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Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Fun

Hi Knitters,
I am on the second sleeve of my Owls sweater. I have the cuff completed so far. I finished the body and the first sleeve this week. I love the Rowan British Sheep Breeds yarn. It's delicious and full of character and depth. This yarn seems to have layers of color and it kind of tells a story in itself.

This morning my knitting buddy Jaala Spiro came over for tea, hot chocolate and baked treats and lots of knitting, of course.  We had so much fun chatting and knitting away. The time flew. It was a good way to end the week.

I want to give you a quick update on TC's fleece blanket. These are the squares from the corners of those tied fleece blankets she has saved up over the past couple of years. She sewed them with the machine into columns. Then I helped her sew the columns together with the machine. It was a little tricky because the seams became quite thick and a little difficult to get through the machine.

We went to JoAnn's and picked up a piece of a pretty blue fleece (with a 50% off coupon!) for the backing of the quilted top. Isn't it adorable? TC is so proud of it.

She trimmed the edges with my pinking shears. It is so thick and soft. We love the way it turned out. 

We have it all wrapped up and ready to give to a baby she helps take care of over at my sister's house every week. She is so excited to give the blanket to him. He is almost a year old so it is perfect. She will see him in a few days. 

Have a great weekend, Knitters!
best, susie 


  1. I love TC's quilt and also the fact that you had a chance to knit with Jaala and enjoy the morning!

  2. What fun! I'm sure you and Jaala had a blast. I'm a bit jealous :-)

  3. Isn't Jaala great? Our husbands happen to have the same employer, so we met by chance several years ago...little did I know what a knitter extraordinaire she is!
    I'm so happy about the snow, and I'm guessing you are, too. All the best,

  4. so adorable... what a great idea... i think i'll make one soon. you should ask your daughter if you could post it on pinterest!

  5. so adorable... what a great idea... i think i'll make one soon. you should ask your daughter if you could post it on pinterest!

  6. What a lovely blanket and thoughful gift!

    Lee Ann

  7. The sweater looks lovely, and of course the blanket is just amazing!

  8. Such a wonderful blanket.....and TC has such a giving spirit. I'm sure it makes you proud. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I love when friends come together in a small group for snacks and stitching! TC is a girl after my own heart! She loves all kinds of creative outlets and the use of her fleece scraps. I am sure the little guy will love the blanket. What a thoughtful young lady you have1

  10. Love TC's blanket! I really like how the scraps are connected in any which way! The corners don't meet up to be perfect squares! Much more modern and interesting than a standard quilt join! Have a great weekend!


  11. The blanket is adorable, she did a great job and i am sure lil guy will enjoy it. The coffee mugs are cute.

  12. TC is such a talented, creative girl! Hmmmm....I wonder who she takes after???? It seems you are both talented, creative and so, so generous!

    Thanks for sharing with us!

  13. Isn't that so rewarding for you as a mother - that she is willing to part with something that she put so much thought and care into making! What a special girl.
