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Thursday, June 14, 2012

6am Balm

Hi Knitters,
I goofed this morning about the swim team schedule and woke TC up out of a cozy sleep at 6am instead of 6:20am. That may not seem like much but those 20 minutes can make all the difference when you are twelve and tired. She was a very good sport about it though and I even got her to take a couple of photos before leaving for practice.

The shawl, after blocking, is just so much fun. The handspun yarn is light as air and drapey. Luckily for me it has been a bit cooler these past couple of days so I have been wearing it around my house while I've been knitting away on work projects. The Balm to the Soul has basically been keeping me company while I work.

Here are a few more 6am shots of my first handspun shawl. To me it is a beauty and I am in love. I want to knit bunches of shawls out of handspun now. Hopefully that can happen.

Balm to the Soul Shawlette, by Jaala Spiro
Handspun yarn, roving in Wintersong by Sunshine Yarns 

Now it's 9am and I'm off to dig and sort through hundreds of tutorial photos for my book. The morning glow has ended and I have to get to some serious work ahead.
best, susie


  1. Beautiful shawl. So sorry your swim team starts so early! Ours starts much later, around 9:00 am. But I guess you guys like your early mornings. Enjoy!!! nicky momoffour

  2. AnonymousJune 14, 2012

    Absolutely beautiful shawl. I've never tried knitting one before but I would like to. It's on my ever-growing list of projects! Brittany

  3. It is absolutely beautiful. I can't wait for the KAL from Knitcircus to start tomorrow. Thanks for showing it to us.

  4. It is absolutely beautiful. I can't wait until tomorrow for the KAL through Knitcircus to start. Thanks for showing it to us.

  5. Beautiful pictures. I'm ready to start mine tomorrow...still finishing My Ice Cream Socks!

  6. Both of your newest shawl are gorgeous, Susan! The fact that you spun the yarn for the Balm shawl yourself makes it even more special! Thanks for sharing. :)

  7. Just beautiful!


  8. Beautiful shawl, love the colors

  9. AnonymousJune 14, 2012

    Your Balm shawl is gorgeous! I can't wait to begin mine tomorrow. I like the size of yours. I must check your Rav projects to see what needles you used. :) I love the drape of yours. Thanks for sharing! samm

  10. I used US 7 and my yarn was pretty much a dk weight.

  11. Very pretty I want one too:)

  12. AnonymousJune 17, 2012

    Beautiful yarn!

  13. AnonymousJune 17, 2012

    That is one beautiful shawl, I want one! :)

  14. Beautiful shawl and yarn! Plus, I have a 12 year old, too...I understand the 20 minutes of sleep!
