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Friday, August 26, 2011

Lace Designers x 2

Hi Knitters,
First things first, emxlenie (rav id) won the Super End of Summer Giveaway. Congratulations to Emilene and thank you to everyone who entered. There are more giveaways coming up so stay tuned to enter again.

Second on my list is to tell you about my friend, Laura Nelkin's, Craftsy Online Class. I get to offer you a 50% off deal for her Mastering Lace Shawls online class! I am really excited about this. Laura is the queen of lace. She is a prolific lace designer, her shawls are gorgeous and her beaded knitting is extraordinary. Check out how she added lace to this baby project.

Here is the trailer for her class:

I thought Laura's lace class was the perfect tie-in to another up and coming designer, Christina Wall, because she loves to knit and design with lace, too.

That brings me to the third thing on my list, the opportunity to share a fun designer with you. Her name is Christina Wall and I have met her a couple of times at TNNA. Her sister is the felt flower designer from the giveaway. When I met Christina in June she was wearing an adorable cardigan (shown above) and shawl knit in Spud & Chloë yarns and she really caught my eye. Plus, both of the sisters were excited and sweet and just plain cute and fun together. I loved that about them. They both had such enthusiasm for knitting and for Spud & Chloë. I thought you might enjoy seeing some of Christina's patterns today.

Click here to find out about Christina's Ginger Leaves Shawlette! This pattern is quite popular on Ravelry.
Here is a back view of the Ginger Leaves Shawlette. Isn't it elegant and sweet?
I love Christina's lace work. Click here to see the Woodland Spring Shawlette on Ravelry! This appears to be Christina's most popular design with being in almost 500 queues, over 1,000 favorites and over 60 finished projects. Christina is really taking off as a designer which is so fun to see.Here is the lucky thing for you. Christina is hosting a giveaway for the Adrift Shawlette (shown above) which takes 2 hanks of Spud & Chloë Fine which is 456 yards of fingering weight yarn. I think the Adrift Shawlette would be gorgeous in one color, too. I love it. All you need to do is pop over to her blog and leave a comment. She also is offering a 15% off coupon for ALL of her patterns. She has cardigans, cowls, scarves and more shawls.

Click here to go to Christina's blog to enter to win the pattern for the Adrift Shawlette. Let's show Christina some love! I'm going to enter right now.

So two lace designers for the price of one blog post today. Lace knitting is hotter than ever. I have another book giveaway for Wendy Johnson's new lace book coming up for you, too. Lace is everywhere.

Off to the weekend. I hope you all get to spend some time knitting and enjoying your loved ones over the next couple of days. I know I will.
best, susie


  1. Susan,

    Thank you for sharing the photo of the Lamb's Lace Cardi. When the image downloaded, I knew I needed to have it. NOW. I'm going to purchase it this morning and cast on today. Sometimes the mood just strikes you and the pattern is perfect.

    Thanks, Lauren

  2. that cardi is so sweet :)

  3. I bow down to lace designers. They're so inventive and smart!

  4. I bow down to lace designers AND lace knitters - I don't think I'm ready to tackle lace just yet. It is gorgeous and I'm eager to tackle a project in the future.

    Again, thanks for all the fun links you always share with us. The knitting world is wonderful and it seems that knitters are so generous (you are the perfect example!!)

  5. It's me again! Just read the great article about you in "Interweave Knits Holiday Gifts2011" issue! Loved it and love McHenry and the McHenry hat - adorable! I love, love, love your creativity - thanks!

  6. I'd like to take the lace shawls class, but didn't see how to get the 50% discount at the link provided. Maybe I missed something? Thanks.
