Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Hi Knitters,
I have been one happy and busy knitter. I really thought I would launch into a bunch of other crafts this summer but I have absolutely fallen in love with my knitting all over again. I literally can't get enough. So I will keep going with what is giving me so much fulfillment. I have been toting my rooster bag all over town, high and low and just around my house wherever I end up sitting.

I know I will get asked about the tote so here goes:
I sewed the Rooster Tote last winter.
I made up the pattern on the fly.
I bought 2 rooster kitchen towels at William Sonoma at Christmas time for the outside of the tote.
The red fabric is from Spool.
The natural cotton for the lining is from Jo Ann's.
I emptied it out this morning and I thought I would do a quick show and tell.
On the bottom of the bag is the sock I started knitting while I was on tour last fall. Don't you love how the ball of yarn looks hand-wound? It is wound in color sections. I just like looking at the ball while I work. It is awesome.
The free pattern for the sock is right here! I modified by doing the foot in stockinette stitch. I am at the toe! The yarn is called Zauberball and I bought mine at The Wool Cabin. Call them and they'll send you a ball, too. Here's their phone number and tell the ladies that Susan says hello:


Next up, I have the Citron packed up in my Sew Bendy bag (these are the best little project bags for sale on etsy) so the lace yarn doesn't get tangled.
I bought 2 skeins of the Malabrigo Lace yarn in the Sealing Wax colorway right here at the Sow's Ear. They had a lot of colors when I was there. Give them a call and they'll send you some, too:
Phone: (608) 848-2755
Spud & Chloƫ in Grape Jelly (it's new!) is simply a gorgeous colorway. I mean just look at that yummy yarn. I am in the midst of doing lots of research and experimentation.
I'll keep you posted on the progress and talk more specifically later... I am having so much fun with this. You can buy your own Grape Jelly right here! You will have your yarn in a couple of days.
I am making good progress with my Slinky Ribs sweater. It looks teeny tiny because of the ribbing but when you stretch it out it measures right on the mark. Love it.
The yarn is an oatmeal color in Elsebeth Lavold's Silky Wool which I have had in my stash for many years. I have a lot of this yarn stashed in a couple of different colors for some reason.

I have become obsessed with knitwear designer, Jane Richmond! She is insanely good and I have purchased a few of her patterns. You have to check her out. She'll knock your socks off. Plus she makes a gorgeous model to boot! I will share more about her projects when I start knitting them up.

Gotta run out the door!
best, susie


  1. I made a Slinky Ribs and when people asked what I was making and I said "a sweater" they wanted to know if it was for one of my kids (3 and 6). But it ends up fitting great and I loved the sleeve construction.

  2. So is your Sew Bendy a "tucks" or a "knit dittie"?

  3. AnonymousJuly 14, 2010

    I love seeing what projects you are working on! I always get such great inspiration from you. Those Sew Bendy bags are great. I love mine for sock projects. Boy, I'm not really a purple person, but that Spud and Chloe just might convert me. Really beautiful!

  4. Looks like your experiment is a yoke sweater. Am I right? Gosh I can't wait to see what sort of sweater greatness you will come up with.

  5. Wow, what a great recommendation for a designer. I just read her entire blog and favorited a bunch of patterns on Ravelry. Great find!

  6. You fit all of that in there? Wow!

  7. Amybel- yes! all of that easily fits in my rooster tote! It is a big bag!

    KatJobson - i have both Tuck and Knit Ditties and I prefer the Knit Ditty. I love them both but the Tuck is longer and narrower and I like the more open top of the ditty. It is just personal preference. You will love that little bag if you get one.


  8. Hey Susan I love the socks and the yarn!! Id love to knit an elephant in those colours, it would match up so well with one of my childhood favourite picture books 'Elmer'. She was a very brightly coloured elephant that couldnt fit in with the other grey elephants. Ah the possibilities, must add this yarn to my stash!!!

  9. All of your projects are amazing. I am in love with that Zauerball yarn. What a great idea for the bags made out of the towels from Williams and Sonoma! Fun stuff...

  10. I knit my daughter some gauntlets out of the Zauerball. They look fantastic. I have bought another ball so I might have to make some socks for myself.

  11. A little bird told me she'd discovered my designs because you'd mentioned me on your blog... I nearly fell off my chair! Thank you for your kind words, it means a lot coming from such an uber talented lady!
