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Sunday, February 19, 2012


Hi Knitters,
So I looked up how to say finished in different languages and thought the Japanese version was particularly beautiful. When I translated the Japanese version back to English it said, "Fixed in it." I like that version in English, too. I am fixed in it with the Opal socks!

I am happy to say that I have finished the Opal Schafpate III - der Wanderschäfer #5096 socks. I love the way this yarn striped up with the speckling, stripes and colors. They are so fresh looking and different. I have decided to give this pair away to my sister-in-law.

I made her a pair of stockinette socks a couple of years ago. It was funny because I never heard much of anything about them. I gave them to my brother to give to her so I didn't actually hand the gift over directly. I really didn't even know if she liked or wore them. Then about a year later she casually mentioned that the handknit socks were her favorite socks she had ever owned. I was thrilled to hear this. She just loved, wore and washed them constantly. Then this winter she sadly mentioned that her well-loved socks now had holes. I knew I had to knit her a new pair. These will be perfect.

With my new found love of Opal sock yarn, I quickly snagged another ball from the Sow's Ear a couple of weeks ago. It is in the Opal Vincent Van Gogh collection. They put his painting the colors are inspired by on the label along with a photo of the finished sock so you can see the patterning. I think it is more fun to not see the patterning beforehand and just dive in and be surprised. I like the colors in this new ball a lot.

The Sow's Ear has a big shelf dedicated to Opal sock yarn if you are interested. It was hard to choose they all look so enticing. I've decided that I am going to try to have a pair of Opal socks on the needles at all times this year. That should be a fun and fairly easy challenge.

After I finished the Opal socks, I took the empty needles and immediately cast on to start the ribbing on an exciting new indie dyed sock yarn that I'll tell you more about later. To me the most exciting part of finishing a pair of socks is deciding what to cast on next. This new pair is going to be bright, colorful and fun.

Oh, and the mug from the last post? Starbucks. I bought it a few years ago during the holiday season and haven't seen them since.

Happy Sunday, Knitters. Have a good start to the week coming up, too.
best, susie


  1. They are absolutely beautiful!

  2. How long did they take?

  3. LOVE the socks, & have the mug! I definitely need to try Opal - I can't believe I haven't knit with it yet. I hear it wears well.

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. That IS a pretty colorway! I always have socks on the needles in a small bag to carry wherever I go. I have enough sock yarn to last years already but can't resist a new yarn!

  5. Oh they are beutiful. I love the colours.


  6. I have a pair of Opal socks that I knit 6 years ago, and they're still in rotation :)

  7. They're gorgeous!! I haven't knit with Opal yet, but now I know what I will be picking up next time I get to a yarn shop!! Aren't socks the greatest?

  8. You have the prettiest yarns...that one reminds me of "tuiti-fruiti" ice cream from years ago. I'm still trying to get over the Kandy Korn ones.
    Socks are a MUST for my knitting learning....they are next regardless of what my instructor wants me to do, ha, ha! I can't stand it anymore! I'm ordering everything this afternoon and then googling all the instructions as I've never used double points but I will learn! Your socks keep me picking up those needles regardless of how many times I tear out and redo....anyway it's been great practice! LOL!
    P.S. Where did you get that gorgeous fabric that the socks are laying on? I love it and it would look great on my bedroom chair as I'm looking to reupholster it or make slipcovers. Any info would be appreciated as I've had a hard time finding something I really love but I love that fabric! Have a great weekend.

  9. These socks are absolutely beautiful! What a lucky SIL you have!
    jpeled on ravelry

  10. Love the opal yarn. My new year's resolution was to knit up some of the yarn in my stash, but you are making it hard to keep! I have almost one sock done since you posted your "recipe", and it is from yarn I bought about 5 years ago. Maybe if I finish these I can be permitted to order one teeny more skein...
    Love getting your blog, it feels like an email from a friend!

  11. I'm a pretty new knitter and have not yet made socks...but I did buy the yarn and an instructional book to do so. I'm trying to refrain to start them until I finish my current project...which I started almost a year ago! lol

  12. Socks rock! One of the best gifts one could give or receive. Can't go wrong w/'em.
    I'll be looking for Opal yarn this weekend at Stitches West.

  13. The Japanese: "and it's decided". Funny translation

  14. Those are super cute I love the color. I envy you I want to knit socks SO bad but can't until after march. I HOPE!
