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Friday, July 22, 2011

Weekend Knitting

Hi Knitters,
I have a winner for the Knit Noro book, Megan or Sugarlaneknits on Ravelry! Congratulations to Megan and thank you to everyone for entering. I already have another book picked out for the next giveaway so be sure to try your luck next time.
It has been a long week around here. My dearest, sweetest friend lost her long and hard battle with cancer this week.

I miss her already.

Knitting will help carry me through and occupy my mind just as it always has in the past during difficult times.

I'll share more specifics about my weekend knitting in the photos when I get back on my feet. Today I have had the wind knocked right out of me.
best, susie


  1. I am sorry to read, Susan, about your dear friend. I understand how it feels to lose such a valiant and wonderful woman to such a battle. Sending you a *hug* through here and my condolences to her dear ohana.
    I love that blue of the sweater in your basket. So pretty.
    Looking forward to working on my Coconut's Chloe E's dress and shoes.

  2. Susan, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. It's hard to lose someone, especially someone you're close to. You and her family are in my prayers.

    Rae Lynne

  3. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    I am so so sorry to hear about your friend!xo

  4. Oh Susie, I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. Dearest Susan,
    Prayers and thoughts for you and the family of your friend. Loss of a friend is difficult, take care of yourself.

  6. Sending you much love. Take care of yourself.

  7. Oh I am sorry. Sending good wishes your way.

  8. Remember the good times you had with her. It will be tough because out of the blue you will want to tell her something, go ahead, she'll be listening.

  9. Oh Susan, I'm so sorry for your loss. Keep your friend's memory close to your heart. I'll be sending good thoughts your way to help you in this difficult time.

  10. Sending love and hugs your way Susan. Take care.

  11. So sorry for your loss. Be gentle with yourself this weekend. ((hugs))

  12. I am so sorry about your friend.

  13. Prayers and thoughts to you during this time, Susan. It's a hard thing to wrap your heart and mind around.

  14. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Susie, I am sorry about the loss of your dear friend. It's not fair. I know it hurts. May you find strength and comfort from memories, friends and family, and your stitches. Cancer sucks! --Ramona

  15. Just hated hearing about the loss of your friend, Susan. Darn. Glad you have your knitting to comfort you. Sending healing-your-heart prayers your way.

  16. Hi Susan. I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you will find peace soon. Knitting has been my therapy during a difficult loss, so always have something to keep you hands and mind busy.


  17. I am so very sorry to read of your loss. Friends are so difficult to lose, because they are the family we have chosen for ourselves. Keep your good memories close, and take care.

  18. Susan, i am so sorry to hear this, my prayers are with you, but also for her grieving family, i am a fortunate survivor, i can't wlk but i thank god every day that i am here. i am sure God has a plan for the family, which we do not know what just yet. GOD BLESS YOU JOAN

  19. AnonymousJuly 23, 2011

    I think I understand how you feel right now having lost a dear friend of my own under similiar circumstances. I am very sorry for your loss--go softly and take it easy for a while. This is a hard one to get thru Andrea in TN

  20. Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. My prayer for you is that time passes quickly so that the pain fades and is replaced with memories filled with love. Keep your loved ones and your needles close. They will help you through this difficult loss.

  21. Thinking of you! May your knitting bring you peace during this difficult time! Thinking of your friend's family, too! Take care!

  22. Susie,

    I am so sorry to hear about your friend. You and her family will be in my thoughts and prayers.


  23. My heart goes out to you -I lost my best friend on February 14th, 2009, and not a day has passed that I haven't thought of her and missed her. You are in my thoughts and prayers.Hugs, Debbe

  24. So sorry to hear about your friend. Take care.

  25. So sorry for the loss of your friend, Susie! Even when you know it's coming, the heart is never quite prepared for such loss. You're in my thoughts...

  26. Susan, There are no words, but know we are all thinking about you and praying for your broken heart. The memories of your dear friend will help you heal.


  27. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Both my mother and mother-in-law have battled cancer and I know what a long, difficult road it can be. My thoughts are with you in this difficult time. Keep your fingers busy and try to focus on all the wonderful times you had together.

    ~ Paula

  28. Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. I know how you feel and I am sending thoughts and prayers your way as you deal with this profound grief. Losing a wonderful friend leaves a hole in your heart. jill

  29. Take care, Susan. You are in my thoughts. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  30. Know that you are loved. Also: you might enjoy reading (and they are available on unabridged audiobook, so you could knit while reading) the many wonderful books by Anne Lamott. Besides being hilarious, quirky, accessible, and having very short sections that don't require tons of concentration, she writes occasionally and poignantly about the loss of her best friend Pammy, I believe also from cancer. You might find it comforting, and much of what she explores in her books (creative writing, raising a family, exploring faith in unusual ways) probably would resonate for you.
    My own sister died at the age of 17, and yet she is present. Consider planting a rose bush for your friend, or something irrepressible like an ever-blooming hydrangea. When it blooms each spring and summer, your heart will thaw out after the long winter....

  31. I'm so sorry. I hope you find comfort in knowing that so many of us are thinking of you and your friend's family.

  32. Susan, I'm so sorry about the loss of your dear friend. I had the same experience a few years ago. The knowledge that I will see her again carries me through those difficult hours.

    Love and prayers....Nancy

  33. Susan, so sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers. Hugs.

  34. I am so sorry to hear of the difficult time you are going through. You are such a light to so many people, I hope that all of that light and love can come back to you and carry you through your sadness and heartache.

  35. Oh Susan,

    I am so sorry for your loss. So many of us know the deep sorrow of losing someone dear to cancer. Sending prayers of comfort and peace,


  36. I'm so sorry for your loss, Susan. Know that you are so loved by so many and we're all here supporting you.(((((((((Susan))))))))))))
    God bless you and your dear, dear friend.

  37. Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. I, too, am thankful for needlework to get me through so many things, but especially the emptiness I feel since losing my mom on Thanksgiving. I'll pray for your peace. Take care.


  38. so sorry to hear. *hugs* to you and prayers to the family.

  39. So sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and her family.

  40. I am so sorry for your loss,Susan.
    Love and hugs,Leslie

  41. I am very sorry for your loss. It is always hard, no matter how expected or awaited. Know she is in a better place, not suffer and you will once again see her. She is never far from you.

  42. So sorry about your friend. Many warm wishes to you as you go through this hard time.

  43. Give yourself time Susan. The healing will come, focus on the now, keep yourself busy, and she will make things easier for you in fond memories. Time will pass, and your heart will heal. Until then, turn to your family, your friends, and rejoice that her pain is over.

    Angel HUGS

  44. AnonymousJuly 24, 2011

    I am so sorry that you lost your dear friend. Debbieamy

  45. Hugs, love and prayers...

  46. Losing a friend is so hard. Be sure to be gentle with yourself, we all need that in hard times.

  47. Very sorry to hear of your loss. Dear friends are hard to come by. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

  48. So sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your friend's other loved ones.

  49. Susan, so sorry about your friend. Be kind to yourself and take the time you need.


  50. I'm so sorry Miss Susan {{Hugs}}

  51. Susan, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Thinking of you and her family!

  52. So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. May your sweet memories of her be a comfort. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  53. Oh, Susan, I am so sorry for your loss and your friend's family, too. May you all find comfort and peace knowing that so many hold you in their hearts and prayers.

  54. So sorry for your loss of your friend. I've asked the Universe to to ease the grief her family and friends are experiencing.

  55. Susan,
    So sorry to hear about your friend. Sending prayers and virtual hugs to you. Knitting is good therapy and will carry you through, I agree. Give yourself time to grieve and "be still", too. Thinking of you - Chris from Chicago.

  56. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Praying for you and her family.

  57. So terribly sorry to hear about your friend!! I pray that you will be comforted.

  58. I'm so sorry, Susan. :( Thinking of you as you heal.

  59. I was sorry to read your post dear friend. My sweet friend Lisa is batteling cancer and has decided on no more chemotherapy treatments. She has gone through 9 sessions and cannot take the mental anguish of more. I have been so sad, and have found myself knitting through my tears also. Sending love your way. Alison

  60. So sorry Susan for your loss.I know how it feels so lose a dear friend. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

  61. Susan, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. I will be praying for you and her family. I'm sending you hugs and positive thoughts your way :)
