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Friday, January 06, 2012

Fleece, Felt and Pashmina

Hi Knitters, 
When Prince William married Kate Middleton she was spotted at the grocery store wearing a large triangle shawl with a ruffle. Click here to see some of the Kate shawls. I wanted to make one just like Kate's and patterns popped up everywhere to copy the famous shawl. I even bought three gorgeous hanks of Madelinetosh Pashmina in the Forestry colorway with a Kate shawl in mind. (I bought the yarn here.) However, I have been so busy that I never got to it. 

The color is showing truer in the photo above. Yesterday I wound one of the hanks of Pashmina into a cake and started designing a semi-circle shawl. It's going to be a very simple shawl with some fun details. The yarn is absolutely delicious to work with. I love the subtle variations of the color of the Madelinetosh yarns. 

The yarn seems huge, in a good way, after the lace weight of the Citron. I am working on US size 7. Pashmina is a sport weight yarn so I am getting 5 stitches per inch. I am loving the shawl so far and it is going quite fast. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Now for a little TC crafting update. For Christmas TC got an American Girl Felt Box craft kit. Click here to see the kit. She had so much fun with this simple kit. TC whipped these up in a very short time, maybe an hour or so. You have to sew the flowers together at the center which was the most difficult part of the kit. The felt came with a sticker backing and only required some trimming. The only other thing was gluing the felt balls to the flowers and gluing the sparkles to the trim. 

She loved this easy kit and the boxes are adorable. TC has them displayed in my studio for now. She recommends the kit for other kids.

It's so good to see TC up to her crafting antics. Over the past few years TC has made many of those fleece blankets that are tied around the edges. She has given most of her blanket creations as gifts. When you make the fringe blankets you cut a square out of each corner of the fleece. She has been saving the squares in a bucket. Since we have a little time over the vacation I asked if she wanted to sew a quilt with her squares.

We placed the squares in a quilt order on the floor making sure the color arrangement was good. I keep telling her it is going to be a lot smaller after the sewing. We got ten columns with nine squares each. 

I dusted off my sewing machine which I haven't used for a little over a year. I miss it so much. I was relieved that it still worked fine. TC went to town sewing her squares together on the machine. All of those stacks with labels are completed columns. She is now done with nine of the ten columns. Maybe we'll finish it up later today. It is fun to see her so excited about something. She was definitely surprised how much smaller the quilt is going to be compared to the spread out version on the floor. It will be a baby blanket size. I think we'll put some sort of backing on it.

She has also been knitting away on her Noro scarf. She bought the yarn in Door County last summer. I'll share a photo of that later. It is so pretty.

Into the weekend we go! Life is good and the new year feels fresh and relaxed. I hope you are all doing well. I'd love to hear about what you are crafting on this winter.
best, susie


  1. Posted at 4:30. You are my hero.

    Thanks for the link to the shawls and good luck with your design. Happy weekend, Susan!

  2. How super-fun to have a child to craft with!! Sounds like she's doing great work.

  3. Has TC ever considered donating any of her blankets to Project Linus? Madison has a chapter (you can look up Project Linus in Google and then go to Madison's page from the main page).

    If you're not familiar with it, Project Linus gives blankets to children in hospitals (Children's Hospital, Meriter, and St. Mary's in Madison). They can be quilts, fleece, crocheted, or knitted. They do have some rules/regulations for materials (especially for yarny ones).

    Little Man has two blankets from PL from two of his hospital visits. He loves them (and I do, too).

    If she's intent on giving them away, it's a good place for them to go :)

  4. I just finished my fairy and flower yesterday. She is so cute. My knitting group says she needs a friend. I now am working on some Susie's reading mitts for a birthday present the end of January. I also bought some yarn to make a "Kate" shawl, but have not done anything with it. Can't wait to see yours!

  5. Your shawl is beautiful! I never thought of wearing any but after I saw you the other day with it tied and with jeans and a turtleneck, I thought..."Yeah,,,,I could wear that!" LOL! I'm a pretty casual dresser!
    Are you in Madison, Wisconsin? I used to go up there a lot as I lived for 13 years in Rockford, IL. How old is TC? Very talented!!!!
    I've always wanted to make one of those fleece blankets...I need to Google that today for instructions.
    I have a blog you can check out to see my projects. Purl Bee oven mitts...only my 3rd knitting project and a crochet felted bag. The oven mitts will be felted too. You are SO inspiring! Have you ever checked out ? She's in New South Wales...isn't that New Zealand? Anyway, she does beautiful knitting and crochet also. She's on Ravelry too. I aspire to someday being as good as you 2 if I live that long! LOL! Thanks for sharing! Oh, and those cute little boxes! Great job, TC!

  6. oh! the felt boxes are delightful! and they look just as good as the ones on the box, so she obviously did a good job. such fun to make things, isn't it? :)

  7. I like to see this knitting blog!
    mieke from Holland

  8. I am so enjoying getting daily blog posts from you! I feel like it's an email from a friend.

    I love TC's blanket, as a quilter-turned knitter I am always glad to see someone young working on a quilt-like project! There is a cool blade for rotary cutter that I learned about last year, it is notched and you can make little holes around the egde with it, then you can crochet an edge on the polar fleece.

    Also, I love the pincushion made from selvedge strips! I've been saving mine for some fabulous project yet to be determined!

  9. You sew too? You really inspire me. (Don't we all need that from time to time?) Thank you for sharing, educating, mentoring and encouraging us. Wishing you a weekend of peace and goodwill:)

  10. I cannot wait to see the finished TC's blankie!
    When I was younger, somebody gave me a huge bag of factory cuts of knit fabric. I made a nice warm oversize vest for mom. Even lined it!

  11. last night i cut out squares to make a nine-patch quilt. i thought it would be a good way to get back into quilting. very low pressure for me.
    i found a very fun animal print for the alternate squares.
    maybe i'll start sewing this weekend.

  12. Gorgeous colour yarn! :)

  13. I sure like hearing you have a shawl in the works!
    TC rocks! What fun for her.
    I'm currently learning how to sew again; the first time totally went over my head. Should have pajama pants by this weekend!

  14. Glad you are enjoying so much crafting! I love reading about it! Congrats on your recent change! Though I will miss you on the S&C blog. Good for you! Simplifying is always good!

  15. I always feel glowing and happy when I visit your blog. I think your citron with those seed beads is scrumptious! Happy, creative, peaceful new year to you, Susan.

    I have a challenge for you! I have been dreaming about knitting up some little hats from an illustration I found before Christmas. Here is the link:

    Incase the link doesn't work have a quick look at my penultimate post dated December 22 and you will see the most adorable Christmas tree hats. How would you concoct these little wonders?

    Warmest wishes,


  16. I can't wait to see your Princess Kate shawl!!!

  17. I can't wait to see your Princess Kate shawl!!!

  18. AnonymousJune 14, 2012

    Have you completed the shawl you were designing?
