Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Knit Those Mitts!

Edited to add on Jan. 3, 2011: The giveaway is now closed. No further entries are being taken. Thanks for entering and there will be another giveaway very soon.

Hi Knitters,
Well, those clever knitters at Vogue Knitting have done it again. They have compiled their best mitten and glove patterns in one spot. Vogue Knitting Mittens & Gloves is a wonderful collection of beautiful, fun, glamorous, practical knits to warm your hands. I am a mitten and glove girl all the way so to have all of my favorite patterns in one lovely book is a treasure to me.

Sometimes I read a review where someone will complain about patterns being republished from a magazine into a collection book like this one. Not me! I LOVE to have these collection books because all of my favorites are now in one simple place. I can't tell you how many times I earmark a pattern in a magazine and then I can't find the magazine with the pattern when I am actually ready to cast on. It is funny because a lot of the mittens gathered in this book are the exact mittens I have loved and wanted to knit from past issues of the Vogue Knitting.

For example, those cover mittens I have loved since they came out in the mitten issue of VK. I even have 3 skeins of Manos in a blush-y pink waiting for me to make these exact mittens. Now that I have this book in front of me I am going to whip these up!

Anyway, you will love this book to no end. Mittens and gloves are one of my favorite projects. They are little and practical and just plain fun!

Here are some of my favorites from the collection:
Rainy Day Finger Gloves are so sweet and fun.
Here are some really simple hand warmers. The book offers a huge range of projects from extremely simple to very complex which is a big bonus. There is something for everyone.
I love these gloves with just enough stitch detail to add a little interest but keeping the project fast and still simple.
There are charts, written line instructions, embroidery directions, clear patterns and schematics. These embroidered mitts are from one of my favorites, Kristin Nicholas. I still hope she is writing a mitten book! Please!
These are so gorgeous. Everything about them is perfect, the design, the colors, the picot edging. This pair is called Hugs and Kisses, designed by the extraordinary Tanis Gray, another of my favorites.
I remember this color block set from awhile ago. This is so fun and the mittens are glorious! I really want to make these, too. Yes to those.
And who can forget the cover shot from the VK mitten issue? Not me. Jared Floods' fantastic stitch work mittens are the best! I remember getting this magazine in the mail and just going crazy over these mittens. I am so happy to have this pattern in a book now. Thank you Vogue Knitting!
There are mittens that could be worn by kids and adults and everyone in between.

If you would like a copy of Vogue Knitting Mittens & Gloves please leave a comment on this blog post. Leave only one comment, please, and leave your email address or your Ravelry name so I can get in touch if you win. I will randomly select a winner in a few short days!

Good luck and I'll see you soon with a winner at hand!
best, susie


  1. This book looks awesome. I have not tried making mittens or gloves yet, but this book would definetly get me started.

    Mamsie on Ravelry

  2. I agree with you about having everything one easy location. I don't buy every issue of Vogue Knitting just the ones that appeal to me. This is a great book to have!


    Ravelry Name: Cora

  3. Wow, I would love to have this book. Happy New Year Susan!

  4. Susan G (griffgirls on rav)December 30, 2010

    Not possible that I am the first the post - I love mittens and have been dying to make the Jared Flood one fromthe cover shot at VK.

    THanks for the chance

  5. I think my favorite (that you showed at least) are the rainy day mitts! So cute :o)

  6. this looks like a great book! I currently crochet, but have interest in learning to knit.

  7. What a fabulous book! There is nothing I love more than hand knit mittens. Thank you for another wonderful giveaway.

  8. I'm a mitten lover too! This book of mitten collection would be so much fun.

  9. I absolutely would be thrilled with this! Fingers
    & toes are crossed! Happy New Year!!!
    Ravelry - lshep0818

  10. What a great giveaway! I love mittens, despite never having actually knit a pair. gidgettm@ravelry

  11. I love this book! The patterns look great :) Thanks again for another fab giveaway!
    Leanne Lunatic84 on rav

  12. Oooooo - that looks like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Thank you for such a wonderful opportunity! Gloves are just the right size that they provide a challenge to my skills and yet not so big that I never complete them. Happy New Year!

  14. I love mittens! I made a whole bunch of them for Christmas gifts and can never get enough.
    This is an awesome giveaway! Thank you!
    Melxcloud on Ravelry

  15. This is just the thing to brighten up these last few unbearable snow days here in New Jersey!

  16. Wow-I don't think I've ever been the firt to comment on a post! And I agree-it's really nice to have al collection all bound together in one volume-so kudos to both Vogue and to you for offering this!

  17. Oooo! I'd love to win a copy! I need mittens!

  18. Looks like a great collection - I'm like you - I enjoy having everything in one place, so I don't mind the reissued patterns! I also LOVE to knit mittens - one of my favorite things to knit!

  19. Those patterns look fantastic! I would love to enter. Rav ID: sewknittystar

  20. I love that Vogue Knitting compiled all its mittens and gloves into a volume/book. Looks like a lot of great patterns, too.
    enidb (ravelry)

  21. love the colors! would like to try the Hugs and Kisses!!!

  22. Looks like a great book and my hands are cold! Thanks for the give-away!

  23. Oh, my. I love mitten patterns. I love mittens. I love to wear mittens. I love to knit mittens. I love to give mittens as gifts. Get the picture or do should I go on? I would wear them in a box. And I would wear them with a fox. I would wear them in a house and with a mouse. I do so love my mittens that...
    I would knit a matching hat.....

  24. Mittens are some of my favorite things to make. Interesting yet quick; I'd love this book! Thanks for another great give-away!

  25. Oops! I think that I sent that goofy message without my name!
    Sara in WI

    Mea culpa....

  26. The colorblock set looks great! Thanks for having this great contest.

    Ravelry id: oiyi
    email: oiyi.yau(at) gmail (dot) com

  27. Oh these are amazing!!! I'd have to start with the easiest pattern and work my way up - but it's always good to have a goal! :)


  28. ooooh ... I'd like to knit some of these mitts. Thanks for the give away.
    Happy New Year!
    Ravelry: denim

  29. I was so inspired by the cover mittens those were the first pair I ever made. they came out gorgeous - I used sky blue malabrigo. i'd love to make them again in the manos yellow. Susan - i've made 14 of your hats so far!!~ rav: allgrace

  30. *raising hand* "pick me! pick me!"

    mmetzbower on Ravelry

  31. What a wonderful collection! Thank you for the giveaway! I have some yarn ready to knit up a new pair of mittens... hopefully with one of the patterns in this book!

  32. "pick me! pick me!" (raising hand)

    mmetzbower on Ravelry

  33. Some amazing mitts. Haven't tried mitts yet but I am sure this book would inspire be to try.

  34. Here in SD we need lots of mittens and gloves to keep our hands toasty during the cold winter months. This looks like a wonderful array of good knits.

  35. These are absolutely adorable! Sure would be a fun project to start!

  36. Thanks for your contests! I receive the interweave magazines but really like when they put out their books, putting together all of one type of item. Happy New Years Susan!

  37. Since I've dropped my VK subscription, these are all new to me!

    ElizabethDuke on Ravelry

  38. What a beautiful book and how nice of you to do this giveaway! Happy Holidays to all and Best of Luck!

  39. Would love to knit some mitts to keep our hands warm over the long cold New England winter! Thanks and Happy New Year!

  40. Speattle on RavelryDecember 30, 2010

    I have been on a mitten kick lately, and would love to win this book. Thanks for putting it out there for us.

  41. I heart Mittens and Gloves! Ravelry name: Knittnerd

  42. Talk about crazy mitten love. This would be perfect start.

    kanani on ravelry

  43. Love those pattern! Looks like a great way to get started!

    Kanani on ravelry

  44. I can't believe there aren't any comments for this awesome book yet! I would love it.

  45. Pick me pick me!!
    i would love to have a copy of that book! I love mittens too!!!

  46. Perfect! My plan for the year is to knit a bunch of something each month. January is scarves and February will be mittens and gloves so I'd love to have this book. Happy New Year!

  47. I'm knitting my first pair of mittens right now. I'd love to win this and get some new ideas! Thanks for the chance!

  48. Wow! I love all of these designs. If I had to pick though, I think the rainy day fingerless mitts are just perfect. Hoping to win!

    ~ Paula

    Rav Id: messiahkitty

  49. That looks like a Fabulous book! I'm like you Susan in liking the republishing of certain patterns in one book. I have the same problem with no being able to find something I marked in the past.

    Thanks for the giveaway! Have a great New Year!
    karsbliss (ravelry)

  50. Lovely designs. Thanks for your review.

    knitterofhats on Ravelry

  51. oh wow...add me to the list!

    Happy New Year's Eve-Eve Susan!

    ~ Kathy (Hillsboro, OR)

  52. Looks great.

  53. I love anything Vogue Knitting!

  54. very neat!
    ravelry: libbi-ilyse

  55. I would love this book!!
    lilarchergirl on Rav

  56. Love the pattern collection in this book. I think it's awesome to have so many great mitten patterns in one publication.
    Ravelry- plashus

  57. Love the collection of patterns in this book. I think it's great to have all the patterns in one publication. It gives people a chance to get the pattern who didn't get the magazine.

  58. Looks fantastic!

    saw50st8 on Ravelry

  59. Love the stripie ones :) Thanks for the chance to win :)

    kollerskrafts on Rav

  60. I love the patterns in this book. It's great to be able to get so many mitten pattens in one publication.

  61. This books looks like a wonderful resource. Happy knitting to you in 2011.

  62. I love this booklet! What great mittens!
    Jpeled on ravelry

  63. I'd love to have a copy! I'm addicted to mittens! Never done a pair for myself, only for the kids. About time to get me started!
    ravelry: sakni

  64. Oh what beautiful mittens. One can never have too many mittens, especially here in MN. The photos in the book look so beautiful, it makes me want to knit them all!

    heatherg7 (ravelry)

  65. Oh la la. Those patterns look delicious! I totally agree w/you about books vs. magazines - the same thing happens w/cooking magazines vs. cookbooks. Love the collection. Magazines are like a good preview of whether you want the book or not! or forevermore on Ravelry Happy New Year all!

  66. I'd love to win- thanks for hosting this!

    tullyfamily on Ravelry

  67. Me, Me, Me!! I love making mittens and would love to have this book. alyddall on Ravelry.


  68. Would love to add this book to my collection! Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!!!

    polishprincess on Ravelry

  69. What a nice book!! Happy New Year, Susan!!!

    Ravelry Name: Ashley42

  70. i ADORE mittens and gloves! that's my kind of book. :)

    captainsharmie on ravelry!

  71. I'm making thrummed mittens now and would LOVE this book. What a welcomed addition this woulb be to my knitting library.

  72. LOVE those colorblock mitts Susie! Thanks for another fantastic giveaway!!! Mi nombre en Ravelry... thedaviszoo

  73. I only recently got into gloves/mittens - love the fingerless ones - quick to make and very useful for car as well as metro. Looks like a great collection for all level knitters.

  74. A mitten book giveaway!?! How cool is that!?! Thanks Susan!

    Happy New Year to you and yours, hope 2011 is as wonderful as 2010!

    sauceyjill :)

  75. I love the mittens book. Thanks for offering this give-away!

    Jill Pickle

  76. One of my knitting missions this year is to make mittens!

  77. This book looks great. Any book from vogue is a must have.

  78. I love to make mittens! Please enter my name in your give-away.

    amyknit40 on raverlry

  79. Just what I need an entire book dedicated to mitten and gloves :)

    madaboutmatisse on rav

  80. I love all their mittens, would love this book :)
    knittingden on Ravelery (and my email is in my profile) ;-)

  81. What a great looking book! I love that it has embroidery directions! I also love mitts/mittens (haven't tried gloves yet).

    Ravelry = Twinmamalinda

  82. I love these patterns!

  83. Thank you for such an awesome give away!I absolutely love making mittens and and would love another book to add to my just budding pattern collection! :)

    Rav ID: renamichelle

  84. I love mittens! I haven't mastered the fingers on gloves, but this is the perfect time for me to start! Thanks Susan!

  85. After a year of sock knitting I think I could be talked into some new projects.


  86. My fingers are tingling with anticipation of warmth!!! Love that Vogue has collected such beauties!

    Yogasuze on Rav.

  87. I'm doing the 11 mittens in 2011 challenge and it would be awesome to have this book. I especially love the harvest mittens. MadMartiKnits on rav.

  88. I love knitting mitts, aspire to knit more mittens, and plan on tackling my first glove! Thanks for the review and the giveaway! I'm paksenarrion on Rav.

  89. I would love to win a copy of this book. I get cold easily so having lovely things to put over my hands would be great!

    prymnumber on Ravelry

  90. Oh I would definitely love to win this one!

  91. what a fun looking book! i love knitting mittens and gloves, but never get around to making some for myself. if i somehow win this, maybe those rainy day mitts will be mine!

  92. I get so over whelmed by the mass amounts of patterns for mittens & gloves! Having the best of the best in one book would be just what I need to start a new love with knitting!

  93. Knitting mittens is like eating potato chips - who can stop at one (pair)? The book looks like fun.
    JeannieBeanie on Ravelry

  94. What a great book! I love gloves and mittens!!
    Thanks for the review and giveaway!!

    IknitCupcakes on Ravelry

  95. I so want to make the hugs & kisses mitts!

  96. I can tell it is a fabulous book!! There are several family members i need to make them for (my kiddos included ;)). Happy early New Year, Susan!!

  97. funnily, i seem to have developed a mitten obsession this season, so this would be a pleasure to win! here's hoping!

  98. This book has so many great patterns! Thanks for the awesome giveaway, as always!! :)

    raelynne01 on Ravelry

  99. Oh, I too have loved many of those mittens and would like the book so they are all together. anncrafts on ravelry.

  100. Would love this book! I, too, have made lots of mittens and fingerless mitts, but not a full pair of gloves. I have some great stash yarn waiting...

  101. Mittens are my favorite thing to make for gifts, but mostly for myself! I love all of them you showed, thanks for the chance to win such a great book.
    Ravatar: smozerose

  102. Would love this one. What a great generous way to start the new year! Thanks so much!1

  103. OOh, OOh, me please!! These designs are so vibrant!

  104. I would LOVE to have this book - I am a mitten addict! I wear them as soon as it gets even slightly cold in the fall because I love them so much.
    I'm AbbyEBee on Ravelry.

  105. You can never have too many mittens with a family of 6 in Salt Lake City! Happy New Year Susan!

    Ewequeen on Ravelry

  106. I love the rainy day finger gloves!

  107. I love these patterns. I would love to have this book!

  108. This is the first year I've felt the need for any kind of hand-warmer-upper other than a hot cup of coffee or cocoa. It hit me suddenly as I was out walking, so I picked up a pair of cheapo gloves at the dollar store.

    I guess it's a combination of global warming and some very local aging *sigh*.

    I'd love this book to inspire and guide me while I replace those $ store uglies. I need a set of wristers, gloves and mittens to finish out this winter, and a wide selection to start me off next winter. Thanks for the giveaway.

  109. I too love all these Vogue mittens and gloves. Hope I win!

  110. I am completely smitten with the red gloves. Great book.

    valeriechristine on ravelry

  111. OOOoooo - there are some lovely patterns I would love to try.
    Excellent book review.

    Ravelry: Positivepolly

  112. This book is just what I need with the weather we have been having I love having the best of everything in one place Happy New Year

  113. What a wonderful collection! Thanks for the giveaway!

  114. Looks like a gorgeous collection!

  115. Love, love, love to make mittens!

  116. love, love, love to make mittens!

  117. Love these, looks like it could be a lot of fun to knit up!

  118. I love knitting mittens. I don't have the patience for knitting large projects, but I love knitting mittens and hats. This book looks great! :-)

  119. Would love a copy of the book.

    rmusso on ravelry

  120. Looks like lots of fun - I've always wanted to knit mittens but have never gotten around to it!

  121. WOW!! I am so excited about this book and a chance to win.
    2011 Is going to be about mitts for me and for Christmas presents next year.


  122. What a wonderful book. So hard to choose just one favorite.

  123. I would love to have this book I was just admirering it at my LYS

  124. Wow! Looks like a great book. Thanks for the review! Those Jared Flood mittens are to-die-for!
    Ravelry Name: bgiger

  125. Truly I am speechless...this is the best mitten collection ever! I think I would seriously be thrilled beyond thrilled to win this book!!!! Kim in Madison

  126. I'm such a vanilla knitter. Perhaps this book would help me spice up my knitting!

    Happy New Year. Looking forward to another year of your thoughts & your knitting.


  127. It is very cold here. I need lots of mittens.
    BonnieD on ravelry

  128. I would love this book. BonnieD on ravelry

  129. This is a fabulous looking book. I love having a book with everything together instead of trying to find the issue with the item you know you saw. It is just as bad when you see something from an older issue and find out that is the only issue you don't have! I love books!

  130. I saw this book at my LYS today and I would love to win it! Thank you for another great giveaway!

  131. love! i could use some inspiration!

    ravelry- hidee

  132. Oooo, looks like a great book -- love anything Vogue ;).


    EveningStarDust on Ravelry

  133. Oh wow, I'd love to win this book...but I think I'm going to have to buy it if I don't!!
    Victoria13 on Rav.

  134. Love it!!! So many cool mitten patterns to chose from! Thanks for offering a fabulous giveaway!
    greenlady on ravelry

  135. This book looks awesome! I've been wanting to try making mittens and this would be a great inspiration. Happy New Year!
    KLCknit on Ravelry

  136. Susan, I too love Vogue! So classy, so elegant, so feminine! Beautiful book! I am also awaiting your next book! My best to you in 2011!


  137. Incredible creations! Not for the faint of heart or needles:)

  138. AMazing mittens-I don't know if I have enough hands to wear all of the ones I would want to make.

    Cornell77 on Ravelry

  139. Cynthia in NCDecember 30, 2010

    I also think the idea of the patterns together in a book is a great idea. This looks like a wonderful book. It would be a true inspiration. Thanks for a great give-away.

  140. What a beautiful collection!! I would love this book.

    Ravelery name: Acornknitster

  141. The book looks great. Thanks for the contest. Happy New Year from Green Bay!! Go Badgers.

    sandyw on Ravelry

  142. I am halfway through my first colorwork mitten, and it's really interesting. I'd love the book.

    -CateMary on rav

  143. Oh...I'm in love with this book! Love knitting mittens...BK really has had some excellent mitten patterns~thanks for the post... I'm going to look for this book.

    Cornchowder on ravelry~

  144. Wow! This book looks amazing. I would love to own a copy. Thanks!

  145. Great mittens!!


  146. those are really special patterns...Susan !!!!!!!

  147. really sweet patterns.....

    gma-coogs on Ravelry
    HAPPY NEW YEARS 2011 !!!!!!!!

  148. I want to make the fingerless gloves with the trees! Pick me, please! Happy new year! Stephanie or indigodogmt on Ravelry

  149. lincannon@comcast. net says that book is awesome, with some neat and wow designs. What a great gift.

  150. I do love me some mittens (and Bob knows that I need to make some)!

    ~ Renee (aka "renny1780")

  151. I've recently been bitten by the mitten bug. I would LOVE this book. Thanks for hosting this lovely contest!

  152. Love the Hugs and Kisses mittens! They are so pretty. This book looks fantastic.

    ljgreenlaw on Ravelry

  153. What a great compilation of patterns. All I need is the book and some hot cocoa and cold weather to jump start me. Thanks for the opportunity to dream of fun projects for early 2011.

  154. I would love this book!!!

  155. Oh another great giveaway! I would love to make these mittens!

  156. I've become obsessed with gloves. I made a couple fingerless mitts, and now I'm working on a pair of cabled mittens. Slowly working my way up to fingers and more complicated patterns. I'd love to try knitting these fun gloves!

  157. Just got back from a trip to wintry Ohio and am all revved up to knit some cute mittens! I would love to win this book.

  158. I would love this book. Oh I want it. I love mittens. Luck be a lady tonight........

  159. Oh if only I could win this book, I will get started in january with the christmas presents for next year!

  160. I have been eyeing this book lately....So many people have been posting about it !!!!

    The patterns look superb ! It's funny though, because most of the patterns you posted are MY personal favorites !!!

  161. Love these! Coloured and funny ideas!
    have you a great 2011!!

  162. My family has suggested that perhaps they hav enough hats but that their hands are cold...
    Thanks for offering this great book!
    --socbaker (ravelry)

  163. These are great! I would love to make lots of them, especially the really colorful ones.
    Ravelry name: sardispar

  164. Wow! What a fantastic book to have!
    Would love to have a copy!

  165. I am so excited about this book! You make it sound wonderful, and I certainly trust your judgment, Susan. Thanks for this opportunity. pattytrish (ravelry)

  166. I've always wanted to make Jared's cover mitten, but couldn't get the Vogue issue. This book solves that problem!

    vtnitter on Rav

  167. ooh, i'd love to win! kmvdvm on ravelry :)

  168. Please pick me!!

    Happy New Year!!

  169. Wow! I'm just getting into knitting mittens and would love to try some of those!!! Thanks for the giveaway - I really enjoy your blog! - happylabs on rav.

  170. I love the embroidered mittens! Cute!

  171. Adorable embroidered mittens!

  172. artsluvr on ravelryDecember 31, 2010

    Love the rainy day mitts but don't know about knitting all the fingers..Would love to try though

  173. carol from destinDecember 31, 2010

    I would "glove" to win this Vogue collection...I'd be much happier "mitt-em" than "mitt-out em" Thanks for the chance, Susie!

  174. Wow! That looks like a great book! Count me in and thank you!

  175. Wow, one of my New Year's resolutions is to learn to knit gloves!

  176. I knit 4 pairs of mittens and/or fingerless mitts for Christmas gifts and I said I sick and tired of mittens, that I wouldn't do another pair for a year... but this book and your post makes them look appealing to me again!
    nassau on ravelry

  177. I LOVE making mittens and gloves!!! What a grand book!

  178. My daughter told all the kids in her dorm that her mother made her fingerless gloves so now I'm here knitting away for her friends...this book looks fantastic!

  179. The book appears lovely. I've never tried making gloves or mittens but want to try.

    Sabrab on ravelry

  180. Oooh this book is wonderful!! I am just starting to knit mittens - this would be a great book to have! Thanks for the chance to win it :)

    mmg883 on ravelry

  181. Awesome! This would be a great addition to me knitting library, which isn't all that big yet :(

  182. My birthday is January 1st!!!! This would be a good birthday present!

    KathleenRuttum on ravelry.

  183. Owning any VK book would be a jewel in my bookcase...hoping to win....

  184. Thanks for the "heads up" about the book. Lots of gorgeous mittens & gloves! I've loved that Jared Flood pattern since I first saw it. Interestingly, the international edition of that issue didn't have Jared's mittens on the cover. (Crazy idea, I know).

    Happy New Year!

    ozknitter AT gmail DOT com

  185. Wonderful book for a giveaway! Happy New Year!

    simplescrapper on Ravelry

  186. I made my first gloves this Christmas! And I'm hooked! Can't wait to make more, so this little find would be a great resource! Hope I win!

  187. (I hope this isn't a duplicate comment ~ I apologize if it is!)

    This is a wonderful book for a giveaway ~ Happy New Year!

    simplescrapper on Ravlery

  188. Love the mittens! A whole book of them would be awesome!


  189. Throwing my name into the hat (or mitten, I guess).

    Great giveaway - thanks, Susan!

    JenInProgress on Ravelry

  190. That book is perfect, I would love to make a set of gloves.

    Tiedinyarn on Ravelry

  191. I too love making mittens and gloves. They are the perfect portable project for me to take to work...I'm a flight attendant. I'd love to own this book!
    knc on ravelry

  192. I would love to try the patterns offered in the book. Thanks fo the chance to try them!!! Andrea in TN

  193. Wow what an awesome book. I don't usually fall in love with books because there are to many things that I don't want to make, but all of these pictures are so cute.

  194. I haven't tried mittens before but those look mighty inspiring!

  195. Just trying to make some mittens lately. This book looks like a must have! Thanks for the giveaway!

    nittykat on Ravelry.

  196. This book looks great! I have 5 children so we are always needing mitts around here. Oh pick me please, lol.

    Heather Crawford

  197. happy new year! my new year's resolution....organize all my this book would be great!
    collegeville, pa

  198. The mittens are awesome! I'd love the book!
