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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dill Pickled

Hi Knitters,
My 17 year-old son loves a good challenge and this one involves our garden cucumber harvest and his love of dill pickles. He studied how-tos and recipes, drove to the grocery shop and bought the jars and seasoning and went to town. Below is a pictorial post so you can see his pickling work in progress. He cut slices and spears. Why not live it up?

The finished and sealed jars are now sitting on a shelf in our pantry for at least two weeks before we can crack one open to try our first homegrown dill pickles.

best, susie
p.s. I am pulling together a fun giveaway that I will post in a couple of days. There will be multiple prizes so be sure to check back to enter.



  1. That looks fun!
    Reminds me of my Auntie Jeanie who used to pickle cucumber slices.

  2. I just did the exact same thing! Good for him :) Now he's set with pickles for a little while.

  3. The pictures make my mouth pucker up! They look great!

  4. I just took a pickling class at the county extension here in Green Bay and the one thing they told us that I didn't know is that you should always cut off about 1/8" of the blossom end of the cucumber to help them stay crisp. There is an enzyme in just that part of the vegetable that needs to be cut off. I wonder if my grandma did that!! I'm sure they will taste great.

  5. Excellent!! I'm so overcome by tomatoes right now that I haven't gotten around to the cucumbers yet even though they are a family favorite. Good for him for taking this on. I have no doubt the entire family will be singing his praises in 2 wks!!

  6. Very interesting points. Thanks!

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  7. I am really impressed that he took this on! Let us know how they turn out in a few weeks.

    My Mom used to make THE BEST dill pickles - lots of dill and lots of garlic - sooooo good!

  8. Homemade pickles are the best! Some Labor Day pickles, yum. We don't open ours until Thanksgiving because that's what our handed-down recipe says. It makes it all the more fun to open them that holiday week!

  9. We made these last week:

    They are amazing! Not dilly, but mustardy and a great way to use up zucchini. And your son might appreciate that you only have to wait one day to eat them!

  10. Your photos are awesome!! They bring back memories of canning at my grandmother's in the late 50s, wow was her kitchen hot!!
