Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Fading Fall

Hi Knitters,
I have notified the winner of Coastal Knits. Thank you to everyone who entered. I have more to give very soon so be sure to enter again.

A few weeks ago TC and I went for a hike in our nearby nature conservatory. It has been a gorgeous and warm fall here in Wisconsin and this day was no exception. Now it is getting a lot colder and darker and I know the fall season is fading fast. I want to share our beautiful Madison fall nature one last time.....
Golden hued paths....

... bursts of red....

.... flowers still in bloom....

....changing leaves....

... purples, greens, golds, reds, browns....

... fuzzy stems in the fading sunlight....

... tiny ponds flocked by wildflowers and long grasses...

... open fields surrounded by dense woods...

... my favorite red climbing vines....

....and long casting shadows. If you look way out on the horizon you can see the wonderful University of Wisconsin campus buildings peeking up from the landscape.

And it wouldn't feel right if I didn't include my Halloween crew in this post. A few cousins and my sister and sister-in-law came over to share pizza and trick or treating on Halloween night. TC is holding out her spooky Halloween fingernails (press ons!). She also had feather eyelashes and our neighbor did her ghoulish make-up. In addition to TC we had two un-costumed teenagers, a nerd, a snowboarder and a very scary werewolf. The night was a hit.

Bring on Thanksgiving!
best, susie


  1. I love that park, too :)

  2. Beautiful, cute & that order.

  3. beautiful fall photos - thanks for sharing them and your fun Halloween photos, too!

    I love fall (although all that leaf raking kind of cuts into my knitting time ha!ha!)

  4. we are covered in snow, and Halloween trick or treating was cancelled! I absolutely adore TC's costume & makeup! here in CT we are thankful for all the sheep who made fleece for our woolies to keep us warm while power was out. and thanks for spud & chloe yarns and projects to keep me entertained (even by candle light) during our 4 days in the cold dark house.

  5. Delighted with my subscription for your new Craftsy classes for Wee toys. Got hooked (knitted?) with your toys last Summer and now get little else done. Local Bazaars are benefiting from your cute patterns.

  6. Fabulous pictures. Great Halloween costumes
