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Friday, September 17, 2010

A Fine Fall Day

Hi Knitters,
Thank you all for entering the book giveaway. Congratulations goes out to the randomly selected winner of the Ohio Knitting Mills Knitting Book:

Blogger the chanses said...

Be still my heart! I would love this book!
September 14, 2010
The Collector and I took a glorious hike through our neighborhood conservancy last week and I thought I would share the highlights of our time together.
A peek of fall.
The loss of summer.
The wheat grass taller than tall.
Apples bursting on a crystal blue sky.
The secret lace sprinkled path,
Leads us to our tiny, peaceful park.
The ancient teeter-totter once again.
A better view can't be found.
A good squeeze of a squishy little hand.
Nature's other snowflakes brighten the path.
Gorgeous greens and crunchy browns, mixed.

Have a beautiful fall weekend.
best, susie


  1. What a beautiful day, and your surroundings are simply lovely!

    Congratulations to the winner of the book!!

  2. Oooooooooh, what a stroll. It's as if I was there with you. Thanks for the pictures of a wonderful stroll.

  3. Did you make that sweater that TC is wearing? Very cute, beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing.

  4. What a lovely post!

  5. Oh I love that park! I need to take my kids there more often.

  6. What a wonderful day at the park. So nice you and TC spend girl time together.

    Love TC's sweater. The colors are wonderful. Did you make it?

  7. I love the hand-holding pic of you two. What a lovely day for the two of you.

  8. I love the teeter-totter, in the UK it's called a seesaw!

  9. I love these posts from you. Sentiments on a daughter and the changing of seasons, both touch my heart as the mother of a daughter and a Midwest transplant struggling without true seasons in southern cal.

  10. Beautiful post, Susie! A special momma/daughter memory!

  11. I love to see your knitting but these little family "snapshots" are what I love best about reading your blog.
