Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Monday, August 02, 2010

A Winner and Links!

Hi Knitters,
I have fired up the random number generator and the winner of the Debbie Bliss book is:

Blogger Ingrid said...

I would love to knit up a few things for my little guy! You and Debbie Bliss are my favorites! What a fabulous give-away. Thanks.
August 01, 2010
Congratulations to Ingrid!!! Check out Ingrid's website here. She is a quilter amongst other talents and I see she has some fun instructional videos as well.

I have been working on my Slinky Ribs sweater (you can see it on the arm of the chair in the first photo). Now I feel like it is just starting to taking shape. It has been slooooow going but I am making progress. I love the yarn, Elsebeth Lavold's Silky Wool. I don't know why but this has seemed like it is taking me forever. I think I am going to absolutely love this sweater when it is done. The stockinette stitch body is moving a little faster.

Next I have decided to work on a large needle sweater so I can have an instant gratification project going. I am making this with this yarn in Bark. It will be a big needle quickie project. Can't wait to start. The yarn is wound and at the ready!
This weekend was the Madison area All-City Swim Meet where thousands of swimmers converge on one of the local pools and take over for several days. It was fun and crowded and hot! Next year our neighborhood pool is the host for this enormous event. My husband and I are already signed up for work duties. It is a huge undertaking.

Instead of packing my rooster bag with my knitting I reloaded this bag I made a year or two ago. This was one of the first bags I ever sewed. The pattern is from this fantastic little book by Lexie Barnes. I added a bunch of my own embellishments and used up lots of fabric bits and pieces. I got so many compliments on this funny little tote bag at the swim meet.

While I was at the swim meet I saw this bike with a crochet seat cover. I took a couple of photos with my phone to share but I am having trouble getting the photos to load on my computer. I'll keep trying so you can see it. I think I might have to do something like this on my bike. I loved it.

Note: Edited later to add the photos thanks to my son!!!
Isn't that cool?
I really love the idea of a knit bike seat cover now. Must add it to the list.
Back to the bag. It is completely reversible but I always keep it to this side for some reason. You should make one of these! I would make the straps a smidgen longer than in the pattern and maybe add another pocket on one of the sides. I have used the basic concept of this bag over and over again to make all kinds of tote bags of differing sizes. I love how the appliques are wearing and fraying on the edges.
I have a few fun links to share today.
I started following this adorable and creative blog called Mila's Daydreams. TC loves it, too.
I am thinking about making these granola bars this afternoon! Yum!
I feel like I could really do this kind of thing for a scarf. Do you think you could? My bet is that most wouldn't like all of the I-cord.
I LOVE Mel's blog and she has loads of top-notch free patterns AND tutorials! Do you read this already? If not you should add it to your list. Mel Clark is a fun read!
Check out this free hat pattern. It is adorable and would be perfect for Spud & Chloƫ Outer!
I bookmarked this site and can't stop looking at the gorgeous colorways. It is tempting.

Okay, that's enough for now. I have received a couple more terrific books from Interweave to review and to host a giveaway! Very exciting stuff. I will be offering these giveaways fairly soon. Thanks to all who entered the Debbie Bliss book giveaway.

I also was invited to contribute a design to an incredibly fun and cool book last week. I am pretty excited about this one. I will tell you more when I can, you will all want this book for sure. I need to get my design sketches in to the authors this week (like today).

Have a great start to your week!
best, susie


  1. I was just thinking about knitting with I-cord again today. Of course I knit mine on the cranky-cranky and felt it first! :)

    Also love your bag and that hex scarf. Wish I enjoyed crochet more.

  2. Cheryl BachAugust 02, 2010

    I love your tote bag! That would be a perfect bag to keep knitting projects!

  3. Lover your bag. Now I need to get sewing. I've been making my own project bags but not totes.

  4. Congratulations to Ingrid. I love her website. I can see she will be making lots of cute things from Debbie's book. Her before and after picture's are a riot.

  5. Love your bag and the frayed edges, too! I just visited Mila's Daydream blog and love it! I'm fascinated with her creativity in those photos! Amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I just want to say thank you for the links! You know how sometimes you feel a little flat - Ravelry not as inspiring as usual, the knitting going fine, but no real spark? Well, you just cured me! Thanks especially for the link to Mel Clark's blog. I have her book (Knit 2 Together) and like her a lot, but hadn't discovered her blog yet. I think I just faved about 2 dozen patterns - from South Seas and Pickles and probably someone else besides. You made my day!

  7. This has got to stop. You keep introducing me to new websites and I keep adding them to my gotta read list! It's hard enough to find time to knit as it is!

  8. thanks for the link to Mila's daydreams! That is a fantastic site.

    We have a grand-daughter who will be born around Thanksgiving. Her mom, (my daughter), will love this site.

  9. thats hilarious that you found that mila's daydream blog the same time i did! i found it on facebook, one of my friends posted it. its adorable isn't it? and i love your purse. very adorable

  10. Thanks for posting so many links. It's such a fun way to find out about new stuff. I live your bag and it gives me ideas for some of my own.

  11. Thanks for posting so many links. It's such a fun way to find out about new stuff. I live your bag and it gives me ideas for some of my own.
