Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Friday, October 05, 2012

Super-Size Fall Birthday Giveaway!

Hi, Knitters,
First, I want to briefly share two brand new interviews I did that were recently published. They both turned out great and I thought you might be interested. Here are the links:

Click here for the interview on Spin Artiste! 

Click here for the interview on Art or Crafts!

I have a great opportunity for you today. I am excited to offer a super-fantastic giveaway package for one lucky winner. To celebrate the fall season and my birthday today, I am offering a copy of each of my four books to one lucky winner! If you already have my books, keep reading to see what else is included in this giveaway.... you'll want to enter, just share the extra copies of the books with someone you love.

That means for this giveaway you'll get a copy of Itty-Bitty Hats....

Itty-Bitty Nursery......

Itty-Bitty Toys.....

And Spud & Chloe at the Farm!

Now, as I was planning this fantastic book giveaway with my publisher, I remembered that my friend, Kristin Nicholas, has just this fall released her gorgeous yarn again through Classic Elite. The yarn is now called, Color by Kristin. I used Color by Kristin (formerly called Julia) to make my favorite project in Itty-Bitty Toys.

The Princess and the Pea project is so much fun and really, in this yarn, it is a spectacular set for any child. It feels so sweet and soft and special.

I remember working on this set on a trip with my family. The kids kept telling me it needed more mattresses so of course I obliged. The stack of mattresses grew and grew and new rich colors of Color by Kristin kept getting added in. The set uses many colors of the Color by Kristin yarn and since Kristin specializes in color, you can't go wrong.

Anyway, I contacted Kristin to see if she would want to include her yarn in this giveaway because not only did I use it for one of my favorite projects in the books, you could use this fantastic worsted weight yarn for baby hats, toys, stripey baby sweaters, mittens, booties, blankets, and for just about any project in my books! This is such a squishy, soft and fun yarn to work with, you will just love it. It is also great for colorwork and striping.

Sure enough, Kristin got me in touch with Classic Elite and they offered a HUGE prize just for you!!

(photo of yarn from Kristin's blog banner)

Click here for Kristin's blog! You can buy her books (I have them all), sign up for her knitting retreats at her farm, and see her patterns and her pattern booklets for Color by Kristin - check out her blog sidebar for all of these links.

Here is the yarn information: 
Content: 50% Wool/25% Alpaca/25% Mohair

Hand Wash Cold, Dry Flat
5 sts = 1" on US 7 (4.5mm)
Knitting Weight:

I am so excited to say that you get this huge sample pack of Color by Kristin along with my four books! It's such an amazing giveaway prize package. Yes, the winner gets all of the yarn in the photo above.  I'm not kidding.

Here is the exact yarn pack you will be receiving from Classic Elite Yarns! It's your lucky day.

What a day and what a way to spend my birthday, giving back to all of you! That's the best.

To enter to win my 4 books (if you have my books already just share one with a friend or keep a spare for yourself), and the incredible yarn pack of Color by Kristin, leave one comment on this blog post (please just post one time - I have to approve the comments so there is a delay from when you post to when you are able to see your comment on the blog). Please leave your email or ravelry id in your comment so I am able to get in touch with you if you win.  I will be back in a couple of days to randomly select a winner. 

Good luck and let the comments begin!
best, susie
p.s. Thanks for all of the "LIKES" on TC's photo. I really appreciate the support and hope that we win the iPad for our family from our orthodontist's office. Click here if you haven't LIKED TC's photo yet and would like to.


  1. Wow! What a great giveaway! Thanks so much and happy birthday! I'd be thrilled to win right now as I have a couple friends expecting babies and I'd like to knit them some things.

  2. Today is MY birthday too!!! I never win this stuff but hope you have a great day!

  3. That's a great giveaway, would love to win and knit some stuff for little ones in my world!

  4. What a great giveaway! Would love to win and knit some things for little ones in my life. My ravelry ID is ashestoashes.

  5. I love your books, Susan! Kristen's colors are wonderful and are perfect for your patterns.

    Have a lovely birthday!
    jensknits rav id

  6. I would definitely love to win this huge giveaway.
    And I will definitely knit a lot of your toys and hat for my 2 years old girl that will celebrate her anniversary in a couple of days (October 27th)!
    I already have your hats and toys books, but I know someone who will love to receive them, a super gift. And it will great to complete my Susan B. Anderson books collection with so beautiful yarn!

    Rav Id : Nanasse

  7. Um, wow! I already have itty bitt toys and adore it! I need to complete my collection of your books and the yarn is amazing! Rav ID: chainoffools

  8. So excited for this chance! Your blog and Kristin's are the only two I check daily!!

  9. What a generous giveaway! Can readers outside the US also participate?
    (rav: cseburaska)

  10. Happy Birthday!!! I love your books. Thanks for the generous give away.

  11. pixiewear (on ravelry)October 05, 2012

    what a lovely contest! happy birthday! and thank you!!

  12. My rav name is janineny2001. I would love to win the books and yarn. Thanks for the opportunity.

  13. Happy. Birthday Susan, and love all the great prizes you are offering. Thanks!
    Pattytrish on Ravelry

  14. Two great people born and MY DAUGHTER! What a great gift this would be for her! Happy Birthday Susan.

  15. what a lovely and generous way to celebrate your birthday! The yarns are gorgeous, and I'd love to have Itty Bitty Hats to complete my collection and the chance to introduce other people to your patterns by sharing the others!
    Thanks so much, with birthday love from linnetknits

  16. Ooh - I love this yarn and your books!
    Ravelry ID - beank71

  17. Have a fantastic birthday!

  18. Oh I am so thrilled, I love your books (I have two of them), and we don't get this yarn here in Denmark, so it would be great to win!
    Happy birthday and have an awesome day!
    (agnesogmusen on ravelry)

  19. What a lovely and generous way to celebrate your birthday! The yarn looks so wonderful and I'd love to have Itty Bitty Hats to complete my collection of your books, and the opportunity to introduce other people to your patterns by sharing the other books.
    I want to thank you, too, for introducing me to the wonderful group of women in the IBK group on Rav - they have added much joy and comfort to my life.
    Wishing you a wonderful day and year!

  20. Happy Birthday! I would love to knit some of these for my granddaughter and her sister who is on the way!

    Babyboxermom on Rav

  21. Super fun way to celebrate your birthday--Happy Birthday! Now if only a housekeeper could be part of the giveaway so I can just sit and knit all of my favorite projects from the books... Rav ID: nmujillybean

  22. Happy Birthday! Fantastic giveaway!
    KarenF is my ravelry ID.

  23. Happy Birthday! Fantastic giveaway!
    KarenF is my ravelry ID.

  24. Wow!! Happy Birthday to you!!! You bring new meaning to the idea of taking treats to the office on your birthday. Enjoy your day. Ravelry ID - annealden

  25. What a super giveaway! I'm really excited just thinking about the lucky winner. I would love to get started on the hats if I won such a wonderful prize.
    I hope you have a wonderful birthday with your family, I'm sure they'll make it a great day for you!

  26. You're right - this is a fantastic giveaway! Me! Pick me!!

    Embellished on Ravelry

  27. This is an incredible giveaway! I'm expecting my first child right now and I would love to have your books to knit baby things from!

  28. Happy birthday, Susan! I turn 50 on Sunday and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than by trying to decide which of your wonderful patterns to knit first! (I love the princess and the pea set...that is just too cute!)

  29. What a wonderful giveaway! Many birthday wishes your way, Susan. :)

  30. This is an amazing giveaway - love the princess and the pea bit. Happy birthday!
    emhknits on Rav

  31. Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day. Your giveaway is so sweet and so generous! I love your patterns, especially the toys, and I am sure they will be wonderful knit up in Kristin's yarn.

  32. Wow this is an amazing giveaway. I've been looking for a copy of itty bitty nursery and the yarn is so pretty. What a great way to celebrate a birthday.

    kmacmillan2003 on ravelry.

  33. What a great give-a-way.

    Happy Birthday, Susan!

  34. Happy Birthday Susan! I just love your books and have all four already, but the chance to win all that great Color by Kristin Yarn is spectacular indeed.

    kanani on ravelry

  35. Happy birthday, Susan!! Thanks for offering this generous give-away. My daughter has recently become enamored with the Princess in the Pea story lately,so I've been toying with the idea of making your set.

  36. I love all of your awesomely gorgeous projects. Just wish I spend all of my time knitting instead of working. There are several grandchildren and nieces and nephews, (couple of them not due for a bit). Would absolutely love to win this giveaway so I can get started on gifts. Thanks.

  37. What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to win. Hope you have a great day Susan.

    JaneBG1923 in Rav

  38. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I have to get started on holiday gifts for the little people and people yet to come and the projects in this would make fantastic gifts for them. Happy birthday to you.

  39. I love all of your awesomely gorgeous projects. Just wish I spend all of my time knitting instead of working. There are several grandchildren and nieces and nephews, (couple of them not due for a bit). Would absolutely love to win this giveaway so I can get started on gifts. Thanks.

  40. What a great combination of talent!

    Katbirds on rav

  41. WOW what an amazing giveaway, I would be thrilled to win this prize. Hope you have a fabulous birthday and thank you for letting us share in your fun day.


    rav id - mommytofive

  42. Your books are fantastic! Thanks so much for the give away!

    jill pickle on ravelry

  43. Happy Birthday
    Rav id: rgiddings

  44. A huge giveaway! So generous.
    Happy birthday!
    ravid: ceweller

  45. Happy birthday! Awesome giveaway, best of luck to everyone (boy do I wish I win lol!)
    RavID: taffywduck

  46. Happy Birthday. This is a fantastic giveaway. RAV id: Viki

  47. Happy Birthday Susan!
    What an incrediably give away!! The Princess and the Pea would be so much fun to knit for my granddaughter who is 4.
    Thank you for offering this amazing giveaway!
    My ravelry is woollyfa

  48. Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a great day!

  49. What an amazing giveaway, I'd be so happy to win your books :-)
    Happy Birthday!

  50. Happy, Happy Birthday! I hope it is wonderful!

    rav: katiejo

  51. Cathy TaylorOctober 05, 2012

    I would love to win your books! Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  52. First, and most importantly -- Happy Birthday!

    And second, wow! what a great giveaway. :)

    diana (Mom2O on Rav)

  53. What a great give a way, I would love to win!
    rav id sheilamae

  54. Happy Birthday! This is such a great giveaway! I've been wanting to get the Spud & Chloe book for a while and just haven't gotten around to it yet. :)
    Rav ID: littletigercat

  55. Birthday greetings- Itty Bitty Hats is the first knitting book I ever bought-it was an inspiration! Great Giveway!!

  56. Have been wanting to knit some Itty Bitty toys and this prize package is just the ticket to jump start me. Thanks for your generosity and Happy Birthday. Rav ID is reneew

  57. Happy Birthday, Susan! That's a great give-away- I'd love all the books :-)

  58. Happy Birthday, Susan! What a great give-away- I'd love all the books :-)

  59. Wow this is fantastic. I would be in heaven if I won this giveaway!! a(dot)haun(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  60. In my family the birthday person gets an early morning serenade of the "Happy Birthday Song" eith regular or Casey Jones style. Consider yourself birthday sung! Hope your day is the best ever.
    Rav ID patroth

  61. So love Princess and Pea. wish I had a little girl to knit it for!
    Love Kristen's books! her yarns look scrumptious!

  62. What a wonderful way to celebrate! Would love love love to win!! Thank you!!

    Colbykate RavId

  63. Happy Birthday, Susan! What a lovely blog post, interviews and great giveaway! I hope you have a great day with your family! Enjoy!!! Nicky momoffour

  64. Happy, Happy Birthday Susan!!! May you have an absolutely wonderful day!! Thanks for this fantastic giveaway, but most of all thanks for all of the knitting inspiration you've shared.

  65. HaPpY BiRtHdAy, Susan! Hope your day is filled with yarny goodness!

    Aandersonmi on Ravelry

    Sorry if this is a duplicate. First attempt appeared to fail due to technical difficulties.

  66. My favorite knitting book is Itty Bitty Toys. I have made several of the toys for gifts and they are always well recieved. I would love the other books and what knitter could not use more yarn.

  67. kimmiekat on RavelryOctober 05, 2012

    Susan, I love reading your upbeat blog. Happy Birthday and keep the Happy flowing!

  68. I also have an October birthday! October is the best month. :)


  69. Susan, Happy Birthday and thank you for a GREAT prize! I feel like a pumpkin in a patch.....pick me, pick me!

    I do have all your books, but would plan on donating them to our woman's shelter with some of my yarn stash!

    Have a lovely day!


  70. I just love your books! I would be SO happy to win such a great prize!

  71. Ooh. I would love to win this! Thanks for sharing with us on your birthday! My ravelry id is fabiknits.

  72. Well, happy birthday. What a wonderful giveaway. I'd love to have one of your books and Kristin's yarn is just fantastic.

  73. Happy Birthday! Hope you've been treated to lots of yarny goodness yourself :) rav id jennyyeah

  74. OMG Susan, what beautiful yarn and of course, I love your books!!!


  75. Happy, Happy Birthday Susan!! I hope you have a wonderful day :)

    I just had to return Itty Bitty Toys to the library yesterday, after renewing it as many times as I could, and I was thinking "I really need to buy this book".

    Thank you, and Kristen, for the fantastic giveaway!

    yarncharmer on Rav

  76. Happy Birthday, and thanks for doing this great giveaway. I love your designs and your inspiring blog :)
    yarnstead on Ravelry

  77. Happy birthday!

    Heidigal on Ravelry

  78. hope your "day" is as special as you are!!!

  79. Happy Birthday!!! I love birthdays! And wow, what a giveaway! Thanks for doing it.
    Ravelry ID: AnnEdith

  80. Happy Birthday!! Love your blog!!

  81. Happy Birthday, Susan! I hope your husband and kids are spoiling you today! You are certainly spoiling us with this fantastic giveaway! I'd love to win!
    Rnmama on ravelry

  82. Happy Birthday Susy!! Thank you sooo very much for this AMAZING give a way:)

    Good luck to all that enter...but I hope I


  83. Happy happy birthday! What an amazing giveaway! Andi

  84. Irresistible! I love Kristin, too, so much. I have a new baby niece and an after school knitting class who would be lucky recipients of this booty. Happy birthday and thanks for the cute and color tour.

    AL (Rav ID busgirl)

  85. Happy Birthday, Susan! I know many, many knitters who are delighted that you were born. Thank you for your upbeat spirit and your delightful designs and blog. I hope your day is filled with wonderful surprises.

  86. Wow what an amazing giveaway!!!!! I love all your patterns! You are so talented:) Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great one!

    My rav id is samantharenae01 and email is


  87. Happy, Happy Birthday Susan! I hope you have a wonderful day!!! Thanks so much for offering this amazing giveaway!


    katbetty on Ravelry

    1. Love the Princess and the Pea! Thanks for the great.giveaway. amyroz

  88. Happy birthday, Susan! I have 3 of the 4 books and have knit several items. I would love to win and be able to donate the 3 I already have to my knitting guild for their silent auction. And of course I'd love the yarn. Thank you!

    grammiknit on ravelry

  89. What an amazing giveaway. Crossing my fingers....

  90. Luann HowardOctober 05, 2012

    What an awesome and generous giveaway! My Ravelry ID is knittincrazy.

  91. happy birthday! hope you have a wonderful birthday and birthday weekend! i love your patterns and have 2 books but have had my eye on itty bitty hats for a long time. such a fantastic giveaway!!

  92. Have a great birthday! My is in a few days! I love the colors and the princess!
    my3sonsjct on rav

  93. What an amazing prize! I'd love to have that assortment of yarn colors to play with - and the books would all find good homes.

  94. Happy Birthday! Since I already own Itty Bitty Toys you're inspiring me to make the Princess for my grandaughter for Xmas! By the way, don't worry. We aren't really geting older, just our children are!

  95. Happy birthday! What a generous way to celebrate! Ravelry id: doodler01.

  96. Awesome giveaway! I would kill for all that yarn... I'm also an aspiring toy designer and to have all that yarn would really let me get creative with color and designs. Of course, I would study your patterns too - bit that I dot already do that! :P

  97. What a fantastic give-away! I love the Julia yarn and am so pleased it's been reissued by Classic Elite. The Sweet Pea project is dear, and vibrant in Kristin's yarn.

  98. Happy Birthday. I would love to be the winner!
    Hoping to block my Quaker Ridge shawl today, yea!

  99. Happy, happy birthday! And thank you for celebrating with such a fabulous giveaway! I have 2 of the books but would love to share with a dear friend of mine.

    My Ravelry id is kseckels.

  100. I just found out I don't have two of your books. Please enter me in the drawing. If I don't win, that's ok... I will just buy the book!
    Happy Birthday!

    Debbie1085 on Rav.

  101. Hope you have the BEST day!!! You sure are going to make someone else's day!!! What an amazing giveaway.

    soyknits on RAV

  102. Happy Birthday to You! I am so very appreciative for your blog. I look forward to all of your posts and have been repeatedly inspired. Thank you.

  103. I would love to win this giveway, it is fantastic. I have all your books so I would probably donate them to the library. I hope you have a great birthday! My email is

  104. Happy Birthday! I would love to win the books and yarn.
    Hoping to block my Quaker Ridge shawl today!

  105. Happy birthday, Susan! I hope you have a fabulous day.
    What a wonderful and generous prize. I have two of your books, so would share two with friends. The yarn looks yummy! Thanks for a chance to win.

  106. I just found out I don't have two of your books. Please enter me in the drawing. If I don't win, that's ok... I will just buy the book!
    Happy Birthday!

    Debbie1085 on Rav.

  107. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day full of fun with family and friends. What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

    RavID is tesser

  108. Happy Birthday! And thank you for sharing your happy day with us!


  109. I have the itty bitty toy book and I love it - I would love to have the others! And free yarn is always a double bonus!

  110. I have your itty bitty toy book and I would love to have the others! And free yarn is always a double bonus!

  111. Happy Happy Birthday... what a fabulous giveaway, I just had to comment! And wish you a wonderful day!


    This giveaway is so exciting. I totally love your itty bitty toys!

    ~Shar aka bengalspice

  113. LOVE LOVE LOVE your patterns! Happy Birthday!

  114. Love love love your patterns!

  115. You are so generous! Happy Birthday.

  116. I've knit a few of your patterns and loved them so would be very happy to have others!

  117. Happy Birthday! I don't have any of your books so I am hoping I am the lucky one. The yarn looks gorgeous too.

  118. Happy birthday to you!

    debmau on Ravelry

  119. A very happy birthday to you Susan! May your day be filled with knitting, family and fun!
    Your patterns are always my favorite. I'm only missing Itty Bitty Nursery from my collection. I would LOVE to win this fantastic giveaway. My ravlery ID is preppyknits.

  120. Oh my goodness! How lovely, and how generous of both of you :). Please count me in! (Who could resist this!!)

  121. My Birthday was the 3rd. What a wonderful birthday month it would be to win these wonderful prizes! Very exciting giveaway! my ravelry id is cpoor and my email is

  122. Happy birthday! Thanks for sharing the knitting love.

    Jennifer (Rav ID jaf61205)

  123. WOW! Someone is going to get a ton of awesomeness!
    Happy Birthday!

  124. What a generous give-away! I own all of the wonderful books, but have friends who would love them. Pick me, please!!!

  125. Happy Birthday, Susan! I hope it's great! Thanks so very much for the generous giveaway. Rav ID - Jeex64

  126. What a lovely giveaway! I love your designs and Kristin's yarn! I'm doviejay on Ravelry.

  127. What a generous giveaway! And of course, Happy Happy Birthday to you! I hope your family spoils you rotten ;)

  128. Happy Birthday! I hope your family gives you a special day all day long! I have all your books, but Rhiannon would love to have a copy of them, so I would pass them along to her. The yarn is a wonderful gift on its own! Have a lovely day, lovely lady!

  129. Happy Birthday Susan!
    Oh my goodness, this is such a thoughtful giveaway. I would love to win, and knit some Itty Bitty things for my girls, and all the little babies I know.
    My Rav ID is Mamamoore

  130. What a wonderful giveaway! I'm trying to build a library and this would be a wonderful start! And all that yummy yarn!!!

  131. I look forward to your posts daily, hope you have a wonderful day! Molly

  132. Happy Birthday! Hope it is your favorite of all your birthdays so far. I love and own most of the books, and I will share with ny knitting Chicago cousins (new gmas)! Great yarn package to go with all the wonderful patterns. I am loving your happy birthday! Thanks for sharing. R

  133. HAppy Birthday Susan. How wonderful of a gift you are offering.

    Looking forward to meeting you at KnitEast next year.

    Ravelry ID: remmy

  134. Happy Birthday!!! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your b-day weekend!!
    take care janiegirl96

  135. I look forward to your blog daily and hope you have a wonderful day!

  136. Happy, happy Birthday to you! I have all but one of your books, but I would be happy to share the love! That yarn pack would be fun to use to make more of your toy designs for my kids. Thanks for all you do.
    Rav I'd- maashrink

  137. Happy, happy birthday! I'm breathless at the chance to win all these goodies, yowza! I am awaiting grandbaby #5 in January, so I sure would love to win this. So very generous of you and Kristin.

  138. Happy birthday! I hope your family makes your day special, all day long! I have all your books, so far, but Rhiannon would love her own copies. I would pass them on to her. The yarn is a wonderful gift in itself! Have a lovely day,lovely lady!

  139. Happy Birthday! I hope your family gives you a special day all day long! I have all your books, but Rhiannon would love to have a copy of them, so I would pass them along to her. The yarn is a wonderful gift on its own! Have a lovely day, lovely lady!

  140. So generous, Susan!

    Happy Birthday! Although it sounds like you have a busy day, I hope you are able to enjoy a little "me" time and relax. :)

    raelynne01 on Rav

  141. Happy Birthday!!!! I hope it is as warm and special as you! Thank you for the chance to win such an amazing prize!!! I love your patterns and designs! I just knit my first child pair of socks from your pattern - wonderful!!!
    Happy Day!!! Stephanie Gordon (indigodogmt on Ravelry)

  142. Happy Birthday Susan! I hope your day is as wonderful as you are!

    Thank you for being so generous and kind with another amazing giveaway!

    foofymonkey (rav id)

  143. What an amazing opportunity! Happy Birthday!!!

  144. Happy birthday! What pretty colors!!
    Knitnoir on Rav

  145. Happy Birthday! Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. Ravelry id is Maurreen715

  146. Happy Birthday to you! What a fun giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

    rav id: superrosesmom

  147. Happy Birthday Susan...:) What a wonderful way to celebrate your special day!! Have a grand day!
    Rav id: lovetocraft

  148. Such a fantastic giveaway!

    But most importantly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Enjoy the crisp fall weather!

    oforney on rav.

  149. OH MY! How GENOROUS! It's YOUR birthday and you're giving to your fans!! Hahahahah! Love it!
    Have a blessed day! YOU are a gift from the LORD!
    Happy Birthday!!
    -Mom7plus on ravelry

  150. This might be the giveaway of the century!!! I know it will be a wonderful adventure that your family has planned for you.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUSAN!! my first born, Margaux, has her birthday today, too AND SHE'S A KNITTER!! she's 24.....makes her mother proud.

  151. Happy birthday! And thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

    Peatmoss83 on rav

  152. What a wonderful gift. Thanks & Enjoy your BD.

    rav: denim

  153. Happy Birthday!
    Love your online class too!

  154. Oh my gosh this is amazing! My 8 year old daughter and I were awwwing over the cute princess and the pea. I have always wanted to own one of your books I hope my name gets drawn. Fingers crossed.

    Rav ID: stileslea

  155. Happy, happy Birthday, Susan! You bring so much joy to others, may it return to you 1000 fold. Knitting for babies & kids is my favorite kind of knitting. I love your books & your blog makes my day! Have a wonderful year!

  156. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN!! What a gift you are to all knitters. I've never seen your books, just your Ravelry patterns, so this is an amazing offer.
    Martha in Maine

  157. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN! What a humongous giveaway! Thanks Susan, for yet again being so generous, even when others want to be greedy on their own brithday, you choose to be kind and sweet. Thank you!
    And thank you Classic Elite for sharing the love!

    I hope you have a spectacular happy day sharing your birthday with your family and friends :)


  158. Happy Birthday! What a great "gift" you've picked for us. I'd love to win.
    Rav ID:sewbaker

  159. What a wonderful giv away. Thank you so much. Your patterns are amazing. I wish I had design talent. Sadly I need people like you.

  160. I'm a great fan of both you and Kristin Nicholas. What an awesome giveaway!! Here's hoping.....

  161. Happy Birthday Susan! It's always a pleasure to just enter your contests, you make them fun to read!

    Karen rav id nerakmacd

  162. Kirsty (knitnonthefloor)October 05, 2012

    Happy Birthday Susan! Thanks for bringing us all knitting joy!

  163. Happy birthday! Great giveaway that anyone would be blessed to win.

  164. Happy birthday Susan!!!! I hope it's a relaxing day full of great knitting, food and surrounded by family!!!!
    Thank you for such an amazing giveaway!
    Rav: krys5797

  165. Happy Birthday Susan! Have a super day! Thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway! 2aussiegirls on Rav

  166. Oh my goodness!!!! What a fantastic prize! Your books are Amazing and Kristin's yarns...Beautiful!!! This is sure to make someone very happy ;)
    I'm "jenben" on Ravelry

  167. What a combination - your books and Kristen's yarn!

    msleoknits on rav

  168. First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    The only things I love on par with your books are Kristin's yarns, I was terribly upset when Julia was discontinued.

    Feel free to choose me. :-)

  169. Wishing you a phantastic birthday!
    What a great give-away. I've always loved your books and the yarn looks absolutely gorgeous!
    Thank you for the chance to win - crossing my fingers ...
    RavID 3garnets

  170. Have a wonderful birthday!
    I would love to win your books and yarn. About 6 months ago I promised my husband I wouldn’t purchase anything new until I worked through my half started projects. (You inspired me as I see how much you accomplish in a week) I only have a few more to complete and then I can stock pile again! I would love it if I could start something new and itty bitty for my new niece.

    Rav ID: KristenJoy

  171. Wow, what a great giveaway!

  172. Wow, what a great giveaway!

  173. Holy cow what a giveaway! I've never tried Kristen's yarn but I would be thrilled to have the chance!

    Happiest of birthdays, Susie - I hope you have a wonderful day with your sweet family!


  174. Happy Birthday! What an awsome giveaway! I hope I win :-)!

  175. Happy Birthday! What an awesome give-away! I hope I win :-)

    RavID: julmurph

  176. Happy, Happy Birthday!.....You have given me so may projects over the years...I just love your style!...keeping my fingers crossed!

  177. Hey, it's your birthday but okay if you want to give this wonderful and yarny goodness away I will take it off your hands. Happy Birthday - I love to read your blog.

  178. Ooooh, I'm drooling!

    From "another" Susie.

    My Ravelry ID is susiekay49.

  179. Happy Birthday! I love reading your blog and seeing all the wonderful things you knit. You are an awesome inspiration!

  180. Wow, what a great giveaway! I admit to already owning all 4 of your books, but I sure would be popular if I won, because every person I know who knits has either admired one of these books or a project I have made using them. Also, I would have SO MUCH FUN with that yarn! Happy birthday, Susan!
    RavID is ecram

  181. Happy Birthday! I love reading your blog and seeing all the wonderful things you knit. You are an awesome inspiration!

  182. What a great giveaway, thanks so much! And have a fantastic birthday today! October Birthdays are the best! :)

  183. I would love to win! Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great fibery day!
    Ravelry ID is gussek

  184. Happy Birthday! I hope it's a wonderful day for you.

    What a fabulous giveaway. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!

    Savannagal on Rav

  185. What a great giveaway, thanks so much! And have a fantastic birthday today! October Birthdays are the best! :)

  186. Happy Birthday! I'm looking forward to starting your fairy dolls from the Knit Simple Holiday issue. I plan on making 3, one for each granddaughter!
    What a great giveaway this is,

  187. Happy birthday! Hope it's the best yet. You're supposed to get presents for your birthday instead of giving them away ;-)
    The yarn is to die for and I really want to win the Nursery book to complete my Susan B Anderson collection!

    ravid sheepish1too

  188. Happy Birthday. I do hope you have a great day. Aren't you supposed to be the one getting gifts?

  189. Happy Birthday!!!!

    melsparks on Rav.

  190. Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day. Aren't you the one who is supposed to get gifts today.

  191. Both of you are favorites of mine and your blogs are always a good way to start my day. This is a very nice prize, one that I would put to good use as I just became a great-grandma to a very special boy.

  192. Many new blessings on your birthday Susan and love your books and the yarn giveaway!

  193. Happy birthday!

  194. What a great give-away. I have all four of your books and they are the best. Would love to give these away as gifts and would love to win this yarn. All the things I have knit out of the books are wonderful. Working on Spud at the Farm set now.

  195. great way to celebrate your birthday! all the best, Michelle (quique on ravelry)

  196. Happy, happy, happy day!! We all celebrate with you the special day that you were born. Where would we be without all of your wonderful designs and patterns - sitting in a corner with our empty needles wishing you were born! Hope your day is special in at least one little way. :-)

    Zowmom on Ravelry
