecticut,

  29. Thank you for sharing!
    RAVID: Stacie

  30. Looks like the weather here in the Midwest is changing this weekend so a cowl would be welcomed! Thanks for your blog, I really enjoy reading it...Pat M. @

  31. I was just looking for a cowl pattern, perfect timing! Hope you're having a great week!
    KLCknit on Rav

  32. Great cowl! I am knitting a bunch of bulky cowls for gifts--that pattern is great!
    Rav ID: QuiteCool

  33. I would love to win a copy of that pattern, they would make such nice quick Christmas gifts. Thanks for the give away.

    rav id. mommytofive

  34. great pattern for holiday knitting! rave id: RLake

  35. Oooooo....that is just what I've been looking for to knit for my 2 DIL's for Christmas.

  36. Looks like a great pattern to knit for gifts--Thanks!

    yarnbasket on rav

  37. Beautiful cowl - thanks for the chance to win (cnuland on Rav)

  38. I would love the pattern! Rav id: lmas70

  39. This looks like a wonderful and quick cowl to knit up. Thinking with the winds we have had so far in Mid MI I'm going to need a few cowls this winter. I am snagging the ingredients for the soup this afternoon, sounds soooooooo yummy!

  40. What a fun and different cowl! malin @ Ravelry

  41. I admired that new design as soon as I saw it on Ravelry! I'd love to knit up a few for holiday gifts and I have some Misti Alpalca in my stash, too.

  42. The soup looks wonderful. The cowl really fits the bill for some bulky I have lying around waiting for a pattern. It's simple yet stunning....

    If I weren't determined to finally finish a pair of socks, I think I wold buy this up and cast on tonight. (the evening is still young, I guess).

    Rav: DCAlaneKnits

  43. I'm a knitter wannabe and am looking for projects where I can get practice and are small enough to finish!

  44. I love this cowl! It's an interesting shape and looks comfortable to wear. I'd love to win the pattern! :) I'm

  45. What a unique and beautiful cowl! I'd love to win-thanks!

    rav ID: mamagiff

  46. I love quick and easy Christmas gifts!

    Lucy21780 @ Ravelry

  47. I am all for the KAL! The soup looks so yummy! Have a great weekend Susan!

    Rav ID justjulia

  48. Looks like a fun knit! I would like to use some of my handspun yarn.

    Rav ID sewknittystar

  49. Looks like a fun knit! I would like to use some of my handspun yarn.

    Rav ID sewknittystar

  50. I'll have to try out the soup recipe, it sounds delicious! Thank you for sharing the pattern idea, would love to win one of the giveaways...Ravid: pik2nit

  51. What a cute cowl pattern! The soup sounds great too - thanks! Rav ID oreokia

  52. I love the look of this cowl. cozy with lots of possibilities!
    rav id busymom07755

  53. It would be peefect right about now snowing in redmond, oregon

  54. Love cowls great gifts!

    Rav Id bagbitch

  55. A great cowl to keep me warm this winter. Please pick me!
    Nanranda on Ravelry

  56. What a wonderful combination...a great recipe, cowl, and quick Christmas knit! Thanks for the chance to receive this pattern.
    muttiruth on Ravelry

  57. Thanks for the give away! Looks like a fun pattern!!

    Rav ID jillpickle

  58. I am knitting several cowls for presents this year. This pattern looks great and I do have some chunky Misti alpaca in my stash.

    rav id: schorknit

  59. Kathleen JeanNovember 10, 2012

    My daughter Beth has been hinting she'd love a cowl for Christmas. She walks her dogs at 5 o'clock in the morning no matter how cold it is, drives home from work to do so at noon, and then again at night! This lovely cowl would be perfect for her! We love butternut squash soup,roasted veg...can't wait to try this soup,too! Thanks!

  60. Wow, what a great soup recipe! I'll try it on a sunday too ;)

    rav id: likelisa

  61. That would be a great gift! So quick too. Thanks. Rav ID -annealden

  62. Yes - quick bulky cowls would be excellent gifts and stash busters! I am anxiously awaiting the baby sweater pattern release as well... Have a lovely weekend! Lynette (Ravid "lynlarkins")

  63. Love this cowl! I love misti alpaca chunky and I'll have to get some or find something worthy in stash, but I love a good cowl and occasionally using bulky weight...a nice change from sockyarn! LOL Lovely baby sweater, too, Susie! What a great soup...we are soup people! YUM! Enjoy your weekend. Nicky momoffour

  64. I have never knit a cowl and I would love to try one!

  65. I have never knit a cowl and I would love to try one!

  66. MaryEllen ReimersNovember 10, 2012

    I wish my family liked soup as much as I do... More for me, I guess! Love the cowl!

  67. Love all cowls. amyroz on ravelry

  68. What a beautiful WARM cowl, i'd love to make one!

  69. fall is my absolute favorite-just had homemade chicken noodle soup yesterday!

  70. Looks nice and cosy!
    Purlywolf on ravelry

  71. How generous of Zenitude!! Such a warm, winter cowl.
    Knitters are simply the best!

    Ravelry ID threadsgal

    PS) Can't wait to roast up some vegetables for the soup. MMMMMMM!

  72. I have to perfect yarn for this!

  73. I have just discovered the fun of knitting cowls. I have finished two for gifts and am ready to knit more! This is a great giveaway. Thanks for all you bring to the knitting community.
    ClaudiaJane on Rav
    weaveonstudio at me dot com

  74. Always looking for a new cowl pattern!

    RavID: fiddlyfingers

  75. What a lovely cowl pattern! And I have just the Misti chunky for it. Thanks for the chance to win it!
    linnetknits on Rav.

  76. I hve been knitting for 6 years but I have never knit a cowl- This looks like a great one to start with.

  77. In cold weather, nothing makes me feel and warm and cozy as a soft knit cowl. Thanks for sharing

  78. I am in need of cowls for holiday gift giving- I have several yarns in my stash! Thanks for the opportunity to win --and the soup recipe review- I make soup every weekend...
    Rav ID johalley

  79. Great soup recipe and lovely warm cowl, great post.

    DawninNL (RavID)

  80. Very cute. And I think I have a couple of options in the stash. Longtallkaty on Ravelry

  81. I don't wear cowls, since my neck is rather short. However, as this is very adjustable, I'm sure it would work for me and I would love to make it for others.
    rav ID: love2knit4u

  82. I'd love this great cowl pattern. Such a generous giveaway and timely too.

  83. This would be great to make for our family gift exchange!

  84. Thanks for the opportunity to win the lovely cowl pattern. Now I'm off to get the supplies to make soup tomorrow.

    Rav: Camanoah

  85. The cowl looks lovely and warm. I've not tried my hand at one yet.

    Rav ID Zytigg

  86. Count me in for the cowl. The soup looks awesome. I just made a batch of chili with butternut squash. It adds great flavor and is so delicious!

  87. What a fantastic post, soup, a cowl & giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win. x

    Rav ID. Dangermouse

  88. Love those cowls.

  89. What a great gift. I could knock out some quick gifts and maybe even whip one for myself! Rav name knitty 48

  90. I have several skeins of bulky that would love to be this cowl and be gifted this Christmas. Teachermom on ravelry

  91. Yum! the soup looks so good I can almost taste it! Thx for sharing the recipe.

    I've been on-line browsing looking for a kerchief cowl & lo & behold, you provided! It is perfect. Great design!

    treblemaker in Ravelry

  92. Would love a copy of the pattern. I have a skein of bulky that would be perfect for this cowl!

  93. Looks like instant gratification!

    NanaKnits4Us on ravelry

  94. I love that the knitted rows are featured vertically...a nice design element.

  95. Yum, Yum. Winter Bliss Cowl looks warm and wonderful. Would love the pattern! Using only 100 yards is very do-able for gifts. Lovely.

  96. What a cool cowl pattern. I just bought some great yarn for a cowl today, worsted, but it has enough to double so I could make this with it!

  97. I love cowls. I also love to give them. I would love to have this pattern.
    lovebirdmom at gmail dot com

  98. Oh my, that soup looks wonderful. And I'd love to knit a cowl!

    melonkelli AT gmail DOT com

  99. Would love to knit this cowl!


  100. This looks like a perfect gift for a few friends!

  101. I would love to knit this cowl as a Chritmas gift, and I'm looking forward to that mini sweater pattern. A friend took your class at VNL & says it's great!

    RavID: liamsmommy

  102. Hi Susan, would love to win the cowl pattern, I still have some Christmas gifts to make! Thanks so much, I love reading your blog.
    (ravid DebbieinSeattle)

  103. Susan DeBettigniesNovember 11, 2012

    Oh, I love this looks of this. I will be in need of a few quick knit gifts. This pattern would be wonderful.


  104. I just purchased some beautiful hand painted bulky yarn that would be wonderful to use for this cowl! I like to wear cowls over scarves; they don't get in my way as much.

  105. I love knitting cowls!

  106. I really like cowls, so do my stepdaughters!

  107. I'm definitely trying the soup recipe and I might even make MYSELF a cowl!

    plynn (ravID)
