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Monday, July 30, 2012

A Monkey, Clouds and Cake

Hi Knitters,
As the days speed by and blur by in some cases, I still manage to get some personal knitting and spinning done although it seems less lately. I finished up two single socks this past weekend. On the right is my first Monkey Sock by Cookie A, a free pattern from I love it and can't wait to cast on for my second sock. On the right is the handspun Dyeabolical yarn. It is so well suited for socks.

For the Monkey Socks, I knit on US size 1 dpns and the yarn is Kristin Nicholas' (click here for her blog) Garden Effects by Regia in the Holiday #3306 colorway (click here for the yarn).

I used my regular old heel flap and gusset, not the one in the pattern. I did do the twisted rib stitch suggested in the pattern. It is a k1, p1 rib where you do the knit stitch through the back loop. I think I like a regular rib, like a k2, p2, better. You never know unless you try.

Great pattern, fun and easy lace chart, and perfect yarn for the Monkey Socks.

For my Dyeabolical handspun (click here for the site), I worked on US size 1 dpns and I used my free sock pattern, How I make my socks (click here for the pattern).  I love the new handspun sock dearly, can't wait to start the second. This will be my third pair of handspun socks since I started spinning almost a couple of years ago. That's pretty good.

I can't believe the amount of yarn I still have left. I have already knit a shawl and a sock from this hank of handspun. I will still have a ton left when the second sock is done.

I am using my Signature Needle Arts dpns with the stiletto points in US size 1 (click here for the site).

The cake of yarn is sitting on a Yarn Buddy by Sun Valley Fibers (click here for the site). I love having this yarn buddy.

I started a mitten with the Themyscira handspun. It's funny because when I say the weight of the yarn I spin I am totally and completely guessing. I actually have no idea and I don't take any steps to measure and figure out the actual weight. I thought this skein was a bulky weight, measured through my studious eyes. However, when I started knitting I quickly realized it is a worsted weight and I had to rip out the cuff I had started. Then I moved down to a US size 7 needle. I had to rip out the cuff again because the gauge was still too loose.

Now I have found the perfect fit. I am using my Signature dpns, US size 6, to get a nice bouncy fabric that will keep my mitts warm this winter. These are going to be really cute mittens and I am writing up a brand new pattern from scratch for them. I will share the pattern at some point with you when I am done. I am using a measuring tape and using that good ol' calculator and pencil and paper to get it just right. The good thing is that they will be written for a worsted weight yarn and not necessarily for a handspun. You could use any worsted weight wool in your stash for these.

I don't mind at all not knowing the exact weight or gauge of my handspun. It's all part of the fun trying to figure it out. The spinning is a side note to my knitting that I don't have to take seriously at all and I want to keep it that way. It's just free and easy!

This is the next up roving now on my Ladybug wheel. It is lovely. The color is Green River, perfection, and it is 4 oz. of Polwarth from Cloudlover Yarn and Fiber (click here for the site). This site has some irresistible yarn and fiber if you are interested. I have used roving from this shop before and it is wonderful.

The first 2 oz. is done and I think it is really beautiful so far. This one I am doing pretty thin and it will be a 2-ply when I am done.

I finished the Cakewalk Yarns socks in Cherry Blossom (click here for Rose's Etsy Shop). The pattern again is from my free sock pattern (click right here).

I love the speckled yarn and the sweet color so much. Cherry Blossom is a hit all around.

The yarn is a light fingering weight and the socks feel like air. I can't wait to put them to use this fall and winter. Now I will be casting on my next pair of Cakewalk socks..... what to choose, Sudden Valley or Hero Squad?

I'll be back soon with more.
best, susie
p.s. I think I might have to get these clogs. What do you think?


  1. ValeriebeeJuly 30, 2012

    The answer is "yes, you need to get those clogs!" They would be adorable on you and look quite comfy too. ;)

  2. AnonymousJuly 30, 2012

    They really shoud just give them to you. Ann H.

  3. AnonymousJuly 30, 2012

    I think those clogs would clash with all your beautiful handknit socks!

  4. I´m thinking that those clogs are a must! Love your sock knitting and your spinning. Cake walk yarns are super yummy!

  5. Goodness! Those clogs are so great!
    Love your spinning and I'm with you on thickness of my spun yarn. I've just frogged three times in order to get my fingerless mitts just right. But in the end it is so worth it. I love those socks. Great job!

  6. I am so loving those clogs! I'm going friday to check them out, depending on the fit I'm planning on getting them!

  7. I think they should make clear clogs so people can see your hand knit socks!

  8. The Cherry Blossom colorway is so soothing!
    I love how you get so much mileage out of your handspun. Talk about bang for your buck!
    Your Monkey sock is totally awesome! <3.

  9. I think the clogs look great! I bet they are fun to wear.

  10. My Danskos have survived two WI winters and I wear them daily. They still look new. This print looks like your socks and are a must!

  11. Danskos are the best shoes ever - I have several pairs, lasting years! (and I'm pretty rough on my shoes) I heard about this awesome print a couple months ago and they've been on my wishlist.

  12. The clogs are very cool. I think you need them!

  13. I love the shoes. Go for it!

  14. You need to get the clogs. They are too cute! Muffie

  15. Everyone else is commenting on the clogs so I'll opine about the Cakewalk yarn. I'd chose the Hero Squad....Looking forward to your mitten pattern. I hope it is soon! (another KAL???). I just got some Blue Cocoon yarn that is destined to be mitts.

  16. I am so envious of your socks, they are simply delish. I have yet to venture into sock knitting. As for the clogs, go for it. They are amazing, x

  17. Reading your blog is a huge highlight of my day, Susan. Recently I got a "knitting" tattoo on my ankle -a red heart-shaped yarn ball with knitting needle. I'm 60+ and this was a first for me :). I bought a pair of the clogs and love them! Now I need to learn to knit some of your beautiful socks to wear with them.

  18. Those Monkeys are fabulous! After you talked about them in your last blog post, I decided I needed a pair as well. :) -Ve

  19. I just visited the Cakewalk booth at a fiber festival in northern Michigan this weekend. I bought a hank of Sudden Valley and Brooklyn. I cast on the Sudden Valley and immediately wished I had bought more.

  20. Those clogs are adorable! And I vote for Hero Squad :)

  21. Preciosas tus calcetas, tejes muy lindo.

  22. Yes, you need those clogs. And I love your handspun. It makes me want to learn to spin even more.

  23. AnonymousJuly 31, 2012

    I have seen those clogs in a store---they look even better in person than they do in the picture. They were really tempting, but I just retired, so I don't need new shoes. :-( Your socks are lovely---

    Brenda in Iowa.

  24. YES...YES...YES...You definitely "NEED" the clogs!!!!
    I work as an RN in Labor & Delivery, and I bought these clogs through a uniform supply company affiliated w/our hospital. All I can comfy (IF you get the right size). They should fit "like clogs"...not too loose, not too tight.
    I LOVE MINE, and my co-workers were not @ all surprised that I bought a pair of "Dansko's" w/the knit pattern :)
    P.S. I thoroughly enjoy your blog, and all of your patterns. Thank you for sharing you life w/us.

  25. I have a pair of these clogs in my closet -- had to have them the moment I saw them! I'm knitting some "Turkish Bed Socks" to wear with them. And I think I "need" a Rasta cowl to wear with them!
