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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day Trip

Hi Knitters,
I was on the road yesterday. We left early and we got back home late. 

Amongst other things, I knit 7-inches of a two-by-two rib collar and an inch or so of the shoulders. This is the start of Hannah Fettig's Calligraphy Cardigan. I am excited to get started on this project. I bought the Madelinetosh dk in the Thunderstorm colorway almost a year ago. Can you believe that color? I love the black and blue together. It is gorgeous. 

I am using my Signature Needles in US size 6, 4mm, 24-inch circulars. The needles and yarn are so good together. What a pleasure. I think this cardigan will quickly become a favorite. Have any of you made this cardigan? I'd love to hear about it. 

I received my order of Quince & Co's Chickadee a few days ago. It is three hanks in the Iceland colorway, a lovely heather gray. Quince & Co makes such affordable wool yarns. At under $7 a hank for 181 yards each, this is a steal compared to other yarns. I love that. I am making the Piper's Journey shawl as soon as I get a chance. I can't wait.

This is Paula's first design and it was so fun to see it shoot to the top of the hot patterns on Ravelry when it was released. I really enjoyed witnessing that as Paula, of the Knitting Pipeline, is one of my favorites. Click here for her blog and podcast information. 

She is hosting a knitalong for the Piper's Journey on her Ravelry group if you are interested. Click here for the Knitting Pipeline Ravelry group.

Well, here's my boy soon to be in college. This one wants to go away and I'm not surprised by this as he has an adventurous soul. He keeps telling me about all of the crazy things he wants to do like deep water diving to the bottom of the ocean without any equipment (did you know people do this?) and running in a 100 mile marathon. This makes the trip to Minneapolis seem pretty mild. 

We were at the University of Minnesota campus yesterday. We'll see what happens. I'm just trying to keep everyone safe at this point.

Did you start any new projects this weekend, Knitters?
Take care everyone.
best, susie


  1. Ooh! That cardi will be so lovely!
    Fun, little & pretty shawlette to work upon.
    I haven't started anything new this weekend. Besides Stitches West which was awesome - bought some great stuff besides was good and refrained from buying tons of yarn, I just worked upon current WIPs.

  2. You were in my neighborhood yesterday (or, pretty close to it) The U of M is a great school - I know quite a few of the professors. And, there's the Twin Cities Marathon each October - not 100 miles, but you've gotta start somewhere :)

  3. Omygosh that is The Sweater I have been looking for!! The yarn I have is perfect and there is only one problem: I only have 1120 yards. :(
    But seriously, thank you for introducing me to this pattern. It is wonderful and javascript:void(0);I don't know how I missed it.
    I love the yarn you're using, too. And the Chickadee looks great as well. ^_^

  4. I was going to start a project but someone must have bought the last of the yarn I needed....Chickadee in Iceland!!! No lie! I agree with you Quince and Co yarn is just yummy and so affordable.


  5. I made your flowered headband. It's a very fun, quick knit. My daughter loves it. Thanks.

  6. Your cardigan is going to be gorgeous!! I've bought that pattern, but I have yet to knit myself a sweater :) I'm working up my courage!
    The yarn for the shawl is a lovely colour, grey is one of my favs!
    I admire the adventurous soul of your son! There are so many things in life I have wanted to do, but time slipped by me when I wasn't looking. I'm planning on changing things now and just going for it! I wish him all the best!!

  7. oh what a pretty shawl! I have been working on the Stockholmn cowl found on Ravelry. I am halfway thru. Its very easy to work up. Look forward to seeing the cardigan. Thanks for keeping me inspired.

  8. Loved this number two son is off to college this year too and like yours he is full of adventurous dreams. It's so exciting to watch that in intrepid spirit and it does keep the letting go muscles toned .
    Love, love the shawl and to add them to my queue. Thanks!

  9. Busy working on the barn cat from Spud and Chloe at the Farm. My granddaughter loves purple so making a purple and lavendar kitty. Pretty quick knit. Also finished an owl for another granddaughter. All your projects look like so much fun. Love those yarns.

  10. I love how you mix your knitting in with your travels.

  11. ooh, isn't madelinetosh gorgeous! I'm working the rock island shawl by Jared Flood in prairie- also the thunderstorm colorway :) I am in love with your sweater choices, I have wanted the effortless cardigan, and calligraphy sweater forever. just waiting on a tax return to finally splurge on sweater quantity of yarn. just ordered my very first signature DPN's for some socks too. can't wait to see what your up to next! I am just loving each and every thing your doing right now.

  12. Yikes, he could at least choose someplace WARM to go to college!

  13. Oh, this is funny...I can so relate to your son's dreams! My boys are always coming up with crazy things they want to do, without much regard for Mom's worries! They have lived adventurous lives, but fascinating. And they have survived and grown to be wonderful young men with their own kids! Sometimes they just need to dream and great if they can tell you their dreams.

  14. I am starting a jumper for my almost 4-year-old. She is always begging me to knit something for her! U of M is great, and not too far away. :)

  15. the thunderstorm color you are knitting you cardi with is fantastic. i may need to get some for a dark and stormy. i can certanly visualize that pattern and yarn together.
    this weekend i started a holden beach shawlette, using zen yarn garden enya sock yarn, in the turtle island colorway. i bought some beads at stitches west to put on the lace section.

  16. Love the cardi and yarn!!! Also, thank you for the intro to Quince & Co - I hadn't ever looked at their yarns - wow! Lovely seeming yarn! Also, I have friends who run 100 mile endurance runs in the mountains of Utah, Montana, etc... it seems crazy, but when I witness fairly "normal" people doing it, it makes it seem possible. If your son ever does it, he will succeed and probably love it. ( : Now the ocean doesn't seem as safe! ( :

  17. Love the cardi and yarn!!! Also, thank you for the intro to Quince & Co - I hadn't ever looked at their yarns - wow! Lovely seeming yarn! Also, I have friends who run 100 mile endurance runs in the mountains of Utah, Montana, etc... it seems crazy, but when I witness fairly "normal" people doing it, it makes it seem possible. If your son ever does it, he will succeed and probably love it. ( : Now the ocean doesn't seem as safe! ( :

  18. Thanks for your support, Susan. I love that color of Chickadee also. Well, I do love them ALL!

  19. Thanks for your support, Susan. You are sweet. Iceland is a beautiful gray. I would say it is one of my favorites but I keep finding new favorites of Quince so tomorrow it could be something else.

  20. Love your yarns that you're introducing me to. I put that cardigan in my favorites on Ravelry as it may be my first sweater I ever do as I have not done one yet. I finished my 2 oven mitts and felted them. We'll see as far as usability but the insides felted together so I had to pull them apart to get my hands in! I started a new scarf I already had the yarn for and it's a basketweave pattern. I'm improving and learning which is all I can ask for.
    Your son sounds like a wonderful young man with big dreams which is as it should be at that age! I hope they all come true for him.
    I love the shawl too...are those ends curved or are my eyes going? It looks like a really interesting pattern. I get inspired every time I visit your blog...thanks again.
