Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Monday, October 18, 2010

Campus Knitting

Hi Knitters,
Miss Molly (my son's girlfriend) has finished yet another hat. This time she made a hat for her dad. She knits in between her studies, work and fun. I can't even say how much I love her newfound interest in knitting. She is already onto her next project, another scarf.
It turned out so great. She learned the purl stitch and completed all of the decreasing for the top of the hat on her own, even mastering double-pointed needles. She just jumps right in. I love these photos they sent me of the new hat. We made up the pattern together specifically to fit her dad's head but you can see that it fits Molly and... fits my son's head as well. We like our hats long in this neck of the woods so our ears are generously covered. It gets cold here. Molly made the hat out of Spud & Chloƫ Sweater in the Turtle colorway using one skein with a little leftover. It is such a good, rich green. I am half tempted to write this simple pattern up as a free pattern on my Spud says! blog. It's a good and versatile hat. Molly's dad loves his new hat and has already been wearing it I hear. What a good and fun thing.

You can see the campus at the UW-Madison in the background of these shots. It has been a beautiful fall here in Madison, all pleasantly warm and sunny. Here is another fun knitting feature taking place on campus:

A professor from the textile department came to the Madison Knitters Guild last month to get people to help knit garter stitch scarves for covering a bus stop shelter on State Street. She got a great response. I didn't get to see the work of art in person but I heard it was fantastic.

Another Madison-related topic is the Knitcircus giveaway I hosted on the Itty-Bitty Knits forum on Ravelry. I've randomly selected two winners.
Winner #1: Ravelry ID: flowerpot2
Flowerpot2 has won the Knitcircus Gift Issue pattern collection!
Winner #2: Ravelry ID: JaimeK
JaimeK has won a year subscription to Knitcircus!

Congratulations to both winners. I need your email addresses to forward on to Jaala Spiro so she can send you your prizes. You can email me or send me a pm on Ravelry with your information.

Thanks to everyone who entered.
Happy Monday!
best, susie


  1. That's a great hat. I'd love it if you posted the pattern. :OD

  2. Yes, please write up the pattern! In your spare time, of course, LOL!

  3. The hat is great. I am so glad that you mentioned that you could see the campus in the background. I am an "old" Badger and I realized exactly where they took the photos. Such fun to see! Thanks

  4. Hi Susan. The hat is really cute. I third the request! It would be great if you could put up a pattern whenever you find a chance :)

  5. cute girl and a cute hat! would love to have the hat pattern posted!

  6. What a good job she did and how cute it looks on her and your son. Awesome how Madison loves yarn and shows it proudly.

  7. Cute hat and even cuter girl and your son is a cutie, too! I'm so impressed with her knitting skills - awesome that she's figured out the pattern on her own. I aspire to the same thing (eventually!) Maybe this hat pattern would be just the ticket.

    p.s. Just curious, but do you knit in the 'continental style' or 'the other way' (I don't know what that is called?) Thanks.

  8. I love that simple hat.....I think I could figure it out but would still love to see a pattern. Color is great too! Thanks to Molly!

  9. Gorgeous, would love the pattern

  10. This is a great hat! I hope you post the pattern!!

  11. The yarn bombing is awesome! Love it!

    I would love to see the pattern for the Dad hat. I know it would be a hit up here in Canada and since I have several men in the family all wanting a warm ear covering hat, this one would be perfect!.

  12. I'd love it if you posted the hat pattern. I have a feeling my husband will like this hat better than the one I knit for him last year.

