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Thursday, July 05, 2012

Sweetest 16

Hi Knitters,
I hope you are doing well this busy week of July. We have been having record breaking heat, in the hundreds, and very, very humid. It is a little tough outside but we are making the best of it. Yesterday we had our annual 4th of July gathering at my sister's house on the lake here in Madison. It is a summer highlight for our families. On top of that celebration we always tack on Peachy's birthday which is on July 5th.

Everyone enjoyed some time down by the lake after we ate a delicious dinner. It was sweltering and still in the 90's even as the sun went down. That's my boy on the left and his buddy, who is actually Miss Molly's brother, on the right. They have known each other for years now.

This is my sister's house from the pier. It is so beautiful and old. I love the terraces and the tiny old cement stairway to her yard. That's her pink shed at the top there, too.

There were parties to the right and to the left of us when we were down on the pier. It is city living where the neighbors are very close.

Our kids had so much fun on a raft and the water level is so low from lack of rain that the kids could stand way out in the water.

Well, here she is, Peachy surrounded by love and her family. We love Peachy so much and she is a funny, fun,  hard working, earnest and determined girl. She keeps us laughing and has been such a total joy to watch through the years. Peachy is 16 today and it is all true when people say it goes fast. Sadly, it does. She has been an easy, fun and interesting child to raise. Peachy has taught me so much. I couldn't dream of a better daughter. I'm so proud of her.

Happy Birthday, my Peachy!

Now for a little knitting content. Yesterday I decided to call it quits on the knitting of my Thin Ice Shawl by the lovely Laura Linneman of The Knit Girllls. I love this pattern so much. I just decided it was big enough for me at this point and so I modified a couple sections to make them shorter and then bound off. The actual shawl in the pattern is gigantic and lovely but the size I stopped at is the perfect for me. The pattern is well-written and easy to follow. I love Laura's patterns so much. She is an excellent pattern writer.

Click here for the Thin Ice pattern on Ravelry!

Click here to see the next shawl I'm making designed by Laura!

Oh, and then this one, too!

Thin Ice has turned out beautifully. It is so light and airy and lacy. I love the way I can wrap it around my neck or wear it around my shoulders. I will share more photos later. The shape of this shawl is conical while you are knitting it. It looks like it won't ever block out to a straight edge across the top but miraculously it does. That was fun to see and do.

The yarn is my handspun from some Dyeabolical roving I got in.... you guessed it, Kentucky! Where else have I ever shopped? Oh, and I just remembered that I was with Laura Linneman in Kentucky when I bought this fiber. That makes it an even better pairing.

Okay, I'll be back with more tomorrow.
best, susie


  1. I love it that you're still knitting with your Kentucky yarn purchases. You just need to plan on coming back next May to stock up again!

  2. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter!

  3. Happy Birthday to Peachy, she's a very cute young lady. What a perfect way to spend a 4th of July, family friends and a birthday.

    Thanks for sharing

  4. Always my most Favorite post of the Year !!!! It looks Wonderful :0)
    Sweet peachy is Darlong !!!!!

  5. Always my most Favorite post of the Year !!!! It looks Wonderful :0)
    Sweet peachy is Darlong !!!!!

  6. Gorgeous- the shawl and your daughter!

  7. Susan, you are so sweet, and always so complimentary about your children. I love that you are able to see all the fun, interesting details that make them who they are. You must be a good mother. Happy birthday to your daughter

  8. Happy Birthday to Peachy! My Bday is also July 5th! :)

  9. Happy Birthday to Peachy! My Bday is also July 5th! :)

  10. Happy Birthday to Peachy! My Bday is also July 5th! :)

  11. What a terrific way to spend a sweet 16. I love how you have a lake to chillax at even in a city. That is super cool.
    Well done on the shawl. It does look light and airy and what fun to be able to have made something out of yarn you spun yourself.

  12. Laura should add a photo of your shawl to the pattern page. It shows off the pattern beautifully. Your example has also encouraged me to shorten another shawl I'm working on. Sometimes longer is dowdy.

  13. Happy belated birthday to Peachy! The shawl is fantastic!
